CAS’s Project Proposal on Manufacture of Methanol via CO2Hydrogenation Approved

2013-01-25 23:58:02
中国炼油与石油化工 2013年3期

CAS’s Project Proposal on Manufacture of Methanol via CO2Hydrogenation Approved

The proposal on key technology and engineering demonstration project for low-cost hydroconversion of carbon dioxide to methanol put forward by the CAS Shanxi Institute of Coal Chemistry has been approved and included in the State Science and Technology Support Program, with the project outlay reaching 5.7 million RMB.

As referred to by relevant information, this project, upon taking into account the enormous amount of CO2emissions, the widespread distribution of pollutant sources and severe environmental pollutants originated from coalbased power generation and steel making, will use the cheap hydrogen as the staring material to study and develop the high-efficiency catalysts and key equipment for synthesis of methanol via hydrogenation of industrial offgas CO2. Implementation of this project is expected to achieve the construction of a low-cost demonstration unit for hydroconversion of CO2to methanol in a commercial single reactor, which should smoothly operate for 1000 hours.