严兰兰, 张 文, 温荣生
严兰兰, 张 文, 温荣生
1.1 基函数的构造与性质
1.2 曲线的构造及性质
1.3 形状参数的几何意义
图1 B曲线中形状参数的几何意义
图2 取不同值时的B曲线
图3 B曲线的几何作图法
2.1 基函数的构造与性质
2.2 曲线的构造及性质
2.3 形状参数的几何意义
图4 B曲线中形状参数的几何意义
图5 取不同值时的B曲线
图6 B曲线的几何作图法
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Two Classes of Quintic Generalized Ball Curves with Adustable Shape
YAN Lan-lan, ZHANG Wen, WEN Rong-sheng
( College of Mathematics and Information Science, East China Institute of Technology, Fuzhou Jiangxi 344000, China )
Two new classes of curves with shape parameters are defined. The first class of curve contains the quintic Wang-Ball and Said-Ball curves and the curves located between them. The second class of curve contains the quintic Said-Ball and Bézier curves and the curves located between them. By analyzing the relationship between the new curves and the quintic Bézier curve, the geometric meaning of shape parameters are obtained, and the geometrical drawing method of the new curves are given.
Wang-Ball basis function; Said-Ball basis function; Bernstein basis function; Ball curve; shape parameter
TP 391