Tanner: Hey, Connie! Good to see you back in the office.
Connie: Its good to be back! Im glad to see everythings still 1)status quo around here.
Tanner: Well, you were only gone for one week. 2)Say, Im still not clear on why you were gone.
Connie: Oh, I went to do some volunteer teaching.
Tanner: So thats what you were up to! ①I didnt know you had a heart of gold.
Connie: Oh, stop it! Actually, it was a lot of fun.
Tanner: ②So how did you even get into volunteer teaching?
Connie: Well, ③a connection from my college days hooked me up with a charity organization that puts these kind of trips together every month or so.
Tanner: Every month? I had no idea these events were going on all the time.
Connie: Sure. ④These days, a lot of people are looking for ways to give back.
Tanner: Well, I applaud your 3)civic-mindedness.
Connie: ⑤There you go again!
Tanner: But how did you get Anderson to approve the leave of absence? Shes pretty 4)tightfisted about time off.
Connie: ⑥Even hard nuts like Anderson can have their soft spots. In Andersons case, she grew up in a poor area as well and she really sees value in this kind of project.
Tanner: Education is the road to a better life, they say.
Connie: Exactly. And anyway, teaching has benefits for my current work as well.
Tanner: Like what?
Connie: Well, presentation and communication skills, for one. ⑦When you work with kids whose background is different from yours, you can run into a lot of communication issues. You really have to think about the 5)optimal way of presenting information. Thats good experience for people in our line of work.
Tanner: I can see that.
Connie: Oh, and patience. You have to have a lot of patience to work with kids. ⑧After a week surrounded by elementary school students, putting up with co-workers is a piece of cake!
Tanner: Hey! Should I take that personally?
Connie: Of course not, Tanner. And I guess the last benefit would have to be 6)perspective. After seeing the living conditions of some of those families, Im much more grateful for what I have!
Tanner: Well, thats something. Actually, it sounds like the trip was a great experience for you.
Connie: Sure was. Wanna come along next time?
Tanner: ⑨You bet! Where do I sign up?
Smart Sentences
① I didnt know you had a heart of gold. 我以前不知道你有颗金子般的心。
a heart of gold: a genuinely kind and caring person(金子般的心)。例如:
He plays the part of a tough cop, but he has a heart of gold.
② So how did you even get into volunteer teaching? 那么你是怎样参与支教活动的?
get into sth.: become involved in sth.(参与其中)。例如:
He cant wait to get into advertising.
③ A connection from my college days hooked me up with a charity organization that puts these kind of trips together every month or so.我大学时认识的一个朋友帮我联系了一家慈善机构,该机构大约每个月都组织这类行程。
hook up with sb.: form a connection with sb.(与某人挂钩,与某人建立联系)。例如:
Our paper hooked up with CCTV last year and we can probably work with them to help students in rural areas.
④ These days, a lot of people are looking for ways to give back. 近来,很多人在寻找各种方式来回报社会。
give back: repay(回报社会)。例如:
Setting up a charity foundation is one of Bill Gates ways of giving back.
⑤ There you go again! 你又来了!
There you go again: used to express exasperation or dissatisfaction, same as “you did that again”(用以表示恼怒或不满,等同于“you did that again”)。例如:
——Sis, you failed the driving test? Ive already said you would.
——There you go again! Shut up!
⑥ Even hard nuts like Anderson can have their soft spots. 严厉如安德森的人也有他们的软肋。
a hard nut: sb. who is tough and not easily hurt(坚强的人,严厉的人)。例如:
Outsiders may view Mrs. Susie Stone as a hard nut, but she is a loving boss to us.
have a soft spot: have a tender or sentimental feeling for sth./sb.(性格中易受打动之处)。例如:
Terry had a soft spot for Jenny, her youngest daughter.
⑦ When you work with kids whose background is different from yours, you can run into a lot of communication issues. 当你和一群生活背景跟自己完全不同的孩子一起互动,你会遇到很多沟通上的问题。
run into: unexpectedly begin to experience problems or difficulties(碰上难题)。例如:
The project has run into money problems.
⑧ After a week surrounded by elementary school students, putting up with co-workers is a piece of cake! 跟小学生在一起一周后,再难忍受的同事也是小菜一碟!
put up with: tolerate or accept sth., even though it is unpleasant or unsatisfactory(容忍,忍受)。例如:
Its amazing that my mother has put up with my fathers snoring for three decades.
⑨ You bet! 当然!
You bet: used to emphasize a positive or affirmative reply(用以强调肯定的答复)。例如:
——You sure the party is on Sunday night?
——You bet.