坦桑尼亚驻华宣传大使Charles、塞拉利昂总统外宣办公室高级秘书Lamina、加纳《每日写真日报》社长Ayeboafoh、肯尼亚人民媒体集团副总编Eric Oduor等媒体人员一行,先后聆听了茶文化知识讲座,观赏了中国特色的茶艺冲泡,参观了采云间九峰生态茶园并感受采茶体验、茶艺冲泡体验等一系列活动,其博大精深的中国茶文化深受媒体团的称赞。
African Media Group Visits Tea Producer in Zhejiang
By Shi Fengtao
In early March 2012, a group of 24 senior media officials from 15 African countries visited Caiyunjian, a big tea manufacturer and exporter based in Jinhua, a central city in Zhejiang Province. The media officials included chiefs of govern-ment offices and news media of African countries such as Ethiopia, Ghana, Cameroon, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Tanzania, Sierra Leone, and Kenya.
For the group, a visit to the tea producer and exporter gave them first-hand experience of tea culture and tea processing. They attended a lecture on tea culture, watched a tea performance, picked tealeaves at the Nine Peaks tea plantation, and tried their hands at tea making. They were deeply impressed by the Chinese tea culture.
Zheng Jianmei, a senior national tea master, gave a short lecture on Chinese tea, addressing topics such as the origin of Chinese tea, tea cultivation and processing, tea culture, and tea as a health beverage. Toward the end of the lecturer, she interacted amiably with the African guests through a Q & A session.
After the lecture, a group of girls staged a tea perform-ance. After watching the show repeatedly, the visitors tried their hands at making and serving the tea.
In the afternoon, the 24 African guests visited the Nine Peaks tea plantation at the foot of Nine Peaks Mountain, which is a scenic zone at the provincial level. The 240-hectare tea plantation spreads on undulating slopes and operates on an ecological mode. The ecological mode is a recycling system, which consists of a biogas system, a dairy farm, an organic tea plantation, a forage farm, and a vegetable and fruit base. The African visitors were deeply im-pressed by this self-support farming system and by the size of the tea plantation.
While the media veterans were meandering around the tea plan-tation, a visitor from Ghana suddenly began performing a religious ceremony. He later explained that it was appropriate to pray at a tea plantation. He said, “People who share my faith believe that tea bonds people. We entertain our guests with a cup of tea. We hold celebrations with a cup of tea. The way of tea is a way of cultivating ones virtue. Tea creates spiritual peace, kindness, and bond.” □