汪岳云 范秀娟
Girl Comes Back to Seek Her Roots in Longyou County
By Wang Yueyun, Fan Xiujuan
You Lu is now 10 years old. She is a Chinese American. She was adopted by Scott and Jennifer, an American couple living in Min-nesota, USA when she was merely 11 months old. Her birth parents are unknown. Scott works as an engineer in food industry and Jen-nifer works as a teacher for preschoolers. You Lu lived at Longyou County Orphanage before she was adopted. In March 2012, You Lu came back to visit her roots in Longyou for the first time.
You Lu is one of numerous Chinese children adopted by Ameri-can families. Families with Children from China (FCC) is one of Americas largest non-profit organizations with chapters in 40 states. Most American families with children adopted from China tell adoptees that they are from China. In most of these families, adopted babies keep their Chinese names. Some families have Chinese nannies and some send adopted Chinese kids to study Chi-nese. Some come back now and then to visit their roots in China. The families often take part in events organized by FCC and by the Chinese embassy. The three daughters of Scott and Jennifer keep in touch with their Chinese roots this way.
Scott and Jennifer are two of these open-minded American adop-tive parents and their daughter You Lu is a dearly loved girl who speaks some Chinese but writes Chinese quite well.
In early March this year, the Longyou County Orphanage received a letter from Zhejiang Administration of Civil Affairs that said Scott and Jennifer would bring You Lu to visit the orphanage.
Chen Yongnian, now director of the orphanage, remembered You Lu as a little baby. He was working at the orphanage when You Lu was adopted. He checked the archives, but the nanny who had looked after the baby girl had left. Chen invited many old people and children over to wel-come the American family.
On the morning of March 22, You Lu came to the orphanage, accompanied by her adoptive parents and two sisters. The family was warmly welcomed. Through a transla-tor, the family chatted with the crowd. You Lu wrote on a piece of paper the following words in Chinese: “Hello, Longyou. I am back to see you! You Lu.” The people ap-plauded. Through the translator, the ten-year-old girl reported to her hometown people: “I play piano. I play the football and the basketball. I am the fastest runner of my grade at school. I hope I can, like Yao Ming, the basketball player, build a bridge between China and America for cultural exchanges and bring good news to Longyou my hometown.”
The family had dinner at the orphanage. Naturally, You Lu used chopsticks. □