(常熟理工学院 外国语学院,江苏 常熟 215500)
(1)For one thing,I am of opinion that library is more of a reliable source of information.(《四级》p.30)
此句有误:be of the opinion that是固定搭配,冠词 the不可缺少。例如:
1)“The committee is of the opinion that Barnes was wrongfully dismissed.委员会认为解雇巴讷斯,解雇错了。”[1]1018
2)“Aristotle was of the opinion that there would always be rich and poor in society.亚里斯多德认为社会上总有富人和穷人。”[2]994
因此,(1)句宜改为:For one thing,I am of the opinion that a library ismore of a reliable source of in⁃formation.
(2)Besides,if the interview takes the form of workshop,the interviewee will learn the importance of taking initiative or cooperating with others.(《八级》p.18)
此句take the initiative是固定搭配,冠词the不可缺少。例如:
3)“He took the initiative in organizing a party af⁃ter his brother’s wedding.他弟弟的婚礼过后,他代替筹办了一次聚会。”[3]896
4)“Itwas up to the US to take the initiative in re⁃pairing relations.在修复关系方面应由美国采取主动。”[4]909
因此,(2)句宜改为:Besides,if the interview takes the form of workshop,the interviewee will learn the importance of taking the initiative or cooperating with others.
(1)Undoubtedly,trainees willmake better prepa⁃ration for their exams.(《四级》p.101)
(2)Let’s look forward,and the most important thing is to make good preparation for the next exam.(《四级》p.184)
以上两句中的preparation用得欠妥,make prepa⁃rations for sth.是固定搭配,preparations不可改为preparation。例如:
5)“The country ismaking preparations for war.这个国家正在进行备战。”[4]1351
6)“Preparations are beingmade for the President’s visit.正在作准备迎接总统的来访。”[1]1132
(1)Undoubtedly,trainees willmake better prepa⁃rations for their exams.
(2)Let’s look forward,and the most important thing is tomake good preparations for the next exam.
(1)In my point of view,there are some reasons for it.(《四级》p.154)
此句中的in my point of view有误,按英语的表达习惯,既可说in one’s view,也可说from one’s point of view或 from one’s viewpoint,不说 in one’s point of view。例如:
7)“In my view,he’s a fool.照我看,他是个傻瓜。”[5]400
8)“From my point of view,no changes should be made.依我看,不应该作任何改变。”[5]415
9)“From his viewpoint,he had done nothing wrong.依他看来,他没做错什么。”[1]1608
因此,(1)句宜改为:From my point of view,there are some reasons for it.也可改为:In my view/ From my viewpoint,there are some reasons for it.
(2)Values and ethics should be inculcated to peo⁃ple as they mature,as that kind of information will build them for being good citizens.(《八级》p.173)
此句有误:动词inculcate的句型是inculcate sth. in/into/on/upon sb.,或inculcate sb.with sth.inculcate作“向某人反复灌输某事”解,不跟介词to连用。例如:
10)“They inculcated the will to succeed in all their children.他们向他们所有的子女反复灌输立志成功的决心。”[3]884
11)“Schools inculcate patriotic ideas into chil⁃dren from an early age.学校从早期教育开始就向学生灌输爱国主义思想。”[6]207
12)“The teacher inculcated love of knowledge on/ upon his students.老师谆谆教导学生要热爱知识。”[7]265
13)“They inculcated all their children with the will to succeed.他们谆谆教诲他们所有的孩子要立志取得成功。”[3]884
因此,(2)句宜改为:Values and ethics should be inculcated in/into/on people as they mature,as that kind of information will build them for being good citi⁃zens.
(1)Also,entering the classroom after the instruc⁃tion’s presentation has started can be distracting both to the instructor as well as to other students.(《八级》p.88)
(2)This way,it will eventually benefit both us clients and the service industry alike.(《八级》p.156)
以上两例中的as well as和alike用得欠妥,both后要跟 and连用。例如:
14)“Both his mother and his father will be there.他父母二人都要去那里。”[4]183
15)“For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish.担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。”[4]183
(1)Also,entering the classroom after the instruc⁃ tion’s presentation has started can be distracting both to the instructor and to other students.或Also,enter⁃ing the classroom after the instruction’s presentation has started can be distracting to the instructor as well as to other students.
(2)This way,it will eventually benefit both us clients and the service industry.或This way,it will eventually benefit us clients and the service industry alike.
(1)Being lack of sleep and dinner,children are more likely to get irritable and suffer from severe mal⁃nutrition.(《四级》p.87)
此句有误:lack是名词,并非形容词;表示“缺少”时,可用动词lack,也可用be lacking in。前者既可跟物质名词也可跟抽象名词,而后者只跟抽象名词;也可用be short of来表示“缺少”,其后跟物质名词。例如:
16)“Some houses still lack basic amenities such as bathrooms.有些住宅仍没有像卫生间这样的基本设施。”[4]974
17)“She has the determination that her brother lacks.她有决心,而她兄弟却没有。”[4]975
18)“We’re short of sugar/apples.我们缺少糖[苹果]。”[3]970
因此,(1)句宜改为:Lacking sleep and dinner,children are more likely to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.也可改为:Being short of sleep and dinner,children are more likely to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.还可改为:For lack of sleep and dinner,children are more likely to get irritable and suffer from severe malnutrition.(for lack of sth.作“因缺少……”解)
(2)People,especially fashion-followers are often“blackmailed”by fashion-designers and stores,for the clothes they call fashionable are often uncom fort⁃able to wear and do not worth the marked price as their real value deserves.(《八级》p.196)
19)“How much is your car worth?你的车子值多少钱?”[3]2021
20)“It is well worth making the effort to learn how to do it.很值得花一番工夫去学会怎样做这事。”[3]2021
因此,(2)句宜改为:People,especially fash⁃ion-followers are often“blackmailed”by fashion-de⁃signers and stores,for the clothes they call fashion⁃able are often uncom fortable to wear and are not worth themarked price as their real value deserves.
(1)Please give me a phone call and letme know whether it is OK,or when you are convenient.(《四级》p.190)
此句有误:按照英语的表达习惯,形容词conve⁃nient,不可用于sb.be convenient的结构,宜用在 it is convenient to/for sb.的句型中。例如:
21)“If it is convenient to you,I will call at two o’clock.如果你方便的话,我2点钟给你打电话。”[8]147
22)“Come whenever it is convenient to you.什么时候方便就什么时候来。”[9]359
因此,(1)句宜改为:Please give me a phone call and letme know whether it is OK,or when it is conve⁃nient to you.
(2)May you a quick recovery.(《四级》p.209)
此句may sb后不可直接跟名词,要跟动词再加其他成分;而wish sb后可直接跟名词。例如:
23)“May you have a very happy married life.祝你的婚姻生活幸福美满。”[3]1090
24)“May both the bride and groom have long and happy lives.祝新郎新娘生活美满白头偕老。”[4]885
25)“We wish you amerry Christmas.祝你圣诞快乐。”[9]1811
26)“She called to wish me a happy birthday.她打电话来祝我生日快乐。”[1]1657
因此,(2)句宜改为:May you have a quick recov⁃ery.或可改为:W ish you a quick recovery.
[1]Pearson Education Limited.Longman Advanced American Dictionary[K].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2003.
[2]Longman Group UK Limited.Longman Dictionary of Con⁃temporary English[K].北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1997.
[3]Della Summers.Longman Dictionary of English Language& Culture(English-Chinese)[K].北京:商务印书馆,2005.
[4]A SHornby.Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary[K].北京:商务印书馆,1997.
[5]Tom McArthur.Longman Lexicon of Contemporary English[K].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.