An Attribute Reduction Algorithm Based on Rough Entropy in Information System
SHI Jin-ling
(International School of Education, Xuchang University, Xuchang 461000, China)
Abstract:In information system, a rough entropy is defined by studying roughness of knowledge, then knowledge rough entropys mo? notonous increasing property with the increase of partition is proved. On this basis, attribute significance measure method is given and a heuristic reduction algorithm based on rough entropy is proposed. A detailed example is shown that the algorithm can effectively extract op? timal reduction.
Key words: information system; rough entropy; attribute significance; attribute reduction
粗糙集理论(Rough Set )是一种有效的从不精确、不完备与不一致数据的知识库中获取知识的数学理论[1-2]。属性约简是粗糙集的核心内容之一,而且寻求高效快速的属性约简算法是粗糙集理论研究的主要热点之一。国内外许多学者基于知识的度量方法如信息熵、正区域、分辨矩阵、知识粒度、粒度熵等提出了相关的属性约简算法[3-8],但目前对信息系统属性约简的研究仍集中于如何寻求有效的知识度量方法,提出完备的最优的属性约简算法。该文针对知识的粗糙性,提出了粗糙熵的度量方法,讨论了知识对论域的划分粗糙度大小,并给出了一种有效的信息系统启发式属性约简算法。