
2013-04-10 13:39:55
生物技术进展 2013年5期




论文链接: Emma S.Mace,et al..Whole⁃genome sequencing reveals untapped genetic potential in Africa’s indigenous cereal crop sorghum.



论文链接: Ibrahim SAl⁃Mssallem,et al.Genome sequence of the date palm Phoenix dactylifera L.

Nature Communications,doi:10.1038/ncomms3274,Published online:06 August,2013.

Date palm(Phoenix dactylifera L.)is a cultivated woody plant specieswith agricultural and economic importance.Herewe reporta genome assembly for an elite variety(Khalas),which is 605.4 Mb in size and covers>90%of the genome(~671 Mb)and>96%of its genes(~41 660 genes).Genomic sequence analysis demonstrates that P.dactylifera experienced a clear genome⁃wide duplication after either ancientwhole genome duplications ormassive segmental duplications.Genetic diversity analysis indicates that its stress resistance and sugar metabolism⁃related genes tend to be enriched in the chromosomal regions where the density of single⁃nucleotide polymorphisms is relatively low.Using transcriptomic data,we also illustrate the date palm’s unique sugarmetabolism thatunderlies fruit development and ripening.Our large⁃scale genomic and transcriptomic data pave theway for further genomic studiesnotonly on P.dactylifera butalso other Arecaceae plants.



论文链接: Masato Nikaido,et al..Coelacanth genomes reveal signatures for evolutionary transition from water to land.

Genome Reserch,2013,doi:10.1101/gr.158105.113 2013.Published online:22 July,2013.

Abstract:Coelacanths are known as“living fossils”,as they show remarkablemorphological resemblance to the fossil record,and belong to themost primitive lineage of living Sarcopterygii(lobe⁃finned fishes and tetrapods).Coelacanthsmay be key to elucidating the tempo and mode of evolution from fish to tetrapods.Here,we report the genome sequences of five coelacanths,including four Latimeria chalumnae individuals(three specimens from Tanzania and one from Comoros)and one L.menadoensis individual from Indonesia.These sequences cover two African breeding populations and two known extant coelacanth species.The genome is~2.74 Gbp and contains a high proportion(~60%)of repetitive elements.The genetic diversity among the individualswas extremely low,suggesting a small population size and/or a slow rate of evolution.We found a substantial number of genes that encode olfactory and pheromone receptors with features characteristic of tetrapod receptors for the detection of airborne ligands.We also found that limb enhancers of bmp7 and gli3,both of which are essential for limb formation,are conserved between coelacanth and tetrapods but not ray⁃finned fishes.We expect that some tetrapod⁃like genesmay have existed early in the evolution of primitive Sarcopterygii and were later co⁃opted to adapt to terrestrial environments.These coelacanth genomes will provide a cornerstone for studies to elucidate how ancestral aquatic vertebrates evolved into terrestrial animals.


蒙古人是一个中亚族群,全世界约有2 000多万,一支迁移到青藏高原并逐渐适应了这里高海拔低氧的环境。科研团队成功绘制出了世界首部青海蒙古族人的全基因组序列图谱,并发现了青海蒙古族人具有高原适应的特殊遗传基因。这对进一步了解亚洲人群的多样性,以及研究和低氧环境适应性有关的遗传因素提供了重要的指导,也对研究人类在特殊环境条件下的适应性有重要意义。

论文链接: Jinchuan Xing,et al..Genomic analysis of natural selection and phenotypic variation in high⁃altitude Mongolians.

PLoSGenetics,2013,9(7):e1003634.doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1003634.Published online:18 July,2013.

Abstract:Deedu(DU)Mongolians,whomigrated from the Mongolian steppes to the Qinghai⁃Tibetan Plateau approximately 500 years ago,are challenged by environmental conditions similar to native Tibetan highlanders.Identification of adaptive genetic factors in this population could provide insight into coordinated physiological responses to this environment.Here we examine genomic and phenotypic variation in this unique population and present the first complete analysis of a Mongolian whole⁃genome sequence.High⁃density SNP array data demonstrate that DU Mongolians share genetic ancestry with other Mongolian as well as Tibetan populations,specifically in genomic regions related with adaptation to high altitude.Several selection candidate genes identified in DUMongolians are shared with other Asian groups(e.g.,EDAR),neighboring Tibetan populations(including high⁃altitude candidates EPAS1,PKLR,and CYP2E1),as well as genes previously hypothesized to be associated with metabolic adaptation(e.g.,PPARG).Hemoglobin concentration,a trait associated with high⁃altitude adaptation in Tibetans,is at an intermediate level in DU Mongolians compared to Tibetans and Han Chinese at comparable altitude.Whole⁃genome sequence from a DU Mongolian(Tianjiao1)shows that about 2%of the genomic variants,includingmore than 300 protein⁃coding changes,are specific to this individual.Our analyses of DU Mongolians and the first Mongolian genome provide valuable insight into genetic adaptation to extreme environments.



论文链接: Yun Sung Cho,et al.The tiger genome and comparative analysiswith lion and snow leopard genomes.

Nature Communications,doi:10.1038/ncomms3433.Published online:17 September,2013.

Abstract:Tigers and their close relatives(Panthera)are some of theworld’smostendangered species.Herewe report the de novo assembly of an Amur tiger whole⁃genome sequence as well as the genomic sequences of a white Bengal tiger,African lion,white African lion and snow leopard.Through comparative genetic analyses of these genomes,we find genetic signatures thatmay reflectmolecular adaptations consistent with the big cats’hypercarnivorous diet and muscle strength.We report a snow leopard⁃specific genetic determinant in EGLN1(Met39>Lys39),which is likely to be associated with adaptation to high altitude.We also detect a TYR260G>A mutation likely responsible for the white lion coat colour.Tiger and cat genomes show similar repeat composition and an appreciably conserved synteny.Genomic data from the five big cats provide an invaluable resource for resolving easily identifiable phenotypes evident in very close,but distinct,species.



论文链接: Huajun Zheng,et al.The genome of the hydatid tapeworm Echinococcus granulosus.

Nature Genetics,2013,doi:10.1038/ng.2757.Published online:08 September,2013.

Abstract:Cystic echinococcosis(hydatid disease),caused by the tapeworm E.granulosus,is responsible for considerable human morbidity and mortality.This cosmopolitan disease is difficult to diagnose,treat and control.We present a draft genomic sequence for the worm comprising 151.6 Mb encoding11 325 genes.Comparisonswith the genome sequences from other taxa show that E.granulosus has acquired a spectrum of genes,including the EgAgB family,whose products are secreted by the parasite to interact and redirect host immune responses.We also find that genes in bile salt pathwaysmay control the bidirectional development of E.granulosus,and sequence differences in the calcium channel subunit EgCavβ1 may be associated with praziquantel sensitivity.Our study offers insights into host interaction,nutrient acquisition,strobilization,reproduction,immune evasion and maturation in the parasite and provides a platform to facilitate the development of new,effective treatments and interventions for echinococcosis control.


10.1038/ncomms3320.Published online:27 August,2013.Abstract:Sorghum is a food and feed cereal crop adapted to heat and drought and a staple for 500 million of the world’s poorest people.Its small diploid genome and phenotypic diversitymake it an ideal C4 grassmodel as a complement to C3 rice.Here we present high coverage(16~45×)resequenced genomesof44 sorghum lines representing the primary gene pooland spanning dimensionsof geographic origin,end⁃use and taxonomic group.We also report the first resequenced genome of S.propinquum,identifying 8M high⁃quality SNPs,1.9M indels and specific gene loss and gain events in S.bicolor.We observe strong racial structure and a complex domestication history involving at least two distinct domestication events.These assembled genomes enable the leveraging of existing cereal functional genomics data against the novel diversity available in sorghum,providing an unmatched resource for the genetic improvement of sorghum and other grass species.

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