1959年,意大利导演Pietro Francisci拍摄了影片Hercules Unchained,表现了一个希腊神话传说中的英雄逃离奴役的故事。1966年,另一位意大利导演Sergio Corbucci拍摄了影片Django,据说是截至当时最为暴力的影片之一,以至于1993年才获准在英国播放。2012年,一位美籍意大利导演从两部电影中攫取灵感,创作了电影《被解救的姜戈》(Django Unchained),这位导演就是“电影鬼才”昆汀·塔伦蒂诺(Quentin Tarantino)。
影片《被解救的姜戈》讲述了美国南北战争前,一位叫姜戈(Django)的黑人奴隶解救被奴役的妻子,最终两人重获自由的故事。对于这样一部主旋律影片,展现道义的力量本应是最主要的,但它的导演是塔伦蒂诺,一个拍摄出像《杀死比尔》(Kill Bill)这样血腥影片的人。若要把这部影片拍得像《空军一号》(Air Force One)或者《逃离德黑兰》(Argo)那样正儿八经就好比剪掉了他灵感的翅膀。他和吴宇森一样,都是为暴力美学而生的。在他的影片里,道义与血腥同飞。
据塔伦蒂诺自己说,这部影片要体现两大特色,即spaghetti western (意大利人摄制的美国西部片)和deep south (美国南方腹地)。于是我们在影片中既能看到策马扬鞭、拔枪对射、私刑仇杀等典型西部片的标签式镜头,也能在庄稼园、棉花地以及语法混乱、口音古怪的英语中感受从蛮荒向文明过渡的美国南方特色。无论从听觉还是视觉来说,这部片子都让人感觉很刺激。
1858年某天夜里,得克萨斯州某处,黑人奴隶姜戈被奴隶贩子Speck兄弟从格林维尔拍卖场买下,正被押往不知名的目的地。他们蹒跚的脚步和咣啷作响的铁链突然停下,一个驾着马车的人出现在阴森的黑夜里。这个人举止古怪,说话带着浓重的德国口音,马车上竟然竖着一颗巨大的牙齿。他就是牙医Dr. King Schultz,正是他后来解救了姜戈,并改变了姜戈,可谓姜戈的教父。但此刻他并不是为了姜戈而来,他不过是来找认识Brittle三兄弟的人,而恰巧姜戈认识他们。
Django: What kinda dentist are you?
Schultz: Despite that cart, I havent practiced dentistry in five years. These days, I practice a new profession—bounty (赏金) hunter. Do you know what a bounty hunter is?
Django: No.
Schultz: Well, the way the slave trade deals in human lives for cash, a bounty hunter deals in corpses (死尸). The state places a bounty on a mans head. I track that man, I find that man, I kill that man. After Ive killed him, I transport that mans corpse back to the authorities. Sometimes thats easier said than done. I show that corpse to the authorities, proving yes indeed, I truly have killed him, at which point the authorities pay me the bounty. So, like slavery, its a flesh-for-cash business.
Django: Whats a bounty?
Schultz: Its like a reward.
Django: You kill people and they give you a reward?
Schultz: Certain people, yeah.
Django: Bad people?
Schultz: Ah! Badder they are, bigger the reward! Which brings me to you. And I must admit that Im at a bit of a quandary (左右为难的窘境) when it comes to you. On one hand, I despise slavery. On the other hand, I need your help. If youre not in a position to refuse, all the better. So for the time being, Im gonna make this slavery malarkey (蠢话) work to my benefit. Still, having said that, I feel guilty. So, I would like the two of us to enter into an agreement. Im looking for the Brittle Brothers. However Ive had this endeavor, Im at a slight disadvantage, in so far as I dont know what they look like. But you do, dont ya?
Django: I know what they look like, all right.
Schultz: Good. So heres my agreement. You travel with me until we find them.
Django: Where we goin?
Schultz: I hear at least two of them are overseeing up in Gatlinburg, but I dont know where. That means we visit every plantation in Gatlinburg till we find em. And when we find them, you point them out, and I kill them. You do that, I agree to give you your freedom, $25 per Brittle Brother. Thats $75.
Schultz确实深藏不露,牙医的身份不过是个幌子,他的真实身份是bounty hunter。Bounty hunter是一个极其特殊的职业,是指靠追捕逃犯而获得赏金的人,因此叫做“赏金猎人”。要想干这票flesh-for-cash的生意,没两把刷子是不可能在这个圈里混的。但Schultz不仅仅是一个冷血的杀手和生意人,他在骨子里还是一个坚定的废奴主义者。以他的身份,他完全没有必要和姜戈讲条件做生意,但他却把姜戈当成了自己的生意伙伴,并且答应给他自由。
Schultz混迹江湖多年,他深知要从杀人不眨眼的庄园主Calvin Candie那里顺利地买走Broomhilda几乎是不可能的。于是老谋深算的Schultz设计了一个“明修栈道,暗度陈仓”的计划。
Schultz: So, say, a man wants to buy a horse, needs to buy a horse. He walks up to the farmers farm, and he knocks on the farmers door and asks the farmer to buy his horse. And you know what the farmer says? The farmer says no.
Django: Well, I say fuck that farmer, and Im stealin that horse.
Schultz: Fair enough. But now youre a horse thief, and they hang horse thieves. Not to mention the horse goes back to its original owner, because the horse is still his property. We need her and we need a bill of sale.
Django: Well, if we aint gonna try to buy her, then how we gonna get her?
Schultz: May I offer an alternative plan of action?
Django: Go ahead.
Schultz: The man walks up to the farmers farm. he knocks on the farmers door and asks not to buy the horse, but the farm, and makes an offer so ridiculous, the farmer is forced to say yes.
Django: We gonna offer to buy Candyland?
Schultz: No, its far too big. But apparently this farmer aint all about the farm. How much do you know about Mandingo fighting (一项为了主人的娱乐和敛财而让奴隶搏斗致死的赌博活动)?
Django: What?
Schultz: Can you convincingly masquerade (伪装) as someone who is an expert on Mandingo fighting?
Django: Why?
Schultz: Because my character is that of a big money buyer from Dusseldorf (杜塞尔多夫,德国城市), here in Greenville to buy my way into the Mandingo fight game. And your character is a Mandingo expert I hired to help me do it.
怀揣完美计划,两人来到了Calvin Candie的俱乐部。在那里,他们首先目睹了一场残忍的Mandingo fight。Mandingo fight类似于古罗马的角斗,是黑奴之间的残杀游戏,但历史上并没有确凿的证据证明它的存在。无论如何,这种虚构的游戏完成了Schultz与Candie初次见面的“血腥”布景。Schultz借此向Candie提出要购买善于角斗的黑奴,但Candie开始并不买账,直到Schultz开出“天价”。
Candie: So, Bright Boy (指姜戈), Moguy (Candie的律师) tells me you looked over my African flesh, and you was none too impressed, huh?
Django: Not for top dollar.
Candie: Well, then we got nothin more to talk about. You see, you wanna buy a beat-ass nigger from me. Those are the beat-ass niggers I wanna sell, so …
Django: He dont wanna buy the niggers you wanna sell. He wants the nigger you dont wanna sell.
Candie: Well, I dont sell the niggers I dont wanna sell.
Schultz: Well, you wont sell your best. You wont even sell your second best. But your third best? You dont want to sell him either. but if I made you an offer so ridiculous youd be forced to consider it, who knows what could happen?
Candie: And what do you consider ridiculous?
Schultz: For a truly talented specimen, the right nigger? How much would you say, Django?
Django: Twelve thousand dollars.
Candie: Well, gentlemen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention.
在Schultz的精心布置和设计下,外表虚荣、内心残忍但头脑简单的Candie正一步一步走进Schultz的圈套。而在这场戏当中,姜戈扮演了一位极其合格的配角,一个Mandingo fight的专家。他虽出身卑贱,但似乎与生俱来有一种类似Schultz的商人气质。在和白人庄园主Candie的讨价还价中,姜戈表演得天衣无缝,事情正朝着Schultz设计的情节按部就班地往下发展。
Schultz: I confirmed that Broomhildas at Candyland.… Point being, dont get so carried away with your retribution (惩罚,报应). You lose sight of why were here.
Django: You think I lost sight, did I?
Schultz: Yes, I do. Stop antagonizing Candie. Youre going to blow this whole charade (伪装), or more than likely get us both killed. And I, for one, dont intend to die in Chickasaw County, Mississippi, USA.
Django: Im not antagonizing. Im intriguing him.
Schultz: Youre yelling abuse at these poor slaves.
Django: I recall the man (指Shultz) who had me kill another man in front of his son and he didnt bat an eye. Remember that?
Schultz: Yeah, of course I remember.
Django: What you said was … You said this is my world, and in my world you gotta get dirty. So thats what Im doing. Im gettin dirty.
Schultz: Well, youre paraphrasing a tad (略微,少量), but that was the general gist (要旨). See you at Candyland.
Candie: What is the matter?
Steven: Them motherfuckers aint here to buy no Mandingos. They wants that girl.
Candie: Steven, what the hell are you talking about, hm?
Steven: They playing your ass for a fool is what Im talking about. They aint here for no muscle-bound Jimmie. They here for that girl.
Candie: Where you gettin all this? Why would they go through all that trouble for a nigger with a chewed-up back, aint worth $300?
Steven: They doin it cause that nigger Djangos in love with Hildi. She probably his wife. Now, why that German gives a fuck who that uppity son of a bitch is in love with, Im sure I dont know.
Candie: If shes who they want, why this whole snake oil pitch about Mandingos in?
Steven: You wouldnt pay no never mind to no $300. But that 12,000? That made you real friendly, now, didnt it?
Candie: Its a custom here in the South, once a business deal is concluded, that the two parties shake hands. It implies good faith.
Schultz: Im not from the South.
Candie: But you are in my house, doctor. So Im afraid I must insist.
Schultz: Insist? On what? That I shake your hand? Oh, then Im afraid I must insist in the opposite direction.
Candie: You know what I think you are?
Schultz: What you think I am? No, I dont.
Candie: I think you are a bad loser.
Schultz: And I think youre an abysmal (糟透的) winner.
Candie: Nevertheless, here in Chickasaw County, a deal aint done until the two parties have shook hands. Even after all that paper signin, dont mean shit. You dont shake my hand.
Schultz: If I dont shake your hand, youre gonna throw away $12,000? I dont think so.
Candie: Mr. Pooch (Candie的侍从), if she (指Broomhilda) tries to leave here before this nigger-loving German shakes my hand, you cut her ass down.
Schultz: You really want me to shake your hand?
Candie: I insist.
Schultz: If you insist.
说着,Schultz走向Candie,然后突然像变戏法一样从袖子里掏出手枪,毫不犹豫地把Candie撂倒在地。Schultz也即刻被Candie的仆从杀死。Schultz与Candie的见面以Mandingo fight的暴力开场,最终也以暴力结束。Schultz早先还说不想死在Chickasaw,怎想一语成谶,最终死在了被他杀死的庄园主的庄园里。在来的路上他还警告过姜戈不要义气用事,而最后他自己却仅仅因为被逼和Candie握手而按捺不住怒火,结果了对方,也结束了自己。Schultz一直在教姜戈做到冷酷、从容和卑鄙,然而这套标准却没有扼制住他自己在面对残暴的奴隶主时的愤怒、冲动和正义,这更反映出Schultz内心深处对奴隶制的深恶痛绝。Schultz的废奴思想成全了姜戈,但也最终赔上了自己的性命。
姜戈寡不敌众,最后被捕,并被卖到一家矿场做苦力。但他设计骗过了白人看守,又成功逃脱。有意思的是,他使的计法竟然是谎称自己是一个bounty hunter,那淡定自若的神情,那巧舌如簧的说辞,活脱脱就是当初的Schultz。这时,姜戈正式从Schultz的“学校”里毕业了。
Steven: [被姜戈击倒] Oh, sweet Jesus, let me kill this nigger! You aint gonna get away with this, Django! They gonna catch your black ass. You gonna be on the wanted posters now, nigger. The bounty hunters gonna be lookin for you. You can run, nigger, but they gonna find your ass! And when they do, oh, Lord, what they gonna do to your ass! They aint gonna just kill you, nigger! You done fucked up! This Candyland, nigger! You cant destroy Candyland!
《被解救的姜戈》自去年上映以来名利双收。它不负重望地在第85届奥斯卡金像奖评比中获得最佳原创剧本大奖。Schultz的扮演者Christoph Waltz凭借其收放自如的表演拿下了最佳男配角奖。此外,本片还获得最佳影片、最佳摄影和最佳音效剪辑奖项的提名。
和《红楼梦》中的贾雨村、甄士隐等名字一样,这部影片中的一些人名也值得考究。例如Django在吉普赛语中是“I awake”的意思;Schultz在德语中是指追讨税租的人,也有地方警察的意思。从语言本身来讲,为了体现影片的deep south特色,片中使用了很多curse language和当时的俚语。需要注意的是有些词当时可以使用,现在却是禁语。尤其是nigger这个词,现在是带有强烈种族歧视色彩的词语,一般是不能用的。影片中也有一些穿帮镜头,除了Mandingo fight的真实性值得推敲外,片中3K党的出现也比它的实际诞生年龄要早。当然,导演引出3K党是为了嘲笑他们的愚蠢,观众也不必吹毛求疵,本来这部影片就是一部纯暴力娱乐片。