
2011-07-30 12:36:44阿道夫·克利尚尼兹,马克斯·杜德勒,奥托·施泰德勒
世界建筑 2011年7期

1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Pez Hejduk)

2 位置图/Situation




3 2号住宅外景(建筑师:阿道夫·克利尚尼兹)/House 2, exterior view (Architect: Adolf Krischanitz) (摄影/Photo: Pez Hejduk)

这些尺度大致相同的基地彼此相连,通过不同建筑师的作品最终形成了整个住宅区内部的变化,同时又在多种多样的变化当中生成了内在的一致性。□(李璠 译)

Neither a single family house nor a multi-storey apartment block.

The project envisages erecting a model housing development on the urban periphery of Vienna.Similar to the aim of the Viennese Werkbundsiedlung of 1932, it is planned to build houses that offer the populace of Vienna excellent examples of ways of living on the edge of the city. Excellent in the sense of an urban concept which, while not a terrace housing development, has a density that lies between that of a single-family housing estate and a multi-storey housing development. This description itself indicates a continuous structural linking of town planning and architecture.

4 外景,左:10号住宅(建筑师:阿道夫·克利尚尼兹)/Exterior view, left House 10 (Architect: Adolf Krischanitz)(摄影/Photo:Pez Hejduk)

The particular grain of the development plan results from the constraint of fixed areas to be built upon (zoned lots) that can be developed using one or more buildings. These building sites lie beside each other and, according to the wishes of the individual planners, allow differently shaped buildings. These buildings, while permitting a maximum of design freedom, should also offer a high degree of homogeneity and urban consistency.The lot is here intended as an area that generates space but is not necessarily to be understood in the sense of a private property; it can also be only an abstract zoning boundary, i.e. a grammatical dimension.

The largely consistent size of the sites that adjoin each other ultimately evokes, through the different architects working here, a potential of variation and differentiation within the development, which aims at achieving generative consistency within the variety. □

5 1号住宅外景(建筑师:彼得·马尔克利)/House 1, exterior view (Architect: Peter Märkli)

6 3号住宅外景(建筑师:汉斯·科尔霍夫)/House 3, exterior view (Architect: Hans Kollhoff)

7 4号住宅外景(建筑师:奥托·施泰德勒)/House 4, exterior view (Architect: Otto Steidle)

8 5号住宅外景(建筑师:梅利&彼得建筑事务所)/House 5, exterior view (Architect: Meili & Peter Architekten)(5-8摄影/Photo: Pez Hejduk)

业主/Client: ÖSW/Österreichisches Siedlungswerk合作者(克利尚尼兹事务所)/Collaborators (Office Krischanitz): Patrick Fessler (项目建筑师/Project Architect), Katrin Steinbacher, Ulrich Huhs, Zeljko Ivosevic, Dominic Schmid, Katrin Steinbacher, Julia Steinert, Annette Großkinsky

9 6号住宅外景(建筑师:罗格·迪纳)/House 6, exterior view (Architect: Roger Diener)

10 7号住宅外景(建筑师:海因茨·特萨)/House 7, exterior view (Architect: Heinz Tesar)

11 8号住宅外景(建筑师:马克斯·杜德勒)/House 8, exterior view (Architect: Max Dudler)

12 9号住宅外景(建筑师:赫尔曼·切赫)/House 9, exterior view (Architect: Hermann Czech)(9-12摄影/Photo: Pez Hejduk)

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