
2011-09-20 09:03郑伟许厚泽钟敏员美娟
大地测量与地球动力学 2011年3期

郑伟 许厚泽 钟敏 员美娟








AbstractThe implemented international Martian exploration programs including“Mars,Zond and Phobos-1/ 2”in USSR,“Mariner,Viking,Mars Observer,Mars Global Surveyor,Mars Pathfinder,Mars Climate Orbiter,Mars Polar Lander,Mars Odyssey,Spirit,Opportunity,Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and Phoenix”in USA,“Mars-96”in Russia,“Hope”in Japan and“Mars Express”in Europe,and the future domestic and overseas Martian measurement missions are presented.The Martian gravitational field models produced by Martian observations are introduced amply,which including.1)the U.S.:6×4,6×6,10×10,Mars50c,MGS75B,MGS75D/ E,MGS85F/F2/H2,MGS95I/J,GMM-1,GMM-2B,GGM1025 and GGM1041C.2)the U.K.:6×6.3)France:18×18 and MGGM08A.The measuring principle and advantages in the SGG-Doppler-VLBI tracking mode are described,which will be applied in the future first-stage China’s Martian satellite gravity measurement.It is concluded that the electrostatic suspension gravity gradiometer is preferable in the future first-stage Martian satellite gravity gradiometry mission in China by a comparison of strongpoints and shortcomings from electrostatic suspension,superconducting and quantum gravity gradiometers.

Key words:Martian exploration mission;satellite gravity gradiometry;Martian gravitational field model;satellite tracking mode;gravity gradiometer

1 引言



2 国际火星探测计划发展历程



3 中国火星卫星重力梯度计划研究

3.1 SGG-Doppler-VLBI观测模式的原理


图1 SGG-Doppler-VLBI的测量原理Fig.1Measuring principle of SGG-Doppler-VLBI

3.2 卫星重力梯度仪的选取

20世纪初以来,重力梯度仪的研究经历了从单轴旋转到三轴定向,从室温到超低温(<4.2 K),从扭力、静电悬浮到超导的发展过程,仪器灵敏度日益提高(表4)。扭力测量通过测定作用于检测质量的力矩来间接获取重力梯度值;差分加速度测量通过测量两加速度计之间的加速度差来获得重力梯度观测值,可消除加速度计之间大部分公共误差的影响,因此较前者更有发展前景。




表1 国际第一期火星探测计划发展历程[25,26]Tab.1Progress of the international first-stage Martian exploration programs

二、美国“水手号”和“海盗号”探测计划(1964—1975年) (研制机构:美国航空航天局(NASA))

表2 国际第二期火星探测计划[25-32]Tab.2Progress of the international second-stage Martian exploration programs



表3 火星重力场模型研究Tab.3Research progress of the Martian gravitational field models

表4 重力梯度仪研究[46]Tab.4Research progress of the gravity gradiometers

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Zheng Wei1,2),Xu Houze1),Zhong Min1)and Yun Meijuan3)
1)Key Laboratory of Dynamic Geodesy,Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics,CAS,Wuhan430077
2)Disaster Prevention Research Institute,Kyoto University,Uji,Kyoto 611-0011,Japan
3)Department of Applied Physics,Wuhan University of Science and Technology,Wuhan430081






