
2013-04-29 00:44:03丫丫
新东方英语 2013年7期


美剧《新闻编辑室》(The Newsroom)是美国HBO电视网于2012年6月推出的一部剧集,由美国金牌编剧艾伦·索金(Aaron Sorkin)创作。该剧目前第一季已完结,今年7月将开始播放第二季。《新闻编辑室》的故事围绕虚构的亚特兰大有线电视台(ACN)《晚间新闻》栏目的制作团队展开。该团队成员坚持不做迎合观众的新闻,而是履行新闻工作者的职业操守,坚持播观众该知道的新闻真相,拒绝沦为某些利益集团的舆论工具。该剧每一集聚焦一个对美国社会产生重大影响的真实事件,算得上是了解美国社会问题的一个窗口。剧中的男主角Will McAvoy是资深新闻主播,虽然性格飞扬跋扈、刚愎自用,但针砭时弊总能一针见血,受到观众的喜爱。然而,为了保住节目的收视率,Will渐渐放弃了做真正新闻的理想,而更多的是插科打诨地播一些迎合观众的新闻。幸好他的上司Charlie Skinner为他请来了能激发他潜能的执行制片人——Will的前女友MacKenzie McHale,才把他拉回到做新闻的正道上。MacKenzie总能在Will思想动摇时与之争辩,Will表面上不服气,内心却十分重视她的意见。在两人的倾力合作下,《晚间新闻》团队开始独辟蹊径,突破重重障碍,走上了一条真正的新闻报道之路。下面我们就来学习一下这些媒体精英们的睿言智语吧!

1 Quotes from the episode "We Just Decided to"

Will: This isnt nonprofit theater. Its advertiser-supported television.

Mackenzie: You know that, right? Id rather do a good show for 100 people than a bad one for a million, if thats what youre saying.

Remarks: 面对为了收视率而放弃新闻梦想的Will,Mackenzie当面予以抨击,慷慨激昂地给Will“上起了课”。Will表面上不服气,内心却被这位心怀梦想的女强人给说动了。

2 Quotes from the episode "The 112th Congress"

Will: The reason we failed isnt a mystery. We took a dive ([拳击赛中]假倒,此处指“不择手段”) for the ratings…. From this moment on, well be deciding what goes on our air and how its presented to you based on the simple truth that nothing is more important to a democracy than a well-informed electorate (选民)…. Well be the champion of facts and the mortal enemy of innuendo (暗讽,贬损), speculation, hyperbole (夸张法), and nonsense. Were not waiters in a restaurant serving you the stories you asked for just the way you like them prepared. Nor are we computers dispensing only the facts because news is only useful in the context of humanity.

Remarks: 在Mackenzie的影响下,Will决定变革《晚间新闻》栏目的风格。他在直播新闻时向观众致歉,并承诺要改变栏目目前缺乏实质内容、只会哗众取宠的现状,努力将之打造为一个向观众揭示真相而非单纯迎合观众口味的新闻栏目。

3 Quotes from the episode "The 112th Congress"

Charlie: We did the news.

Leona: For the left?

Charlie: For the center.

Leona: Are you fucking out of your mind?

Charlie: For the center, Leona. Facts are the center. Facts. We dont pretend that certain facts are in dispute to give the appearance of fairness to people who dont believe them. Balance is irrelevant to me. It doesnt have anything to do with truth, logic, or reality.

Remarks: Charlie的老板Leona指责重组后的《晚间新闻》报道阻碍了公司与国会及其他利益集团的合作时,一手策划重组的Charlie指出了做新闻的立场:媒体人要站在中立的立场上来做新闻,做新闻是要向观众揭示真相,而不是去寻求平衡。

4 Quotes from the episode "Ill Try to Fix You"

Reese: CNN, MSNBC, and FOX say shes dead.

Mackenzie: Theyre all going off the same NPR report. Im not satisfied.

Reese: I dont give a shit if youre satisfied.… Every second youre not current, 1,000 people are changing the channel to the guy who is. Thats the business youre in. MSNBC, FOX, and CNN all say shes dead. Don, tell him.

Don: Its a person. A doctor pronounces her dead, not the news.

Remarks: 虽然作为电视台高管的Reese为了抢收视率一再下令播一条未经证实的新闻,但所有团队成员都不为所动。如何做新闻才能揭示真相?《晚间新闻》团队告诉我们:不为了收视率而盲目跟风报道,没有可靠的信息来源便不信口开河,尊重每一个个体生命是每一个新闻人必须具备的素养。

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