In Commemoration of the 300th Anniversary of Birth of Rousseau
By Guo Zhikun
From June 29 through September 30, 2012, Pantheon Paris holds Rousseau and Art, a commemorative exhibition in honor of Jean-Jacque Rousseau (1712-1778), a great French thinker. The year 2012 marks his 300th birthday anniversary. The encyclopedic show displays a full range of exhibits such as books, paintings, letters, and sculptures featuring Rousseaus intimate ties with art. ARTE, a France-Germany public television service, has produced a documentary following the biographical clues of “Confessions of Jean-Jacque Rousseau”, tracing his life footprints from Geneva, Chambery, Paris, and Montmorency to Ermenonville.
European countries hold various commemorative events in celebration of the great French thinker whose thought shaped the history of Europe. At his birthplace Geneva, exhibitions, theater performances and symposiums have been held in honor of Rousseau.
Rousseaus thought has played an influential role in Chinas modernization. The 1911 Revolution, like the French Revolution, aimed to overthrow feudalism. In 1898, “The Social Contract” by Rousseau was translated into Chinese from a Japanese version and published in Shanghai. The year the Chinese translation was published in Shanghai was the year when 1898 Reform took place and failed.
Since 1898, the French thinkers major works such as “The Confessions”, “Discourse on Political Economy”, “Letter to M. DAlembert on Spectacles”, “Letters Written from Mountains”, “Emil”, and “Julie, or the New Heloise” have been translated into Chinese. Some experts of Rousseau point out that the continuous translation of a foreigner scholar such as Rousseau over the past 100 years or more is rare in China.
Over the past 100 years, Rousseau has played a big part in Chinas modernization. Zou Rong (1885-1905), a radical thinker who called for revolution to overthrow the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911) and died in jail, likened Rousseaus political ideas to a wonder drug that could bring the dead back to life. Rousseaus ideas have served as a theoretical framework that shaped ideological trends and political thoughts in China since the early years of the 20th century.
In commemoration of the influential thinker, the Commercial Press, one of Chinas heavyweight publishers, started in 2006 a project to print the complete works of Rousseau. At the age of 88, Li Pingou, a master of studies on Rousseau and prominent translator, has been at the helm of the ambitious project since 2006. He retranslated some important works such as “The Confessions”, “The Social Contract”, and “Discourse on the Arts and Science”. The 9-volumn collection covers Rousseaus thought on politics, economy, thought, education, literature and art. For the circles of academics and publishing, this complete collection prints the most comprehensive and most inclusive works of Rousseau.