摘 要: 写出正确的英文句子是大学英语写作的基础。中国学生英语作文中的很多典型句式错误主要是由母语迁移所造成的。本文通过例句分析讨论了学生英文写作中出现的典型句法错误,以期帮助学生克服母语干扰,提高写作水平。
关键词: 大学英语写作 常见句法问题 例句分析
如(1)*So many troubles haunt in my heart makes me tired ,hard to enjoy it. 句中“haunt” 和“makes” 是两个并列谓项,明显受到汉语兼语结构的影响,不符合英语的句法要求,英语需要通过句式结构的变化来体现语言的逻辑关系。此句可改为:√I was annoyed by so many troubles,which makes it hard for me to enjoy life on campus.下面出现在学生作文中的句子同属这一类型:
(2)*People take online courses acquire more knowledge.
(√People take online courses in order to acquire more knowledge. Or: People who take online courses can acquire more knowledge.)
(3)*Online education become more and more popular is the need of the world.
(√The increasing popularity of online education meets the demand of society.)
(4)*Courage is a kind of inner spirit belongs to every great people.
(√Courage is a kind of inner spirit that belongs to every great people.)
2.受汉语流水句的影响的连续不断的句子( run-on sentence)
汉语流水句由一系列语法完整的句子组成 ,两个或几个没有语法关联的句子间可以只用逗号,一直持续不断地接下去,逻辑关系比较松散。英语两个独立句间不可以使用逗号,否则造成连续不断的英语句子,被视为病句。如(1)*I do’t have the courage to open my mouth because I’m not confident,my oral English is so poor.此句便是受汉语流水句影响的结果。改写时应根据其内在的逻辑关系,决定是使用并列句、主从复合句、还是短语的形式。根据英语表达习惯上句可改为:√My oral English is so poor that I don’t have the courage and confidence to open my mouth.在学生作文中此类病句比比皆是。
(2)*The fact broke my dreams into ruins,the reality states the harsh truth,college life is not as good as I expected.
(√The fact smashes my dream.The reality states the harsh truth: college life is not as good as I expected.)
(3)*On the way I rushed to the classroom,my breath became faster and breathless,my legs were tiring and painful,my feet were too heavy to rise.
(√On the way I rushed to the classroom,I became quite out of breath,with my legs sore and painful,my feet too heavy to rise.)
(4)*Now,I still remember clearly what I did that morning,I got up very early,went over once again what I was going to teach.
(√Now,I still remember clearly what I did that morning. I got up very early,went over once again what I was going to teach.)
3. 受汉语主题—述题句影响的主谓不一致的句子
形合的英语是主语显著的语言(subject prominent),主题往往就是句子的主语;主语和谓项是句子结构的主要成分;而意合的汉语是主题显著的语言(topic prominent),主题(topic)和述题(comment)是构成句子的基本结构。其主题往往并非就是句子的主语。因此,在主题—述题结构中,首先陈述的是所要论证的事物,然后对其加以评论,这是典型的汉语句子表述方式(徐余龙)。在这类结构中,如“夏天很难保藏食品……”就是典型的主题句,按照汉语思维,“夏天”是主题,后面是评论主题怎样。受此影响,学生往往误以为汉语的主题就是英语的主语,造出“(1)Summer is difficult to preserve food.”的句子。其实,英语的主语是“保藏食品”,“夏天”只是时间状语,正确的表达应该是“It is difficult to preserve food in summer.”。这类句式错误在学生作文中也较常见。例如:
(2)*Chinese learning English have many problems.
(√Chinese may encounter many problems in learning English.)
(3)*His basket and football are both good.
(√He is good at both basketball and football.)
(4)*The way that western people think is difficult for me.
(√It is difficult for me to understand the westerners’ thinking mode.)
4.受汉语省略结构或从句作独立句影响的非完整句(Sentence Fragment)
(1)*First of all,of course,is the food.
(√First of all,the biggest problem I have to face is adapting myself to the food here.)
*You can study at home or office. only need a computer.
(√You can study at home or office only with the aid of a computer.)
(3)*With the question settled. They were happy and relaxed.
(4)*People waving flags and cheering. Lined the streets for parade.
在以上例句中,介词短语(with the question settled)、现在分词短语(waving flags and cheering) 被分别当作完整句子,出现了非完整句错误。正确的句子应该为:
√With the quest ion settled,they were happy and relaxed.
√People waving flags and cheering lined the street s for parade.
汉语中 ,有时从句可以独立存在 ,而英语中从句不能单独存在,否则就成了没有主句的非完整句。例如:
(1)*The man was racing down the street.Because he was late.
(2)* He failed to pass the College Entrance Exam.Which disappointed his parents.
在以上两例中,原因状语从句(because he was late) 和定语从句(which disappointed his parents)被分别当作完整的句子,形成非完整句的错误。应将它们改正为:
√The man was racing down the street,because he was late.
√He failed to pass the College Entrance Exam,which disappointed his parents.
5.垂悬修饰(dangling modifiers)
非谓语动词(-ing形式、 -ed形式、不定式)和形容词短语、介词短语作状语修饰主句时,它们的逻辑主语必须与句子的主语一致,与主句中的主语有逻辑主语关系,否则构成一种语病,叫垂悬结构。例如:
(1)*Unable to answer the teacher’s question,his face turned red.
形容词短语“looking out of the window”的逻辑主语只能是人,因为“回答”这个动作只能由人发出。因此,此处形容词短语的逻辑主语与主句的主语不一致,形成垂悬结构,汉语中多见这种表达“由于无法回答老师的提问,他的脸红了”,致使学生用英语表达时产生了负迁移。此句可改为:√ Unable to answer the teacher’s question,he blushed. 或:Because he was unable to answer the teacher’s question,his face turned red.见更多垂悬结构病句:
(2)*Looking out of the window,the white snowflakes fell down from the sky.
(√When I looked out of the window,I saw the white snowflakes falling down from the sky.)
(3)*To learn English well,much practice is necessary.
(√To learn English well,we need much practice.)
(4)*Stepping into the boat,my camera dropped into the water.
(√Stepping into the boat,I had my camera dropped into the water.)
平行结构(parallel structure)是将两个或两个以上意义相关、层次相同、句法功能相同的词、词组、分句等成串排列,以表达同类的行为、思想、概念的一种结构序列,它以相似的语法形式表达相似的思想。平行结构在构成上可以有不同层面的平行,从单词、短语的平行到从句的平行,在语中不同词类均可以有它的平等结构,平行结构最显著的特点是各个并列成分之间在句法结构上有一致性。因此,在写作时,一定要避免平行结构各个并列成分语法形式不一致。由于汉语里使用在使用词与词、短语与短语间的平行结构是对词性的一致性没有明显的要求,加之汉语本身又没有词形的变化,导致中国学生使用英语平行结构时犯语法结构不一致的句法错误。例如:(1)The young woman is pretty and has brains.平等结构的一致性要求作表语的两个成分具有相同的语法形式,这样才能使句子结构保持平衡和协调,故此句可改为:The young woman is both pretty and smart. 或:The young woman has both looks and brains. 更多例句如:
(1)*Speaking English for learners needs some knowledge,great confidence and not fearing of making mistakes.
(√It takes knowledge,confidence and courage for learners to speak English well.)
(2)*Lack of money,can’t understand lessons,feeling lonely,which is the most terrible frustration at college?
(√Lack of money,difficulties in study,loneliness——which is the worst frustration at college?)
(3)*To get along with their parents,teenagers need to be patient,tactful,to display tolerance.
(√To get along with their parents,teenagers need to be patient,tactful,tolerant.)
(4)*My driving instructor told me to keep both hands on the wheel,to use caution at all times,and don’t take my eyes off the road.
(√My driving instructor told me to keep both hands on the wheel,to use caution at all times,and not to take my eyes off the road.)