Blind Date 安排相亲
Meaning:A date where the people involved have not met each other previously. The match could have been arranged by parents, mutual friends, relatives or by a dating system.
Blind date 通常是指从未晤面的男女经第三者安排所作的约会,安排者可以是双方的父母、朋友、亲戚或相亲机构等。这么看来英语中的这个“blind”用得真是相当地传神呢,可不能看到这个说法就望文生义地以为是“盲目约会”或“瞎约会”哦。
Did you go on that blind date arranged by your mother?
Meaning:A date where you have no idea what the other person looks like, youve seen a photo or chatted via web cam before meeting in person. This can often lead to disappointment when one person or the other supplies misleading information.
如果要说到网络对生活的重大影响,我认为人们社交方式的改变一定要算在其中。网络似乎把很多不可能变为了可能,相隔千里的两个人可以通过网络相识,然后成为好朋友,甚至发展成为恋人。因此,曾经的blind date已经有点过时了,现在的人们都愿意先视频一下,然后来个near-sighted date。
“Near-sighted date”是相对于“blind date”而言的,后者在见面前根本不知道对方长什么样,而前者则指男女双方事先看过照片或者在网上视频聊过天,然后出来见面的约会。在near-sighted date中,如果其中有一方提供了误导信息的话,那么这样的相亲方式通常都会以失望告终。
I went on a near-sighted date last night. The picture he e-mailed me must have been from before he quit the gym.
Eye-gazing Party 对眼相亲会
Meaning: A date in which participants do not speak to each other but instead, gaze at each other for a set amount of time before moving on.
Eye-gazing party是指参与其中的男女彼此之间不用开口说话,而是在限定的时间内盯着对方看,时间一到就换个人继续看的约会。有人将这种相亲会描述为“跟另一个人的脸对话”,也有人认为眼神交流比任何行为都能更快散发一个人的魅力。
Paco fell in love with a pretty girl at the eye-gazing party he attended last night.
Dating Show 相亲节目
Meaning:A kind of reality TV show broadcasted on many TV stations recently. Young girls and boys from all over the country come here to choose their partner and then date. Some of them successfully fall in love, while others fail. The main purpose of this kind of program is to entertain the people and offer a platform for marriageable youngsters.
Dating show是指近期各大卫视进行的电视相亲娱乐真人秀类节目,大部分以现场男选女或女选男的方式为主,最终在场上双方成功牵手或约会失败,至于线下是否能走到一起,不得而知。中国目前比较火热的相亲节目有《我们约会吧》、《非诚勿扰》、《爱情连连看》等,相亲节目走红,随之带来的恋爱观、婚姻观、价值观也饱受社会争议,发人深思。?
I dont like the material girl on that Sunday dating show.