
2013-02-01 02:21
中国科技信息 2013年8期




其表态证实了美国参议院科学和太空委员会主席比尔·尼尔森(Bill Nelson)5日的公开发言,后者表示,美国宇航局准备实施小行星捕捉和登陆计划,有可能提前4年实现宇航员登上小行星的目标。





尼尔森表示,小行星捕捉计划能帮助美国开发出“扭转”危险小行星轨道的技术,也为2030年左右将宇航员送往火星做准备。美国宇航局近地天体项目主管约曼斯(Donald Yeomans)认为,这项计划不会威胁地球安全,因为如果这种大小的小行星进入地球大气层会被烧毁。


Of fi cial Con fi rms NASA Plan to Capture an Asteroid

Rumors have been leaking out for over a week, but now according to Alan Boyle at NBC News’ Cosmic Log, a senior Obama administration official has con fi rmed that $100 million is being sought for NASA’s budget request for the coming fi scal year for work to allow a robotic spaceship to capture a small asteroid and park it near the Moon for astronauts to explore. The spacecraft would capture a 500-ton, 7- meter (25-foot) asteroid in 2019.

Then using an Orion space capsule, a crew of about four astronauts would stat on-keep with the space rock in 2021 to allow for EVAs for explorat on. This plan would accelerate NASA’s deep space missions with Orion and prepare crews for going to Mars.

NBC news quoted the oき cial— who spoke on condition of anonymity because there was no authorization to discuss the plan publicly — as saying the mission would “accomplish the president’s challenge of sending humans to visit an asteroid by 2025 in a more cost-effective and potentially quicker time frame than under other scenarios.”

A week ago, Aviation Week reported that NASA was considering this asteroid mission,which was proposed by the Keck Inst tute for Space Studies last year.Keck’s proposal had a price tag of$2.6 billion, but no cost estimate for the space agency’s version has yet been released.

Then on April 5, the Associated Press quoted U.S. Sen.Bill Nelson, D-Florida, Nelson,chairman of the Senate science and space subcommittee, that President Obama is putting $100 million in planning money for the accelerated asteroid mission in the 2014 budget that comes out next week. The money would be used to fi nd the right small asteroid.

“It really is a clever concept,”AP quoted Nelson said in a press conference in Orlando. “Go find your ideal candidate for an asteroid.Go get it robotically and bring it back.”

This would be the first time ever an object in space of this size would be manipulated in such a manner.

Donald Yeomans, who heads NASA’s Near Earth Object program,was quoted that while there are thousands of asteroids around 25-feet, finding the right one that comes by Earth at just the right time to be captured will not be easy. And once a suitable rock is found it would be captured with the space equivalent of “a baggie with a drawstring. You bag it. You at ach the solar propulsion module to de-spin it and bring it back to where you want it.”

A 7- meter (25-foot) asteroid is not a threat to Earth because asteroids of that size would burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

The official quoted by NBC said the plan has been under discussion for months, but after February’s meteor blast over Russia, the plan gained tract on.

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