April 16-19,2013
ICMR 2013is seeking original high quality submissions addressing innovative research in the broad field of multimedia retrieval.We wish to highlight significant contributions addressing the main problem of search and retrieval but also the related and equally important issues of multimedia content management,user interaction,and community-based management.Topics of interest include,but are not limited to:
·Content-and context-based indexing,search and retrieval of images and video
·Multimedia content search and browsing on the Web
·Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for audio,image,video and 3Ddata
·Multimedia content analysis and understanding
·Semantic retrieval of visual content
·Learning and relevance feedback in media retrieval
·Query models,paradigms,and languages for multimedia retrieval
·Multimodal media search
·Human perception based multimedia retrieval
·Studies of information-seeking behavior among image/video users
·Affective/emotional interaction or interfaces for image/video retrieval
·HCI issues in multimedia retrieval
·Evaluation of multimedia retrieval systems
·High performance multimedia indexing algorithms
·Community-based multimedia content management
·Applications of Multimedia Retrieval:Medicine,Multimodal Lifelogs,Satellite Imagery,etc.
·Image/video summarization and visualization
October 15,2012: Special Session Proposals
November 1,2012: Special Session Selection
December 3,2012: Paper Submission
January 15,2013: Demo,industrial exhibits,and multimedia retrieval challenges
The Conference Proceedings will be published by ACM and will be will be indexed in the ACM Digital Library.