
2013-04-07 14:09:40
华东交通大学学报 2013年6期



基于OSP与NMF的光谱混合像元分解方法……………………………………………………………………………徐 君,展爱云,刘志伟(5)

直接功率控制在三相光伏并网系统中的研究 ………………………………………………………………宋平岗,王 锴,兰 洁,李 澄(10)

基于遥感图像信息特征的单调递增SSDA算法………………………………………………………………………王 杉,陈 翔,司寒羽(15)

中间视觉对隧道照明的影响 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………杨 超,范士娟(22)


轨道车辆走行部机械故障预警方案研究 ………………………………………………………………………………………吴 误,沈 钢(32)

θ型奇异积分算子在加权Morrey空间中的有界性 …………………………………………………………叶晓峰,王腾飞,胡媛媛,王 蒙(37)

多孔混凝土加铺时机对隧道路面的影响分析 …………………………………………………………………………………李 旭,杨 群(41)

轨道交通无砟轨道不平顺谱的拟合与特性分析………………………………………………………………………陈 鑫,练松良,李再帏(46)

交通监控中基于压缩感知的WMSN视频编解码……………………………………………………………罗 晖,王世昌,褚红亮,杨成武(52)

基于指数平滑法对我国私家车保有量的预测…………………………………………………………………………谌小丽,陈景雅,王 坤(58)

GPS接收机C/A码跟踪算法及环路控制策略 ………………………………………………………………胡 辉,方 玲,雷明东,孙函子(64)

铁路枢纽客运站布局优化研究…………………………………………………………………………………………王顺利,王正彬,陈 东(71)


国内客车安全技术研究进展 …………………………………………………………………………………任保宽,刘如迪,李晓霞,党 楠(80)

基于Pro/E塑料顾问分析的塑料盒盖注射模具设计…………………………………………………………方 军,李 兵,龚燕萍,魏斯亮(87)



环境人格权的立法确认及其侵权责任承担……………………………………………………………………………………胡卫萍,邱 婷(102)

管辖权异议上诉程序探析 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………孙 明(108)





基于ANP与vague集的工程项目风险评价方法改进………………………………………………………………………………………易 欣(9)

涡旋澄清池反应区数值模拟研究 ……………………………………………………………………………童祯恭,闵 凯,杨静芝,董红军(16)



结构层参数对SAMI-R防反射裂缝影响有限元分析……………………………………………………………………………刘仕贵,于 新(33)

一种模块化多电平换流器数学模型的建立方法………………………………………………………………李云丰,宋平岗,王立娜,卢 杰(37)

基于PSO的神经网络优化证券投资组合方法研究…………………………………………………黄招娣,应宛月,余立琴,肖祥阔,罗 佳(42)

可变速度控制下快速路联动协同控制策略 ………………………………………………陈金山,郭建钢,陆立峥,徐锦强,李 波,黄 荔(47)


永磁直驱柔性构架转向架的动力学模型研究 ………………………………………………………………薛 蔚,漆 晖,任利惠,徐 琪(58)

含有Hardy-Sobolev临界指标的拟线性方程组多解的证明………………………………………………………………………………王 莉(63)

车载红外视频图像快速彩色化技术研究 ……………………………………………………………………范德营,蒋先刚,丘赟立,熊 娟(71)



不同温拌外加剂对沥青混合料的降温效果研究 ……………………………………………………………车常伟,高晓月,陈景雅,陈 俊(90)

促进我国企业能源审计发展对策研究…………………………………………………………………………………王 芸,丁 昕,喻骝翱(95)

从客家人的迁徙史看赣南客家山歌的演变与发展 …………………………………………………………………唐玉琴,杨 婷,周琳添(100)

二氧化碳减排与经济增长:基于中国数据的实证分析…………………………………………………………………………………范 勇(105)

新生代大学生就业预期影响因素分析………………………………………………………………………朱晓妹,丁通达,连 曦,陈 科(110)

论排污权初始分配程序规则的建构……………………………………………………………………………………………晋 海,张洪燕(116)

翻译伦理视阙下归化和异化的对立统一 ………………………………………………………………………………………………訾晓红(122)

简讯 我校学者欧阳志刚教授荣获高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)一等奖…………………………………………………(126)



地铁三轨供电系统的仿真与直流馈线保护的研究……………………………………………………………………杨丰萍,杨 扬,龚 正(12)


虚拟伸臂混合高层建筑受力性能研究…………………………………………………………………………………高剑平,周方超,罗 丹(21)


利用多面函数拟合法解算连续化的深度基准面模型………………………………………………孙翠羽,马飞虎,陈艳华,崔 迹,李佩华(32)

基于Hessian特征的视网膜血管图像的增强滤波算法………………………………………………………蒋先刚,熊 娟,丘赟立,范德营(37)

一种基于邻域空间的混合粒子群优化算法……………………………………………………………………………曾 毅,朱旭生,廖国勇(44)


地铁弹性扣件失效对轨道结构振动特性的影响…………………………………………………………………………………………张 斌(55)

基于灰色Verhulst模型的民航远期货运量预测研究 ……………………………………………………………………………………冯社苗(61)

DAT与SA温拌排水沥青混合料路用性能对比………………………………………………………………王 坤,陈景雅,王 谦,瞿 翔(65)






成都地铁火车北站站内超大客流流线优化研究………………………………………………………………………………骆 晨,刘 澜(101)



严歌苓移民小说《扶桑》和《少女小渔》中母性的解读 …………………………………………………………………………………彭 莉(119)

错误出生之侵权损害赔偿 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………张 慧(122)





基于多次修正残差灰色模型的铁路客流预测 …………………………………………………………………………………骆 晨,刘 澜(19)

方中空夹层钢管混凝土压弯扭构件数值模拟分析……………………………………………………………………黄 宏,李 婷,陈梦成(24)


复合相变储能材料在大体积混凝土中的控温性能……………………周双喜,荣茂阁,左 晟,杨 雷,郑惠英,吴坤鑫,熊超琴,杨 明(30)



基于改进的阻抗函数下的混合交通均衡模型 …………………………………………………………………………………骆 伟,吴克晴(46)

基于低碳经济的内河集装箱运输效益分析 ……………………………………………………………………………………高晓月,封学军(54)

基于WSN的农业环境信息监控系统软件开发 ……………………………………………………刘媛媛,朱 路,高 波,黄德昌,杜江洪(59)

集总元件对电气化铁路接触网暂态仿真的影响 ………………………………………………………………………………吕福星,伦 利(65)

开级配抗滑层材料堵塞行为和疏通方法……………………………………………………………李 波,孟繁宇,李淑明,王 鹏,熊子益(69)



基于DEA和Malmquist指数的福建沿海港口效率分析…………………………………………………………………………曹 玮,于清波(89)

民间剪纸人物造型语言意象性探析………………………………………………………………………………………………………汪 鸿(97)

论法律的局限性及克服…………………………………………………………………………………………………………邱 珂,舒爱民(101)

多模态宣传话语的隐喻建构分析 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………张晓辉(108)

基于公司治理的内部审计有效性研究…………………………………………………………………………………………黄 辉,魏培培(114)



废胶粉对橡胶沥青性能的影响 …………………………………………………………………………………姚城熙,于 新(8)

基于四点弦测法的轨面不平顺检测及复原方法 ……………………………………………………毛晓君,许玉德,周 宇(13)

提高室内击实试验精确度的方法研究………………………………………………………王 旭,赵秀绍,艾成刚,莫林利(18)

高速列车轮轨材料滑动摩擦实验研究………………………………………………………肖 乾,穆 明,周新建,梁 军(24)

一种基于PCP的块稀疏RPCA运动目标检测算法…………………………………………黄晓生,黄 萍,曹义亲,严 浩(30)

基于Hadoop的电网监控信息流分布式处理研究……………………………………………………屈志坚,郭 亮,陈 阁(37)


水-荷载耦合作用下的沥青路面车辙变形分析 ………………………………………………………………祁文洋,李 喆(47)

饱和软土固结的Mandel-Cryer效应及影响因素研究 …………………………………………………………………汪 江(52)


硅质石灰岩在高速公路沥青路面抗滑表层中的运用 ………………………………………………刘 岩,张德豪,黄从俊(63)

基于全寿命周期的预应力砼小箱梁设计 ………………………………………………………………………………余少华(69)


风电场短期功率组合预测模型研究……………………………………………………………………………徐晓玲,郑 潇(81)

Marcinkiewicz算子及交换子在非齐型空间上的有界性 ……………………………………………叶晓峰,王 蒙,胡媛媛(87)

当代中国文化转型背景下大学生人格研究……………………………………………………………………黄 颖,黄君玲(92)

环境综合质量指标体系的构建及应用 …………………………………………………………………………………徐渤海(97)

汇率波动第三国效应对中国出口的影响 ……………………………………………………………………周 晔,高建萍(104)







轮对安装偏角对高速铁道车辆动力学性能的影响……………………………………………………邹瑞明,马卫华,毕 鑫(6)

Evotherm温拌剂对橡胶沥青老化性能的影响研究…………………………………………陈永云,孙文浩,冯 逸,刘津铭(12)


基于LCL滤波器的单相光伏并网三环控制策略 ……………………………………………………张书林,王 勋,宋志成(25)

优化蚁群算法在最短路径诱导中的应用………………………………………………………………………陶 宇,吴 中(30)


轮对踏面及轮缘磨耗接触式警报装置研究……………………………………………………………………沈伟杰,沈 钢(40)

基于最后计划者系统的工程项目进度计划管理 ………………………………………………………………………金峻炎(44)


单平行四杆柔性铰链机构刚度特性分析………………………………………………………………………张 霖,王建华(55)

基于Simulink的高速铁路牵引供电系统仿真建模……………………………………………………………刘仕兵,袁 琳(59)

用于稀疏系统辨识的改进的惩罚LMS算法研究……………………………………………………万 涛,刘遵雄,王树成(62)


硫酸钙晶须在沥青路面应用的系统性研究 ……………………………………………………………………………李军代(72)

基于Hypermesh的立式加工中心立柱结构的拓扑优化 …………………………周新建,王若飞,吴智恒,阮 航,胡维东(78)

跨越结构层的反射裂缝扩展过程参数影响分析 ………………………………………………………………………刘仕贵(84)

浅议我国驰名商标的司法认定…………………………………………………………………………………王新华,李 洋(89)

江西水域消防监督工作现状、困境与对策………………………………………………………………………………黄 颖(94)

以动产质押融资为例构建供应链金融风险评价指标体系……………………………………………………罗 勇,陈治亚(99)

从儿童被伤害案件看我国家庭教育的法律规制………………………………………………………………………王 莹(108)

民间传统建筑窗格装饰中的蝙蝠图案解析 …………………………………………………………………陈又林,李合胜(112)

莎乐美唯美主义形象道德特征的消解…………………………………………………………………………………秦 黎(117)




Effects of Illumination Intensity on Color Contrast ………………………………………Zhu Zhenmin,Zhang Yongxian,Jin Xiaolong,Tu Haiyan(1)

The Spectral Unmixing Based on OSP and NMF ……………………………………………………………………Xu Jun,Zhan Aiyun,Liu Zhiwei(5)

Direct Power Control of Three-phase Photovoltaic Grid-connected System …………………………Song Pinggang,Wang Kai,Lan Jie,Li Cheng(10)

The Monotonically Increasing SSDA Based on Features of Remote Sensing Image ……………………………Wang Shan,Chen Xiang,Si Hanyu(15)

Effects of Mesopic Vision on Tunnel Lighting………………………………………………………………………………Yang Chao,Fan Shijuan(22)

The Finite Element Analysis of Ground Vibration Induced by Subway……………………………………………………Tu Qinming,Lei Xiaoyan(26)

Research on Mechanical Fault Forecast System for the Running Gear of Rail Vehicles ………………………………………Wu Wu,Shen Gang(32)

Boundedness ofθ-type Calderón-Zygmund Singular Integral Operators in Weighted Morrey Spaces ……………………………………………………………Ye Xiaofeng,Wang Tengfei,Hu Yuanyuan,Wang Meng(37)

Analysis of Influence of Porous Concrete Overlay Timing on Tunnel Pavement …………………………………………………Lu Xu,Yang Qun(41)

The Fitting and Characteristic Analysis of Unballasted Track Irregularity Spectrum of Urban Rail Transit …Chen Xin,Lian Songliang,Li Zaiwei(46)

WMSN Video Encoding/Decoding Based on Compressed Sensing in Traffic Surveillance ………………………………………………………………Luo Hui,Wang Shichang,Chu Hongliang,Yang Chengwu(52)

Forecast of China’s Private Car Ownership Based on the Exponential Smoothing……………………………Shen Xiaoli,Chen Jingya,Wang Kun(58)

The Algorithm and Control Strategies of GPS C/A Code Tracking Loop …………………………………………Hu Hui,Fang Ling,Lei Mingdong(64)

A Research on the Layout Optimization of Railway Terminal Passenger Station ………………………Wang Shunli,Chen Dong,Wang Zhengbin(71)

Design of Digital Variable Frequency Power for Grounding Resistance Measurement …………………………………………………Yu Weiqing(76)

The Safety Technology Research Progress of Domestic Buses ……………………………………Ren Baokuan,Liu Rudi,Li Xiaoxia,Dang Nan(80)

Design of Injection Mold for Plastic Lids Based on Pro/E Plastic Advisor …………………………Fang Jun,Li Bing,Gong Yanping,Wei Siliang(87)

Container Throughput Forecast and Measures for Nanjing Port Development …………………………Gao Xiaoyue,Feng Xuejun,Jiang Liupeng(91)

Investigation and Research on Communication Space of College Campuses ………………………………………………………………Li Wenli(96)

Legislative Confirmation of Environmental Personality Rights and Its Tort Liability ………………………………………Hu Weiping,Qiu Ting(102)

A Research on the Appeal Institution of Jurisdiction Challenge …………………………………………………………………………Sun Ming(108)

The Cognition of Front and Back from the Perspective of Spatial Metaphors ……………………………………………Fu Tianjue,Liu Chaowu(114)

Empirical Research on Relationship between Foreign Trade and Economic Growth in Jiangsu Province………………………………Lv Dinghui(121)


A New Track Model for Vertical Vibration Analysis of Vehicle-Ballastless Track-Bridge Coupling ……Luo Wenjun,Lei Xiaoyan,Lian Songliang(1)

Method Improvement of Construction Project Risk Evaluation Based on ANP and Vague Sets Theory ………………………………………Yi Xin(9)

Study on Flow Numerical Simulation of Vortex Coagulation Clarifier Reaction Zone ………Tong Zhengong,Min Kai,Yang Jingzhi,Dong Hongjun(16)

Research Development of Landfill Leachate Treatment Process …………………………………………Nie Fahui,Li Wenting,Liu Zhanmeng(21)

Optimization of Brown Pigment Extraction from Hickory Hulls by Response Surface Methodology ……………Liu Jianping,Wang Shuyi,Wu Lili(28)

Finite-element Analysis of Structure Layer Parameters’Effects on SAMI-R Anti-reflection Crack……………………………Liu Shigui,Yu Xin(33)

The Mathematic Modeling Method of Modular Multilevel Converter ………………………………Li Yunfeng,Song Pinggang,Wang Lina,Lu Jie(37)

The Portfolio Method Optimization of Neural Network Based on PSO ……………Huang Zhaodi,Ying Wanyue,Yu Liqin,Xiao Xiangkuo,Luo Jia(42)

Coordinated Linkage Control Strategy of Urban Expressway under Variable Speed Control………………………………………………Chen Jinshan,Guo Jiangang,Lu Lizheng,Xu Jinqiang,Li Bo,Huang Li(47)

Design of Soil Moisture Content Transducer Impedometer Based on STM32 ……………………………Wu Qunfang,Lai Jianying,Diao Xinhong(52)

Study on Dynamic Model for Flexible Frame Bogie with PMSM ………………………………………………Xue Wei,Qi Hui,Ren Lihui,Xu Qi(58)

Quasilinear Systems Involving Critical Hardy-Sobolev Exponents and Potentials …………………………………………………………Wang Li(63)

Fast Colorization Technology of Vehicle-mounnted Infrared Video Images …………………Fan Deying,Jiang Xiangang,Qiu Yunli,Xiong Juan(71)

Commonality Analysis of Module&Part in Modular Product Family …………………………………………………………………Wang Haolun(78)

Distribution Optimization of DGs in Distribution Networks Based on Hierachical Partioning Model……Peng Chunhua,Qi Yanwei,Chen Shoukun(85)

The Cooling Effect of Different Warm Mix Additives on Asphalt Mixture ……………………Che Changwei,Gao Xiaoyue,Chen Jingya,Chen Jun(90)

Strategies for Development of China’s Enterprise Energy Audit……………………………………………………Wang Yun,Ding Xin,Yu Liuao(95)

Research on Hakka Folk Songs’Development in Southern Area of Jiangxi from the Perspective of Hakka Migration History ………………………………………………………………………………Tang Yuqin,Yang Ting,Zhou Lintian(100)

Carbon Emission Reduction and Economic Growth:An Empirical Analysis Based on Chinese Data ……………………………………Fan Yong(105)

The Influential Factors of the New-era College Students’Employment Expectation………………Zhu Xiaomei,Ding Tongda,Lian Xi,Chen Ke(110)

The Procedure Rules for Initial Allocation of Emission Rights……………………………………………………………Jin Hai,Zhang Hongyan(116)

The Unity of Domesticating and Foreignizing from the Perspective of Translation Ethics ……………………………………………Zi Xiaohong(122)


On the Signed Edge and Minus Edge Domination in Graphs ……………………………………Xu Baogen,Cao Yelong,Kang Hongbo,Zhao Lifen(1)

The Travel Demand of Unit City Based on Multi-agent System ……………………………………………………………He Jiayao,Ye Zhenxiang(5)

A Research of Subway Triple Rail Power Supply System Simulation and DC Feeder Protection …………Yang Fengping,Yang Yang,Gong Zheng(12)

Calculation Method of Induced Electromotive Force of DC Motor with Wide Brushes ……………………Liu Minjun,Ye Chunhua,Luo Huiyuan(17)

Mechanical Behavior of Core Tube Hybrid High-rise Building with Virtual Outrigger……………………Gao Jianping,Zhou Fangchao,Luo Dan(21)

Two Results about Construction and Relative Binding Number of Graphs ……………………………………………Deng Yixiong,Zeng Aixiang(26)

Model Building of Continuous Depth Datum Based on Polyhedral Function Method ………Sun Cuiyu,Ma Feihu,Chen Yanhua,Cui Ji,Li Peihua(32)

Enhancement Filter Algorithm of Retina Blood Vessels Based on Hessian Matrix Features……Jiang Xiangang,Xiong Juan,Qiu Yunli,Fan Deyin(37)

Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization Based on Neighborhood Space…………………………………………Zeng Yi,Zhu Xusheng,Liao Guoyong(44)

Optimal Design of Signal Coordination Control System on Bailuzhou Road Based on Synchro ………………………………………………Guo Jiangang,Lin Wenfan,Chen Bitai,Huang Hainan,Chen Jinshan,Zhang Wenxing(50)

Influences of Elastic Fastener Failure on Vibration Characteristics of Subway Track Structure …………………………………………Zhang Bin(55)

Long-Term Prediction of Civil Aviation Freight Volume Based on Grey Verhulst Model ……………………………………………Feng Shemiao(61)

Pavement Performance Comparison Between DAT and SA Warm Porous Asphalt Mixture ………Wang Kun,Chen Jingya,Wang Qian,Qu Xiang(69)

Mildew Prediction of Warehousing Tobacco Based on BP Neural Network …………………Zhang Lihua,Ma Junzhao,Le Guoqing,Dai Xichang(71)

Research on Fuzzy Control Algorithm of Lane Departure Warning………………………………………Miao Shuiwen,Yang Fangyi,Wan Huasen(76)

Composite Ontology Mapping Strategy of the Graph Parsing …………………………………………………………Ling Shiyong,Gong Jinghong(82)

Quantum Gray-Scale Image Processing Based on Quantum Pointer …………………………………………………………Ai Jingen,Zhou Rigu(i89)

Application of Mutual Correlation Analysis in Clamped Grounding Resistance Testing ………………………………………………Yu Weiqing(96)

Optimization of Large Passenger Flow for Chengdu Metro North Railway Station………………………………………………Luo Chen,Liu Lan(101)

The Construction of Cultural Soft Power in Poyang Lake Ecological Economic Zone ………………Huang Sansheng,Wang Xinhua,Liao Jisheng(107)

Exploration of the Simulated Works in the Historical NovelWang Anshi……………………………………………………………Wang Jume(i114)

The Maternal Instinct in Yan Geling’s Migrant Novels ……………………………………………………………………………………Peng L(i119)

Tort Law Compensation for Wrongful Birth Cases ………………………………………………………………………………………Zhang Hu(i122)


Development of Composite Connection Techniques ………………………Huang Zhichao,Chen Weida,Cheng Wenyu,Xue Shuguang,Lai Jiamei(1)

Combined Method of Safety Risk Assessment for Bridge Engineering Design…………………………………Peng Keke,F.N.Catbas,Wan Zhiyong(7)

Storage and Retrieval of Image Geometry Shapes in Entangled Quantum Systems…………………………………………Li Haisheng,Zhou Rigui(14)

Prediction of Railway Passenger Flow Based on Residual Error Corrections of the Gray Model …………………………………Luo Chen,Liu Lan(19)

Numerical Simulation of Concrete-filled Double Skin Steel Tube under Compression-Bending-Torsion Loading ……………………………………………………………Huang Hong,Li Ting,Chen Mengcheng(24)

Temperature Control Properties of Composite Phase Change Materials in Mass Concrete………………………………Zhou Shuangxi,Rong Maoge,Zuo Sheng,Yang Lei,Zheng Huiying,Wu Kunxin,Xiong Chaoqin,Yang Ming(30)

Research of the EPON Security Scheme Based on Improved AES Algorithm …………………………………………Yin Aihan,Wang Shengkai(35)

Application of Factor Analysis in Development Potential Evaluation of Urban Rail Transit …………………………………………Bian Zhaoyang(40)

Mixed Traffic Equilibrium Model Based on the Improved Impedance Function ………………………………………………Luo Wei,Wu Keqing(46)

Benefit Analysis of Inland Container Transport Based on Low-carbon Economy ………………………………………Gao Xiaoyue,Feng Xuejun(54)

Software Development for Agricultural Environment Information Monitoring and Controlling Based on Wireless Sensor Network ……………………………………………………Liu Yuanyuan,Zhu Lu,Gao Bo,Huang Dechang,Du Jianghong(59)

Effects of Lumped-elements on Transient Simulation of Electrified Railway Catenary …………………………………………Lv Fuxing,Lun Li(65)

Exploration on Blockage and Dredging of OGFC Material ………………………………Li Bo,Meng Fanyu,Li Shuming,Wang Peng,Xiong Ziyi(69)

Research on Urban Spatial Development Strategy of Jingdezhen …………………………………………Yan Anjun,Wan Yumin,Chen Muchuan(75)

An Empirical Study on SHIBOR with Single-factor Term Structure of Interest Rate Models ……………………………Hou Wenqi,Pan Shanbao(82)

The Analysis of Fujian Coastal Ports’Efficiency Based on Super-efficiency DEA and Malmquist Index ……………………Cao Wei,Yu Qingbo(89)

Analysis on the Imagery of Modeling Language in Folk Paper-cut Characters …………………………………………………………Wang Hong(97)

A Study on Limitations and Solutions of the Law ………………………………………………………………………………Qiu Ke,Shu Aimin(101)

Metaphorical Representation of Multi-modal Publicity Discourse …………………………………………………………………Zhang Xiaohui(108)

Research of Internal Audit Effectiveness Based on Corporate Governance ………………………………………………Huang Hui,Wei Peipei(114)

The Spatial Distribution and Evolution of Regional Logistics in Guangdong Province……………………………………Gao Xiuli,Meng Feirong(121)


Analysis of Train Stochastic Vibrating Loads in Railway Environmental Vibration ……………………Feng Qingsong,Lei Xiaoyan,Lian Songliang(1)

The Performance of Waste Rubber Powder in Rubber Asphalt …………………………………………………………………Yao Chengxi,Yu Xin(8)

Rail Surface Irregularities Detection and Restoration Based on Four-point Chord Reference Method …………Mao Xiaojun,Xu Yude,Zhou Yu(13)

Study on Accuracy Improvement of Laboratory Compaction Experiment ………………………Wang Xu,Zhao Xiushao,Ai Chenggang,Mo Linli(18)

Study on Sliding Friction Coefficient of High-speed Wheel-rail Materials …………………………Xiao Qian,Mu Ming,Zhou Xinjian,Liang Jun(24)

A Block-sparse RPCA Algorithm for Moving Object Detection Based on PCP ………………Huang Xiaosheng,Huang Ping,Cao Yiqin,Yan Hao(30)

Distributed Processing of Grid Monitoring Information Flow Based on Hadoop……………………………………Qu Zhijian,Guo Liang,Chen Ge(37)

Walnut Shell Absorption of Pb2+and Ni2+in Aqueous Solution ……………………………………………Lu Xiuguo,Dang Xiaofang,Yan Peipei(42)

Rutting Deformation of Asphalt Pavement under Moisture-load Coupling Action ……………………………………………Qi Wenyang,Li Zhe(47)

Mandel-Cryer Effects and Influence Factors of Saturated Clay Consolidation …………………………………………………………Wang Jiang(52)

Separation Test Study on the Reinforcement-soil Interface of Reinforced Earth ……………Wei Junyang,Wang Baotian,Zhang Haixia,Zhao Bo(57)

The Application of Cherty Limestone in the Highway Asphalt Pavement Anti-slide Surface………………Liu Yan,Zhang Dehao,Huang Congjun(63)

Design of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Based on Life Cycle ………………………………………………………………………Yu Shaohua(69)

Analysis of Ship-damaged Bridge Structure Based on Double-layer Beam Finite Element Method…………………Wang Xiaoyu,Wen Fangzhen(76)

Combination Forecast Model of Short-term Power Output in Wind Farms ………………………………………………Xu Xiaoling,Zheng Xiao(81)

Boundedness of Marcinkiewicz Integral and Commutator on Non-homogeneous Spaces …………………Ye Xiaofeng,Wang Meng,Hu Yuanyuan(87)

Study of College Students’Personality in the Background of Contemporary Chinese Cultural Transformation ………Huang Ying,Huang Junling(92)

The Construction and Applicationof the Environmental Quality Index System ……………………………………………………………Xu Bohai(97)

Influence of the Third Country Effect on China′s Export Under Exchang Rate Volatility …………………………………Zhou Ye,Gao Jianping(104)

Relationship Between the Human Capital Stock and Economy Distribution Structure in China……………………………………Han Shengjuan(110)

Research on Innovative Enterprise Development Policy in Anhui Province ……………………………Sha Qifu,Wang Yuanhao,Ren Yuanyuan(117)

The Transformation of Digital Publishing of University Journal in the Background of Publishing System Reform ……………………Wu Zhimeng(123)


Analysis on Vibration Characteristics of Elevated Track Structure ………………………Zeng Qin’e,Mao Shunmao,Lei Xiaoyan(1)

Influences of Wheelset Defection Angle on Dynamic Performance of High-speed Railway Vehicle……………………………………………………………………………Zou Ruiming,Ma Weihua,Bi Xin(6)

Influence of Evotherm Warm Asphalt Additive on the Aging of Rubber Modified Asphalt ………………………………………………Chen Yongyun,Sun Wenhao,Feng Yi,Liu Jinming(12)

Influence of Angle on Bridge structure in Vehicle-Pier Collision Based on LS-DYNA Simulation …Cheng Haigen,Zou Jiangna(19)

Single-phase Photovoltaic Grid-loop Control Strategy Based on LCL Filter……………Zhang Shulin,Wang Xun,Cheng Hongbo(25)

Application of Optimized Ant Colony Algorithm in the Shortest Route Guidance………………………………Tao Yu,Wu Zhong(30)

The Graceful Labeling of the Unconnected GraphC3(m,0,0)∪G…………………………………………………Wu Yuesheng(35)

Research on Contact-detecting Alarm Device of Wheel-set Tread and Flange Wear ……………………Shen Weijie,Shen Gang(40)

Schedule Management of Construction Projects Based on Last Planner System ………………………………………Jin Junyan(44)

The Approximate Solution of Earth Pressure under the Influence of the Displacement ………………Zhao Yuanhai,Shi Qingtao(49)

The Stiffness Analysis of Single Parallel Four-bar Flexure Hinge Mechanism …………………………Zhang Lin,Wang Jianhua(55)

Simulation and Modeling of High Speed Railway Traction Power Supply System Based on Simulink………Liu Shibing,Yuan Lin(59)

The Improvement of LMS Algorithm for Sparse System Identification …………………Wan Tao,Liu Zunxiong,Wang Shucheng(62)

Application of Delphi Method in Landscape Bridge Project Selection of Water Conservancy Hub ……Yu Shaohua Wu Tingying(67)

Systematic Study on the Application of Calcium Sulfate Whisker in Asphalt Pavement …………………………………Li Jundai(72)

Topological Optimization of Column Structure in Vertical Machining Center Based on Hypermesh …………………………………Zhou Xinjian,Wang Ruofei,Wu Zhiheng,Ruan Hang,Hu Weidong(78)

Parameter Influence Analysis of Reflective Crack Propagation Process in Crossing Structure Layers …………………Liu Shigui(84)

The Judicial Determination of Well-known Trademarks in China …………………………………………Wang Xinhua,Li Yang(89)

The Current Situation,Dilemma and Countermeasures of Water Fire Supervision in Jiangxi Province ………………Huang Ying(94)

On Constructing Financial Risk Evaluation Index System of Supply Chain from the Perspective of Movables Pledge Financing……………………………………………………………………………Luo Yong,Chen Zhiya(99)

The Legal Regulation of Family Education in China in Light of Children Abuse Cases ………………………………Wang Ying(108)

Analysis of the Bat Patterns in Folk Traditional Window Decorations …………………………………Chen Youlin,Li Hesheng(112)

Counteraction of the Ethical Features in the Aestheticism Symbol Salome…………………………………………………Qin Li(117)

Development Strategies and Countermeasures for Nanchang’s Participation in Urban Agglomeration of the Yangtze River Middle Reaches ……………………………………………………………………………Guo Jianbin(121)

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电子制作(2017年23期)2017-02-02 07:17:19