
2011-08-28 07:38:48华中师范大学外国语学院英语系孟琴供稿
中学生英语 2011年27期

华中师范大学外国语学院英语系 孟琴供稿


神农架(字面上解释就是神农的梯子,神农是人们对炎帝的一种尊称)是世界同纬度地区中生态系统保存最完好的地区。它是许多世界珍稀濒危动植物如珙桐、金丝猴、白蛇等的家园,以“天然的物种基因库”著称。在人们心中,它是神圣的绿色宝地。 1986年,神农架经国务院批准成为“国家级森林及野生动物自然保护区”。 1990年,被联合国教科文组织接纳为“人与生物圈”计划保护网成员。1992年,被联合国发展计划署评为“物种多样性自然保护示范区”。













★Mountains,stone forests and caves

The Shennongjia area has six mountains surpassing 3,000 metres above sea level.Shennong Top,known as the first peak in central China,is 3105.4 meters above sea level,where traces of ancient floods can still be seen through the mountain top,the slope,the uneven surface,the exposed huge rocks,and many pebbles.

Soluble carbonate rocks are widely distributed on the top of many mountains in the area.These rocks are easily eroded by water and have formed splendid highaltitude Karst Landforms.The Fengjingya(the Scenery Pass)is representative of the landforms,with a group of straight and graceful stone pillars.

Peculiar caves,formed by erosion,also amaze visitors.The Swallow Cave,inhabited by thousands of rare swallows,is one of the famous caves in the area.The cave is 2,340 metres above sea level and more than three kilometres long.The cave’s mouth is 14 metres tall and 16 metres wide.The cave is a treasure site for scientific research in geology,archaeology and zoology.

★Beautiful water scenery

Water is also a great natural gift Shennongjia has received.The whole region is crosscut and dotted by rivers,lakes,and pools,which looks like belt,neckties and hats of the splendid rocks.

Dajiu Lake,the largest lake in Shennongjia,is surrounded by mountains and has an area of 18 square kilometres,with its bottom standing at 1,750 metres above sea level.The lake was formed about 40 million years ago,as a result of glacier movement.

The deep canyons in the Shennongjia area have many outlets of underground water,which form various kinds of springs.The Tide Spring erupts three times a day.Each eruption lasts 45 minutes and is accompanied by thundering sounds,with flow capacity reaching one ton per second.The Fragrant Spring has a flow capacity of two tons per hour,forming a waterfall that is 10 metres wide and six metres high.The waterfall forms a deep pool below,which is called Xianglong Pool.

★The Wild Man

The Wild Man is perhaps the most mysterious figure in Shennongjia,as famous as Nessie and UFOs.Its records appear many times in ancient Chinese books.Since the 1970s,many people in Shennongjia have declared that they have spotted the Wild Man.According to their descriptions,the Wild Man is like an ape about two metres tall,covered by red or brown hair and it can run at an amazing speed.Some scientists claim they have found evidence of the creature,such as footprints and hairs.However,a Wild Man has yet to be found.Many people believe that the Wild Man is an ancient species like the giant panda and the golden-haired monkey.

★Ski Resort

Shennongjia is also a good place for skiing.Shennongjia Ski Resort,opened in 2004,is the largest winter sports complex in South China.Located with an elevation of 2,200 metres,the complex covers an area of 100,000 square meters and has four kilometers of ski slopes.Shennongjia complex enjoys three advantages comparing to complexes in the North:nice climate,no wind and excellent topography.

Reading Comprehension.

()1.Shennongjia originally refers to _______.

A.a place in western parts of Hubei ProvinceB.an area where Yan Di lived

C.a shelf created by Shennong D.a ladder made by Yan Di

()2.Where can tourists see the traces of ancient floods?

A.In Dajiu Lake. B.In Fengjingya.

C.At Shennong Top. D.In the Swallow Cave.

( )3.In the last paragraph,the word“complex”means_______.

A.facility B.intricate

C.complicated D.compound

()4.Which of the following is True according to the passage?

A.The Wild Man is like an ape about two metres tall and it can run very fast.

B.The Tide Spring has a flow capacity of one ton per second.

C.Shennongjia has kept the richest ecological system in the world.

D.UNESCO selected Shennongjia as a“Demonstration of Natural Reserves of Bio-diversity.”

()5.We can infer from the passage that_______.

A.Shennongjia is a natural gene bank of biological species

B.tourist can see the splendid Karst Landforms in Fengjingya

C.no one has spotted the real Wild Man until now

D.Shennongjia winter sports complex is the best in China

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