袁国军 肖才锦 金象春 杨 伟 张贵英 王平生 华 龙 倪邦发
(中国原子能科学研究院 北京 102413)
袁国军 肖才锦 金象春 杨 伟 张贵英 王平生 华 龙 倪邦发
(中国原子能科学研究院 北京 102413)
从北京的大型超市中选取6种鲜活淡水鱼(草鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、武昌鱼、罗非鱼、鲈鱼)和4种新鲜冷冻的海水鱼(带鱼、黄鱼、三文鱼、鳕鱼)。于实验室中刮去鱼鳞,用去离子水洗净,并用无灰滤纸吸干鱼身表面的水分,用钛刀在其上腰部位取大约10 g不带刺的肉,分别置于聚乙烯膜口袋中,密封后称重,并置于−18°C冰室冷冻24 h后取出。将冰冻的鱼肉用压片机压成薄片,然后真空干燥72 h,再次称重干样,并计算水分含量(表1、2)。然后将其置于玛瑙缸中研磨成约40目的细粉样品备用。
将处理好后的鱼肉样品,分别取3个约300 mg的子样品,用聚乙烯膜包装待辐照。分别称取高纯锆片、铁丝和煤粉标准物质NIST-1632a,用于k0-NAA法的中子通量比监测器、比较器和分析质控样品。
将鱼肉样品和质控样品、化学标准置于中国原子能科学研究院的微型中子源反应堆(MNSR)照射16 h,照射位置的热中子注量率为1012cm−2·s−1,通过锆片中产生的95Zr-97Zr的γ射线计算得到辐照位置的热/超热中子注量率之比约为20。辐照后的样品分别冷却5 d、10 d后测量,其辐照和测量条件列于表3。
测量仪器为ORTEC高纯锗和DSPEC多道一体化数字化γ谱仪。谱仪的γ分辨率和相对探测效率相对于60Co的1 332.5 keV分别为1.8 keV和48%。中国原子能科学研究院的SPAN和ADVNAA软件分别用于γ谱峰面积解析和样品的元素含量分析等数据处理。由于ADVNAA中子活化分析软件具有k0法和比较法同时计算等多种功能,分析过程中所涉及到的γ谱干扰、测量几何等各种归一均由ADVNAA自动完成。
表1 6种淡水鱼的微量元素的中子活化分析结果(mg·kg−1)Table1 Trace elements determined by INAA in six kinds of fresh water fish (mg·kg−1).
表2 4种海水鱼的微量元素的中子活化分析结果(mg·kg−1)Table2 Trace elements determined by INAA in four kinds of sea fish (mg·kg−1).
图1 NIST-1632a分析结果与参考值的比值Fig.1 Ratios of NIST-1632a results and reference values.
表3 鱼肉的仪器中子活化分析流程Table3 INAA scheme of fishes.
从微量元素与健康的角度而言,As、Cd、Hg和Pb均为毒性较强的重金属元素。微量的汞在人体内不致引起危害,可经尿、粪和汗液等途径排出体外,汞及汞的化合物可通过人的呼吸道、消化道和皮肤而被吸收。当成人发中汞含量达50 μg·g−1或红细胞为0.4 μg·g−1时,即可发生中毒并出现神经和精神症状。慢性汞中毒初期缺乏明显症状,主要为中枢神经机能障碍,表现为神经衰弱症。国家食品卫生标准GB2762-2012食品中污染物限量[7],鱼类污染物限量为甲基−Hg<0.5 mg·kg−1(与马来西亚鱼的Hg限量标准相同),而北京市普通食用淡水鱼Hg含量为0.02−0.1 mg·kg−1,低于国家限量标准,而海水鱼接近此标准,为0.1−1.3 mg·kg−1,其中鳕鱼Hg含量达到1.3 mg·kg−1,超过了国家限量标准(注:我们尚未测量鱼肉中Hg的化学状态)。美国医学研究所推荐25岁男性元素摄入量/天(表4)也没有对Hg的摄入量给出安全推荐量,其原因可能是Hg在人体中会有一个累计效应。韩国膳食鱼的Hg含量在0.06−0.15 mg·kg−1,印尼在0.1−0.5 mg·kg−1,马来西亚在0.4−1.1 mg·kg−1,泰国在0.5−1.3mg·kg−1,越南在0.1−0.5 mg·kg−1[8]。由此,北京的常用膳食鱼类中Hg的含量是比较安全的,即便是海鱼也基本没有超标。
表4 美国医学研究所推荐25岁男性元素摄入量/天(mg)Table4 Recommended dietary allowance for 25 years old male by institute of medicine, USA (mg).
另一个毒性元素As,世界卫生组织认为全球至少有5 000多万人口正面临着地方性砷中毒的威胁。其中,大多数为亚洲国家,而中国正是受砷中毒危害最为严重的国家之一。有专家分析,市场上的部分食物可能存在严重的砷超标问题。砷污染正向人们步步逼近,严重威胁着人们的健康和生命安全。北京的个别区域也存在砷中毒问题,部分农产品的砷含量已经接近临界值。砷对农作物产生毒害作用最低浓度为3 mg·L−1,对水生生物的毒性亦很大。砷和砷化物一般可通过水、大气和食物等途径进入人体,造成危害。元素砷的毒性极低,砷化物均有毒性,三价砷化合物比其他砷化合物毒性更强。我国规定居民区大气砷的日平均浓度为3 μg·m−3,饮用水中砷最高容许浓度为0.04 mg·L−1,地表水包括渔业用水为0.04mg·L−1。鱼类As(无机)<0.1mg·kg−1。显然北京地区膳食鱼中的As含量基本上都超标了(指总As含量)。在测试的10种鱼中,只有鲫鱼的As含量小于0.1 mg·kg−1。其中鲈鱼和海鱼超标达10倍以上。
而印度尼西亚膳食鱼肉中As的含量为0.7−3.5mg·kg−1,韩国为4−18mg·kg−1,泰国为0.2−12 mg·kg−1,越南为0.6−2.2 mg·kg−1。比我国的膳食鱼中As的含量要高[8]。尤其是韩国最高,是其他国家的几倍。而美国医学研究所推荐25岁男性元素摄入量中要求As的日摄入总量不超过150 μg。从这个意义上说,如果以一个人一次吃鱼250 g估算,则大部分鱼的As总量都会超过150 μg。
通过对北京市场中人们经常食用的10种鱼肉(草鱼、鲤鱼、鲫鱼、武昌鱼、罗非鱼、鲈鱼、带鱼、黄鱼、三文鱼、鳕鱼)中的As、Br、Ca、K、La、Co、Cs、Eu、Fe、Hg、Rb、Na、Se和 Zn微量元素的仪器中子活化分析,结果表明,不同种类的鱼肉中的元素含量不同,海水鱼毒性元素含量高于淡水鱼;As在鲈鱼和海水鱼中的含量均超出国家标准,而Hg只有在鳕鱼中超标;通过人们对鱼的日膳食量的初步估算,毒性元素的摄入量不会超标,也不会对人们的健康产生影响。
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Study on trace elements of ten kinds of fish species at Beijing market by INAA
YUAN Guojun XIAO Caijin JIN Xiangchun YANG Wei ZHANG Guiying WANG Pingsheng HUA Long NI Bangfa
(China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China)
Background:As the improvement of the living standard, the safety of food becomes more and more concerned currently. The fish is healthy food with more protein but less fat. Purpose: We bought ten species of fish from the market, which are often eaten by Chinese, and analyzed the trace elements of them by instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA). So some detecting methods should be applied to give some suggestions for human. Methods: First of all, we choose six species of fresh water fish, including grass carp, weever, Wuchang Fish, tilapia, crucian, carp, and four species of frozen sea fish, including hairtail, yellow croaker, salmon, ling. All of them were collected from a supermarket in Beijing. Secondly, we remove the squama by Teflon coated scissor, wash the fish with de-ionized water and use ashless filter paper to absorb the water on the fish. Then we cut the squama-less part with titanium knife for about 10 g, put them into plastic bags separately and sealed, balance the net weight, use a tablet machine to press them into slice and freeze at −18 ºC for 12 h. And then we put them into a vacuum desiccator to pump for 72 h, balance dry fish, calculate the ratio of moisture and triturate the sample into about 40 meshes in agate. Finally, we prepare three sub-samples about 300 mg with each packed by plastic bag for analysis. We put the samples, NIST-1632a and chemical standard material together, irradiate in micro neutron source reactor (MNSR) for 16 h, measure the radioactivity by Ge detector after cooling 5 d or 10 d, and calculate the contents of 16 elements by the k0-NAA and the relative method. Results: The contents of trace elements are different between fresh water fish and sea fish. The contents of As, Hg, Br, Na, Se in sea fish are apparently higher than fresh water fish, but the contents of Rb and Zn are contrary. Considering most fresh water fishes are feed, Zn was probably added in fodder. The content of As in weever is 2.4 μg·g−1, the others are 0.3 μg·g−1in average. We don’t know why it’s so high. Maybe it comes from the fodder. The contents of Br and Na in ling are very high. Maybe they came from sea water for frozen fish. The content of Ca in Wuchang Fish and cap is very high, because of the fine fish bone in meat. Other elements, such as Co, Cs, Fe, K, aren’t much different from the various of fish species. Conclusions: According to the national food hygiene standard GB2762-2012 (maximum levels of contaminants in foods), the level of fish is Hg (Methyl)<0.5 mg·kg−1, As (Inorganic)<0.1 mg·kg−1, Se<1.0 mg·kg−1. Apparently, the contents of As in all the fishes are higher in the level except crucian. The content of As in ling is 40 times of the level. The contents of Hg, Se in ling and Se in weever are higher in the level. We must care about the nocuous elements of fodder if these fishes are feed artificially.
Fish, Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), Trace element, Toxic element