火善栋 杨旭东
摘要: 为了让学生通过对汇编语言的学习加深对计算机内部原理的理解,借助汇编语言低级化的特点,详细分析了C/C++函数调用中值传递、指针传递和引用传递的内在实现机制。
关键词: 汇编语言; 函数调用; 指针; 引用; 堆栈
中图分类号:N文献标志码:A 文章编号:1006-8228(2012)09-49-02
Via assemble language to catch on mechanism of value transmit, pointer transmit
and reference transmit in C/C++ function calling
Huo Shandong, Yang Xudong
(1. Chongqing three gorges university, Chongqing 404000, China; 2. Chongqing safety technology profession college)
Abstract: Since the assemble language is an important machine language of facing computer hardware directly, it can help to better understand the principle of computer. The characteristic of assemble language is introduced and it is explained in the paper how to realize value transmit, pointer transmit and reference transmit in the computer.
Key words: assemble language; function calling; pointer; reference; stack