
2012-01-08 03:37:58ApproachtoanIntegratedElectricVehicleDriveSolution
传动技术 2012年1期

Approach to an Integrated Electric Vehicle Drive Solution

1 动因


2 定义,电气化等级



1 Motivation

In an effort to strike a balance between increasing fuel prices and the necessity to reduce CO2emissions,different paths are followed by the automotive industries.The pursuance of optimization measures concerning combustion engines and transmissions as well as the broader use of hybrid technology provide the possibility of achieving today’s CO2targets.

The improvement of conventional technologies will still play a decisive role in the near future[1,2],while hybrid technology will affect the market in the medium term.In a fictional world of only pure electric drivelines,other technologies would be replaced,even if various components of the hybrid technology(electric motors,batteries)could be reused.On that score,hybrid technology is often labeled as“transitional”solution.However,nowadays lots of experts agree that an entire substitution by electric vehicles will take place very late or maybe never.It is rather assumed that all mentioned technologies will exist in parallel.Consequently the development of both,highly efficient conventional technology including hybrids and new driveline con-cepts such as drivelines for pure electric mobility,has to be pushed forward.

图1 不同功能等级和规范的电气化道路图Fig.1 Electrification road map with functional steps and specifications






2 Definitions,Steps of electrification

With the upcoming of electric vehicle drives it is important to speak the same language when discussing vehicle electrification issues.Clear definitions are essential to distinguish e.g.hybrid drives from EV drives or serial architectures from range extender solutions.

Often the roadmap of driveline electrification is described as a continuous ramp from “much ICE,little EM”to“much EM,no ICE”.To develop distinct technical solutions such a continuous approach has to be avoided.The specifications rather have to be separated and grouped,differences have to be identified and technological steps between the groups have to be found,Figure1.

Hybrid Vehicles(HEV)

By definition of the UNO a hybrid vehicle has two different power converters and two different storage devices.In comm on hybrid electric vehicles the converters are a conventional internal combustion engine(ICE)and one or more electric motors(EM).Therefore the term hybrid electric vehicle arose(HEV).The storage devices of HEVs are a fuel tank which supplies the ICE with energy and a battery(or super-capacitor).

One of the main potentials of HEVs is the possibility to recover kinetic energy in deceleration phases.It is taken advantage of the ability of the electric storage device to deliver and to collect energy.Thereby energy,that was formerly lost while braking mechanically,can be transformed into electric energy by using the EM as a generator.Economic parallel hybrid solutions from ZF are in the market already[1,2].



3 电动汽车行驶-发展目标


图2 最终用户的电力驱动优缺点Fig.2 Drawbacks and benefits of electric mobility for the end customer.



Electric Vehicle(EV)

An electric vehicle(EV)is driven exclusively by electric power coming from the vehicle battery.All driving specifications can be fulfilled by the electric drive.A special variant of EVs are range extended electric vehicles,for which the last mentioned condition is valid as well,but with the addi-tion that these vehicles might be driven by the range extender device–e.g.an ICE–temporarily,if this device is connected to the drive axle.The range extender by definition does only extend the range and does not fulfill other driving specifications(like top speed,performance...)than the electric drive.The drive structures of range extender EVs are comparable to those of hybrid drives.Parallel structures are offering a direct connection of the above mentioned ICE to the axle;serial structures need an additional generator to re-charge the battery or to supply the motor with energy,see chapter 5.

Differentiation between HEV and EV

Like mentioned above the difference between the two drives should be defined by the power converter which is designed for all driving specifications of the driveline.In an HEV 100per cent of the spec shall be fulfilled by the ICE,in an EV all of by the EM.

3 Electric Vehicle Drives– Development goals

Electric vehicles very often are described as the future mobility solution.And indeed the potential of emission free driving seems to be attractive for the benefit of mankind.The meaning of electric mobility for the user–with all its benefits and drawbacks–has to be mentioned as well.Figure2 summarizes the important factors.

For the development of driveline systems it is of great interest how the characteristics of EV drives differ from the conventional ones.Obviously the set of differentiation factors changes.Former criteria like shift quality,response and shift patterns lose importance,while the efficiency of the driveline,its weight as well as the acoustic behavior,e.g.of the transmission,become very important,Figure3.

One of the most important characteristics of an EV drive of the future will be the driveline efficiency.Even if there will be energetically important issues like heating and cooling with new impacts on the cabin design,and even if battery developers will achieve big successes concerning the power and energy density of the EV drive’s key component:the biggest part of energy transformation will still take place in the driveline system consisting of the inverter,the electric motor and the transmission between the latter and the wheels.This transformation has to be as efficient as possible,especially because it occurs both for driving and braking(regeneration)phases.


图3 纯电动汽车卖点的变化Fig.3 Change of Unique selling propositions(USP)of electric vehicles

图4 纯电动汽车的集成水平。水平2有望实现在经济性和效率方面的最佳系统Fig.4 Integration levels for electric drives.Level 2promises best results in terms of system optimization towards economics and efficiency

4 ZF公司的纯电动汽车传动系统方案

ZF EVD1(纯电动汽车传动系统)是ZF已经研制成功的第一个产品。在这个高速方案中,所有动力电子设备、电动机和机械(例如传动、轴承)方面的知识和总体设计(处于水平1)的各种可能性都被用来开发一套电动传动系统,使其满足质量轻、紧凑、高功率密度和声学最优。图5。

From the driveline developer’s point of view it is absolutely crucial to focus on the whole chain of power transformation,i.e.the complete system“inverter,motor,gears”instead of the single components.An integration approach has to be considered as shown in Figure4.

4 ZF’s solution for an Electric Vehicle Drive

A first approach has been made by ZF with the ZF EVD1(Electric Vehicle Drive 1).In this high speed solution all knowledge on power electronics,electric motors and mechanics,like gearings and bearing concepts and all possibilities of integrated design(on level 1)have been used to develop an electric vehicle drive which is light-weight,compact,highly power dense and acoustically optimized,Figure5.

图5 作为集成化设计成果的ZF EVD1 Fig.5 ZF’s Electric Vehicle Drive 1as result of an integrated design


经常讨论的问题是关于EV传动系统的速比。许多专家都同意,在假设电动轿车主要用于通勤目的,也就是短途行驶的话,其最高车速约在130km/h[3-7]左右这样一个较低的水平。同样也假设该紧凑型轿车的爬坡能力一般。因此可以设想驱动桥最大转矩约为1 200Nm。将转矩和车速这两个主要需求与现代化电动机的转矩-车速图相比,便能够清晰地发现无需多级变速,除非最高车速或最大转矩超过了上述限值。而行驶效率则必须加以考虑。图6是该研究的仿真结论。

图6 与单级方案相比,两级速比变速器在EVD1中的效率优势相当小。其优势在于更好地利用电动机的效率图。这些优势(部分优势)被附加部件和质量以及换档操作所抵消Fig.6 The efficiency-wise advantage of a two-speed transmission in an EVD1versus a simple one-speed solution is quite low.The advantages are linked to the better use of the efficiency map of the electric drive.These advantages are(partly over-)compensated by losses originated by additional parts and masses as well as by operations like the synchronization during shifting


为获得小尺寸、低质量和低成本方面的优势,ZF决定电动机采用高速传动概念,其最高转速达到21 000r/min同时变速器速比约为16。高速传动概念可减轻电动机质量约50%,而采用异步技术(ASM)带来的功率密度劣势也可被消除。这意味着,降低成本和质量的双重目标可通过采用高速传动的ASM实现,图7。

Number of speeds

A discussion often starts when the question of gears for an EV driveline arises.Many authors agree on the assumption that an electric passenger car serves mainly for commuter purposes,i.e.on short trips with relatively low maximum speeds around 130km/h[3to 7].Also it is commonly assumed that the vehicle’s gradeability is that of a compact car in general.So a good assumption for a maximum axle torque could be around 1.200Nm.Comparing these two main demands–torque and speed–to the torque-speed map of modern electric motors,one can easily find out that multiple transmission ratios are not needed unless top speed or maximum torque exceeds the mentioned limits.At second sight the efficiency in cycles and customer routes has to be taken into account.The result of such an investigation by simulation means is described in Figure6.

High speed concept

To achieve the advantages of small package,low weight and cost advantages in comparison to standard approaches ZF decided to choose a highspeed concept with an electric machine that features a maximum speed of 21,000r/min and a transmission with a mechanical ratio of approximately 16.The high-speed concept reduces the weight of the electric machine by about 50per cent,and even the disadvantage of the asynchronous technology(ASM)in terms of power density can be eliminated.This means,that both targets,cost and weight reduction,are reached by choosing an ASM in a high-speed concept,Figure7.

Overall Efficiency

Besides compactness,efficiency is another target for an electric vehicle drive.With respect to this criterion,the advantages of a PSM over an ASM become negligible when choosing a high-speed concept.Although ZF has chosen the ASM technology,the technology investigation showed that both electric machine technologies(PSM and ASM)are feasible for the high speed concept with comparable performance data.The ASM technology was chosen,but for future developments the PSM technology is still a viable option.

图7 采用高速传动降低质量和成本。电动机转速为21 000r/min变速器速比为16时的最高车速为150km/hFig.7 Weight-and cost reduction due to high-speed concept.The transmission ratio 16gives a top speed of 150km/h at an electric motor rotational speed of 21 000r/min.Mass质量 Ratio速比






5 增程器概念


With respect to efficiency the most relevant operating modes have to be known.Therefore different customer driving cycles and official driving cycles were analyzed with respect to their performance requirements.It could be found out,that especially for vehicles with electric traction the efficiency at small and medium loads,adjacent to the natural vehicle resistance curve,is of utmost importance.With the anticipated predominant urban usage profile,the speed range of 40to 120kph seems to be a viable choice,where,with respect to consumed power,higher speeds are more important than lower speeds.Therefore the EVD1electric machine is designed for optimum efficiency in these operation modes,Figure8.

This finding does–by the way–not apply to electric motors of HEV drives,which are most frequently used at maximum available power,be it in motor or regeneration mode.

The EVD1has been built up in several prototypes and is currently under thorough evaluation on the promised properties.Therefore test runs on load rigs are evaluated,Figure9.The results are– both with respect to load/efficiency and to acoustics–promising.The integration in a demonstrator vehicle is currently running.Experiences with driving the EVD1will be reported in presentations yet to come.

5 Range-Extender Concepts

The main bottleneck for pure electric mobility is the battery.Improvements have to be made particularly with regard to power density and costs,but also in terms of duration of recharge.Since these successes will be achieved slowly,efforts aim at reducing the required amount of stored electric energy per car.To enable the use of batteries with restricted capacity,either customers need to accept the limited range or devices are required that are able to extend the range by carrying extra energy supply onboard.Generally this energy is fuel which powers a small combustion engine.The engine power may then be transformed by agenerator into electric energy in order to charge the battery or to directly drive the motor(serial architecture).As an alternative the mechanical power may also be directed to the axle drive.This can be managed by an additional transmission module (parallel architecture).Both concepts have their pros and cons,which may result in a coexistence of solutions similar to those of parallel and power split hybrid drives,Figure10.

图8 工况分析Fig.8 Analysis of relevant operation modes

图9 试验台架上的EVD1样机Fig.9 EVD1prototypes on the test rig

图10 EV传动系统增程器构架Fig.10 Range Extender architectures as derived from an EV driveline


[1] Wagner,G.;Naunheimer,H.;Scherer,H.;Dick,A.:Automatic 8-speed transmission for fuel consumption reduction.In ATZ,Automotive technology magazine,Issue 109(2007)

[2] Paul,M.,Domian,H.-J.and M.Mohr:Challenge CO2reduction–opportunities based on optimised drivelines.6.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeuggetriebe“,Berlin,2007-12-04/05.

[3] Sch?fer,U.:Selection of EV motors with respect to gear.9.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe und Hybrid & Elektro-Antriebe“,Berlin,2010-11-29– 2010-12-02.

[4] Huckstep,A.,Kirkpatrick,G.:Development of Tata Vista EV S150transmission.9.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe und Hybrid& Elektro-Antriebe“,Berlin,2010-11-29–2010-12-02.

[5] Bertolotto,S.,Gay,R.,Torrelli,C.:2-Speed Electric Vehicle with Seamless Gearshift System.9.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe und Hybrid & Elektro-Antriebe“,Berlin,2010-11-29 –2010-12-02.

[6] Lugmayr,T.,Leitner,J.:Development of a highly efficient,two-speed electric powertrain for light commercial vehicles(LCV).9.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe und Hybrid & Elektro-Antriebe“,Berlin,2010-11-29–2010-12-02.

[7] Schneider,E.,Fickel,F.,Cebulski,B.,Liebold,J.:Highly integrative electric drive unit for Electric Vehicles.9.Internationales CTI Symposium ?Innovative Fahrzeug-Getriebe und Hybrid & Elektro-Antriebe“,Berlin,2010-11-29– 2010-12-02.

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