汪小祥 李伟祥
(1.常州信息职业技术学院外国语学院 江苏常州 213164 2.丹阳市珥陵高中 江苏丹阳 212362)
(1.常州信息职业技术学院外国语学院 江苏常州 213164 2.丹阳市珥陵高中 江苏丹阳 212362)
语言迁移主要指学习者在用目的语(target language)进行交际时,试图借助于母语(mother language)的语音、词义、结构规则或文化习惯表达思想的现象。语言迁移有正迁移(positive transfer)和负迁移(negative transfer)两种。当母语的语言形式与目的语的语言形式相同或相似时,套用母语的思维习惯和语言表达方式及其文化中的形式和意义就会产生正迁移;当母语的语言形式与目的语的语言形式不同时,套用母语的思维习惯和语言表达方式及其文化中的形式和意义,就会产生负迁移现象。语言的负迁移又称语言干扰(interference)[5]。正迁移对目的语学习有较大的促进作用,所以在外语学习过程中应该要对母语和目的语中的共同点进行归纳,充分发挥正迁移的作用。语言负迁移经常是由于在两种学习既相似又不同的情境下学习者认知出现混淆而产生的。发生这种迁移,对目的语的学习造成一定程度的障碍,会使目的语学习变得更加困难,降低学习的效率。例如,学生学会汉语拼音后对学习英文国际音标会有一定的干扰。学习英语时,要善于发现汉语与目的语的不同,并作为记忆重点,只有这样才能最大限度地降低汉语的干扰,提高学习英语的效率。
2.1.1 词性
例1:Many small and medium-sized enterprises have adopted e-commerce platform to make business connections,and wide the business channel for the online trading business.
例2:The purpose of this paper is to through an analysis of the composition of Chinese dish names.
例3:This article simply analysis and researches the present situation at the present of stage of our country's FDI,and put out two recommendations.
例4:Sometimes,my roommate company with me to watch it together.
例5:The increase of Chinese economy not only less than America and Britain,but also less than other developing countries.
例1中“and”后面的内容应该为不带“to”的动词不定式短语,“wide”为形容词,不能用作不带“to”的动词不定式,应改为“widen”。例2中“to”后面接的应该是动词原形,而“through”为介词,应改为“make”。例3中“analysis”为名词,应改为“makes an analysis”或者“analyses”,同时把“put out”改为“puts forward”。例4中“company”应改为“accompanies”。由于英语中介词和名词使用较多,但汉语中动词使用较多,学生往往由于母语负迁移而把英语中的介词和名词当作动词使用。例5句子所表达的意思不符合客观事实,中国的发展速度举世瞩目,怎可以说经济增长比其他发展中国家慢呢?该句中“less than”为形容词短语。英语中无论是形容词还是形容词短语都不能单独作谓语,所以在“not only”前面加上“is”,而汉语中形容词或形容词短语可以直接充当谓语。
2.1.2 固定表达
例6:The names of Chinese dishes concentrate the cooking of China's profound artistry and a reflection of local characteristics of the Chinese wonderful food culture.
例7:But from the whole,our country's foreign direct investment is still in the primary stage and faces many problems and difficult.
例8:By the contrary,Lily was very bold in talking with the foreigner.
例6中“concentrate”为不及物动词,不能直接接宾语,应该改为“concentrate on”,此外,“and”后面接第二个谓语。整个句子应改为:“The names of Chinese dishes concentrate on China's profound cooking artistry and reflect the local characteristics of Chinese wonderful food culture”。例7中“from the whole”应该改为“on the whole”,意为“总的来说”,另外,“in the primary stage”改为“at the primary stage”;“difficult”改为“difficulties”。“on the contrary”意思是“相反地”,因此例8中“By the contrary”是错误的用法。以上的错误,反映了学生对英语中的固定表达掌握不够牢固,需要进一步加强。
2.1.3 分词
例9:In order to live a warm life in this winter,most of the birds have flow to the south of China.
例10:Usually,I like watch the football games in my school playground where football lovers play it at the weekend.
例11:I remember last term our tutor leaded us in the playground to play games.
例9中“flow”中应改为“flown”。例 10中“watch”应改为“watching”。“in my school playground”改为“on my school playground”。例11中“leaded”应改为“led”;“in the playground”应改为“to the playground”。分词使用上的错误主要是由于汉语和英语动词使用上的差异所造成的。
2.2.1 主谓一致
例12:Exam are important.
例13:This article main study the current situation of our country's foreign direct investment at this stage,including the current situation,the problems and the improving ways.
例14:With the current financial turmoil sweeping the globe,the development of domestic small and medium-sized enterprises are seriously affected.
例12中主语“exam”为单数,而谓语“are”为复数,主谓不一致,应该将“exam”改为“exams”。例13中有两处错误:把“main”改为“mainly”;主语为单数“This article”,所以“study”改为“studies”。例14中主语的核心词为“development”,是单数,所以谓语应该为“is seriously affected”。因为汉语动词不像英语动词那样在形式上存在很多变化,所以基本上不存在主谓一致问题,由于汉语的负迁移,学生往往忽视英语中主谓一致的要求。
2.2.2 句型
例15:By our country's deeper opening up and reform and the fast development of the globe economy,our country's foreign direct investment enters a new stage.
例16:Main methods of cooking:stir-frying,panfrying,quick-frying,deep-frying,braising,boiling,steaming,simmering/stewing,smoking,baking/roasting/basting,scalding and so on.
例17:China has a long distance with developed countries.
例15中“by”应改为“due to”或者“with”,因为在逗号之前的成分作原因状语,而“by”与名词连用不能用作原因状语。例16只有主语,缺少谓语,不能成为句子,所以可以使用“there be”句型,改为“There are some main methods of cooking:stir-frying,pan-frying,quick-frying….”。例17属于中式英语,不合乎英语表达习惯,其作者想要表达的意思是“中国与发达国家(在发展上)有很长的距离”,可以改为“There is a long distance between China and developed countries in development”。
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On Language Mistakes in the Compositions of Higher Vocational College Students from the Perspective of Negative Transfer Theory
WANG Xiao-xiang1LI Wei-xiang2
(1.School of Foreign Languages,Changzhou College of Information Technology,Changzhou 213164 2.Dan Yang Erling Senior Middle School,Danyang 212362,China)
Writing is one of the basic skills that English learners should master.Through the analysis of the writing mistakes of higher vocational college students in terms of vocabulary and syntax,the paper points out the main reasons for the writing mistakes of higher vocational college students,and finally stresses the importance of strengthening lexical teaching and conducting the contrastive study between English and Chinese.
negative transfer of mother language;English writing;language mistakes
H 315