To eat, to drink and to be merry are not the only purpose in life.
Many people are greed-driven ingrates who never satisfied. This is why they are not happy.
许多人贪得无厌,忘恩负义,永不满足。这就是他们不快乐的原因。(greed-driven 指追求物质金钱;ingrate 指不懂感恩的人)
We can achieve happiness and be truly thankful once we realize that we have enough.
Work is either fun or drudgery; it depends on your attitude.
工作是愉快,还是乏味,要看你的态度而定。(drudgery 是单调乏味)
There are two ways to live a courageous life: find your purpose and be passionate about your work.
It is not what people say you are; it is what you believe you are.
别人说你是怎样的人,不算数;而是你自己相信你是怎样一个人。( what...you are 多指品格或生活)
Seize today and let yesterday go.
Don't force your children to do something to glorify you; some people are just not cut out to do what you expect.
不要强迫你的儿女去做使你增添荣耀的事;有些人不是生来就适合去做你所期望的事。 (to be cut out = to design)
Try to like your life the way it is; that is what happiness is all about.
尽量喜欢你的生活现状,这就是幸福之所在。(it 指life)
Don't feel business deals and drinking should go hand in hand.