
2011-04-13 01:52
深圳大学学报(理工版) 2011年6期

作 者 题 目 期 页


牛憨笨,陈丹妮,等 细胞内分子检测及成像技术研究 1 1

邓元龙,赵小丽,等 基于F-P干涉的强度型光纤压力传感器 1 17

郑婉君,阮双琛,等 脉冲红光泵浦Cr∶LiSAF激光器输出特性研究 1 23

曲 伟,叶红安,等 基于Mealy状态机莫尔条纹检测系统研究 (英文) 1 34

顾 樵 辐射场的量子熵 (英文) 2 103

杜戈果,胡 辉,等 可调谐掺铥双包层光纤激光器实验研究 2 105

武红磊,郑瑞生,等 碳硅共掺氮化铝的p型掺杂效率研究 2 109

郭春雨,阮双琛,等 18.4 W皮秒光纤激光器及其全光纤化超连续谱源 3 218

顾 礼,胡 昕,等 多量程X射线条纹相机研制 3 225

顾 樵 辐射场的最大熵原理 (英文) 4 294

阮双琛,闫培光,等 光子晶体光纤超连续谱光源 4 295

欧阳征标,曹恩文,等 基于光子晶体的偏振正交双色激光器谐振腔 (英文) 4 309

郭金川,周 彬,等 高辐射通量空间相干X射线管 (英文) 4 315

张建忠,李 璞,等 宽带混沌激光实现高速随机数的产生 4 316

罗秀娟,马彩文,等 低轨道运动目标傅里叶望远镜发射器设计 4 325

万浪辉,余陨金,等 电导涨落的自动图形算法及应用 4 330

刘承香,吴 旭,等 超荧光光源中掺铒光子晶体光纤辐射效应 4 335

陆 楠,杜文峰,等 基于FP-tree目录分割自适应算法 4 341

成建群,阮双琛,等 窄线宽掺铒光子晶体光纤激光器 (英文) 5 404

夏林中,苏 红,等 温度调谐的周期极化掺氧化镁铌酸锂振荡器 5 405

李春波,余春晖,等 超高速摄影仪转镜模态数值仿真分析 6 513

许新统,翟剑庞,等 CHA晶体孔道内Se8合成及光学表征 (英文) 6 522

房 鸿,马瑞龙,等 纳秒脉冲泵浦光子晶体光纤产生超连续谱 6 523


张晓明,彭建华 共轭变量耦合非等同混沌系统的振荡消失 1 89

俞 航,李 琰,等 低功耗植入微系统自适应时钟数据恢复电路 (英文) 2 146

刘 学,焦淑红 基于迭代CDKF的单站无源定位算法 2 147

陈 旭,张基宏,等 基于MGS片层重要性差错控制方法研究 2 154

陈 彬,张胜利,等 基于幅度估计的光相干检测增强方法 2 161

纪 震,田 涛,等 进化硬件研究进展 3 255

汪鹏君,高 虹 四值绝热动态D触发器开关级设计 3 264

郑能恒,张亚磊,等 基于模型在线更新和平滑处理的音乐分割算法3 271

刘大有,吕倩楠,等 面向多维对象的RC-反k近邻查询新方法 5 410

张 席,刘 浩 安全签密方案在嵌入式设备中的应用 5 417

陈国良,蔡 晔,等 国产个人高性能计算机系统研制 6 471

徐勤超,王树宗,等 水下航行器底端开槽固体药柱燃烧模型与仿真 6 478

满增光,叶文华,等 基于自适应阈值的距离图像线段特征提取 6 483

张 鹏,喻建平,等 同态签密方案及其在电子投票中的应用 6 489

刘 海,汤 庸,等 基于描述逻辑的模糊软集参数转换算法 6 495


邱 琦,李迎建,等 表面处理对反相微乳液中II-VI族量子点的影响 (英文) 1 46

王海滔,刘剑洪,等 钌 (Ⅱ)配合物光谱性质及对DNA光切割作用 1 47

刘森林 桃仁醇腈酶促不对称合成含硅(R)-酮氰醇 1 54

吕维忠,李金玉,等 水热法合成PbTe微晶及其微观形貌表征 2 178

马运柱,李 静,等 钨晶须制备及生长机理研究 2 183

陈 亮,胡 波,等 新型锌 (Ⅱ)配合物合成、晶体结构和光谱分析 (英文) 3 247

倪 卓,杜学晓,等 UF微胶囊合成反应的动力学研究 3 249

孙灵娜,洪伟良,等 Mg-Al层状双氢氧化物和MgAl2O4微纳结构制备 5 449

牛芳芳,曾鹏举,等 含噻吩咔唑衍生物合成及光电性能研究 6 500

贵大勇,郝景峰,等 有机硅改性环氧树脂制备及热稳定性 6 507


包木太,袁书文,等 多孔介质渗透率对油藏微生物生长代谢影响 1 35

唐文伟,桂文池,等 聚硫酸铁铝制备改进及其处理重金属废水 3 276

刘保磊,董汉平,等 储层中菌体微观调剖驱油效果分析 4 356

韩 彬,曹 磊,等 金刚烷类风化规律及其在油源鉴别中的应用 4 362

赵玉岩,陆继龙,等 松花湖沉积物Cd和Hg污染风险灰色预测 4 368

林 燕,黄 骏 城市滨水地段生态景观整治构思 4 373

孙军昌,杨正明,等 致密气藏束缚水分布规律及含气饱和度研究 5 377

罗建新,张烈辉,等 两区线性复合油藏产能典型理论曲线分析 5 384

刘晓东,施建勇,等 降解对垃圾土压缩回弹特性的影响 6 535

刘 京,郭劲松,等 三峡库区紫色土坡耕地典型种植模式氮收支 6 541

李树勋,徐登伟,等 饱和蒸汽压式波纹管疏水阀热动元件实验研究 6 548

王朝晖,姜 珊,等 珠海旋沟藻赤潮水样对其他微藻生长的影响 6 553

刘汉桥,魏国侠,等 配料对焚烧飞灰电弧炉熔渣晶化行为的影响 6 559


范 平,郑壮豪,等 离子束溅射制备Bi2Te3热电薄膜 1 84

周 锋,万 欣,等 氧化石墨还原法制备石墨烯及其吸附性能 5 436

王 雷,董春梅,等 含联二萘结构聚芳醚酮的合成与性能5 440

刘 英,王 凡,等 大气压下等离子体喷涂制备Cu/W涂层及性能研究 (英文) 5 448


俞 博,叶见曙,等 装配式混凝土铰接板桥铰缝剪力计算 1 60

李 敏,柴寿喜,等 麦秸秆加筋石灰土的抗剪强度及剪切破坏形式 1 65

祝 瑜,杨英姿,等 养护温度对高延性水泥基材料力学性能的影响 1 72

白 音,石永久,等 火灾中网架结构受力分析与设计方法 2 113

程选生,朱海燕,等 无衬砌圆形黄土隧洞围岩地震稳定系数 2 119

张小刚,王学志,等 缝高比及尺寸对碾压混凝土失稳断裂的影响 2 125

杨仕若,曾庆元 铁路车桥耦合振动模态法分析 2 131

贾布裕,颜全胜,等 考虑滑移和剪力滞的组合梁斜拉桥徐变分析 2 136

刘爱荣,熊 仁,等 考虑强余震影响的变形和能量地震损伤模型 3 189

杨仕若,曾庆元 桁段有限元法分析钢桁梁桥振动 3 195

管民生,韩大建,等 钢筋混凝土框架结构的抗震性能指标研究 3 200

丁发兴,应小勇,等 圆钢管轻骨料混凝土轴压短柱的力学性能分析 3 207

蔡 健,林焕彬,等 带约束拉杆矩形钢管混凝土短柱延性分析 3 213

苏 栋,袁胜强,等 水平单向及多向载荷下单桩响应的数值研究 5 389

诸葛萍,强士中,等 碳纤维主缆鞍座处抗滑移试验 5 395

高康华,王明洋,等 泄爆板开启规律及对室内爆燃压力的影响 6 529


李 健,贾元华,等 高速公路转向快速路的匝道控制 5 466


陈思平,曾斯宁,等 超声编码激励产生声辐射力的数值模拟 2 165

王静凤,傅 佳,等 日本刺参降血糖及对胰岛素信号通路的影响 2 172

莫蓓莘 RNA在植物细胞中的定位及其研究进展 3 230

胡章立,舒龙飞,等 莱茵衣藻硫胁迫相关microRNA检测及其靶基因分析 3 237

刘士德,陈汗英,等 PSTI1可提高大肠杆菌应答胁迫能力 4 347

张毅哲,刘 琼,等 人脑中脱碘酶相互作用蛋白的筛选与验证 5 423

尹忠平,上官新晨,等 青钱柳细胞悬浮培养及三萜化合物积累 5 430


王苏生,江国朝,等 订单流驱动的限价订单簿动态演化 5 454

吴雪飞,徐 晨 基于牵制控制的一类线性耦合复杂网络同步 5 460


赵 杰,孙慧斌188Re β-衰变纲图的研究1 78

·第28 卷卷终·


Volume 28,2011

Authors Topics Issues Pages


Han-ben NIU and CHEN Dan-ni,et al Advances in approaches of molecules detecting and imaging in cells 1 13

DENG Yuan-long and ZHAO Xiao-li,et al An optical fiber pressure sensor based on F-P interferometry and intensity demodulation 1 21

ZHENG Wan-jun and RUAN Shuang-chen,et al Experimental study on output beam of Cr∶LiSAF pumped by pulse red laser 1 28

QU Wei and YE Hong-an,et al A novel Moiré fringes detecting system using Mealy state machine 1 29

GU Qiao Quantum entropy of radiation fields 2 95

DU Ge-guo and HU Hui,et al Experimental study on tunable thulium-doped double-cladding fiber laser 2 108

WU Hong-lei and ZHENG Rui-sheng,et al Research on p-type doping efficiency in C∶Si codoped AlN 2 112

GUO Chun-yu and RUAN Shuang-chen,et al An all-fiber supercontinuum source pumped with a 18.4 W picosecond fiber laser 3 223

GU Li and HU Xin,et al Study of mutli-range X-ray streak camera 3 229

GU Qiao The maximum entropy principle for radiation fields 4 283

RUAN Shuang-chen and YAN Pei-guang,et al Photonic crystal fiber supercontinuum source 4 300

OUYANG Zheng-biao and CAO En-wen,et al A dual-frequency orthogonal-bi-polarization laser cavity based on a photonic crystal 4 302

GUO Jin-chuan and ZHOU Bin,et al An X-ray tube of high radiation flux and spatial coherence 4 311

ZHANG Jian-zhong and LI Pu,et al High-speed random number generation based on wideband chaotic laser 4 323

LUO Xiu-juan and MA Cai-wen,et al Design proposal of a Fourier telescopy transmitter for moving objects in low earth orbit 4 328

WAN Lang-hui and YU Yun-jin,et al Automatic diagram calculation method and its applications for the fluctuations of conductance 4 334

LIU Cheng-xiang and WU Xu,et al Gamma-radiation induced effects on Erbium-doped photonic crystal fiber in superfluorescent source 4 339

LU Nan and DU Wen-feng,et al A self-adaptive algorithm for the problem of catalog segmentation based on FP-tree 4 346

CHENG Jian-qun and RUAN Shuang-chen,et al Narrow linewidth Erbium-doped photonic crystal fiber laser 5 400

XIA Lin-zhong and SU Hong,et al Temperature tunable optical parametric oscillator based on MgO-doped PPLN 5 408

LI Chun-bo and YU Chun-hui,et al Modal analysis through numerical and experimental methods for rotating mirror of ultra-high speed camera 6 516

XU Xin-tong and ZHAI Jian-pang,et al Synthesis and optical characterization of Se8ring incorporated inside the cages of CHA crystals 6 518

FANG Hong and MA Rui-long,et al Supercontinuum generation in a photonic crystal fiber pumped by nanosecond pulses 6 527

【Electronics and Information Science】

ZHANG Xiao-ming and PENG Jian-hua Amplitude death in conjugate variable coupled nonidentical chaotic systems 1 94

YU Hang and LI Yan,et al A low power adaptive clock and data recovery circuit for wireless implantable systems 2 143

LIU Xue and JIAO Shu-hong Iterated CDKF for single observer passive location 2 152

CHEN Xu and ZHANG Ji-hong,et al Study on error control based on importance of MGS slices 2 160

CHEN Bin and ZHANG Sheng-li,et al The enhancement of optical coherent detection by amplitude estimation 2 164

JI Zhen and TIAN Tao,et al The survey on evolvable hardware research 3 261

WANG Peng-jun and GAO Hong Design of quaternary adiabatic dynamic D flip-flop on switch-level 3 270

ZHENG Neng-heng and ZHANG Ya-lei,et al Music segmentation based on model adaptation and smoothing processing 3 275

LIU Da-you and LU Qian-nan,et al A new method of RkNN querry on multidimensional objects 5 416

ZHANG Xi and LIU Hao The application in embedded device of a security signcryption scheme 5 421

CHEN Guo-liang and CAI Ye,et al The China made personal high performance computing system 6 477

XU Qin-chao and WANG Shu-zong,et al Burning model and simulation for bottom slotted grain of underwater vehicle 6 482

MAN Zeng-guang and YE Wen-hua,et al Line feature extraction based on adaptive threshold in range images 6 487

ZHANG Peng and YU Jian-ping,et al A homomorphic signcryption scheme and its application in electronic voting 6 493

LIU Hai and TANG Yong,et al Description logic based fuzzy soft set parameters conversion algorithm 6 498

【Chemistry and Chemical Engineering】

QIU Qi and LI Yin-jian,et al Impact of surface passivation and modification on II-VI QDs recovered from reverse micelle template 1 41

WANG Hai-tao and LIU Jian-hong,et al DNA-binding spectrum and DNA-photocleavage studies of ruthenium complex[Ru(bpy)2(MDBIP)]2+1 52

LIU Sen-lin Asymmetric synthesis of silicon containing(R)-ketone cyanhydrin catalyzed by(R)-hydroxynitrile lyase from peach seed meal 1 58

LU Wei-zhong and LI Jin-yu,et al Preparation and morphology characteristics of PbTe microcrystalline synthesized by hydrothermal method 2 182

MA Yun-zhu and LI Jing,et al Preparation and growth mechanism of tungsten whiskers 2 187

CHEN Liang and HU Bo,et al Syntheses,crystal structure and spectroscopic analyses of a new zinc(Ⅱ)complex 3 243

NI Zhuo and DU Xue-xiao,et al Kinetics of synthesis of UF microcapsules 3 253

SUN Ling-na and HONG Wei-liang,et al Synthesis of Mg-Al layered double hydroxide and MgAl2O4micro-nano structures 5 452

NIU Fang-fang and ZENG Peng-ju,et al Synthesis,optical and electrochemical properties of 9-alkyl-1,3,6,8-tetra(α-thienyl)carbazole 6 505

GUI Da-yong and HAO Jing-feng,et al Modification of epoxy resin with diphenyl silanediol and its thermal stability 6 511

【Environment and Energy】

BAO Mu-tai and YUAN Shu-wen,et al Effects of permeability of porous medium on the growth and metabolism of microorganism in reservoir 1 39

TANG Wen-wei and GUI Wen-chi,et al Improvement of preparation of PFAS and its effect on treating heavy metal in wastewater 3 281

LIU Bao-lei and DONG Han-ping,et al Displacement characteristics analysis of bacterial microscopic profile control in reservoir 4 360

HAN Bin and CAO Lei,et al Weathering regularities of diamondoids and their applications to oil source identification 4 366

ZHAO Yu-yan and LU Ji-long,et al Grey prediction of Cd,Hg pollution risk in Songhua Lake sediments 4 372

LIN Yan and HUANG Jun Renovation of ecological landscape of waterfront 4 376

SUN Jun-chang and YANG Zheng-ming,et al Study on distribution law of irreducible water and gas saturation of tight sandstone gas reservoir 5 382

LUO Jian-xin and ZHANG Lie-hui,et al Typical deliverability curve analysis in bi-zonal linear composite reservoirs 5 388

LIU Xiao-dong and SHI Jian-yong,et al Effects of bio-chemical degradation on compression-swelling behaviour of solid waste 6 539

LIU Jing and GUO Jin-song,et al Input-output budget of nitrogen under typical planting pattern in a purple soil sloping ploughland in the Three Gorges areas 6 546

LI Shu-xun and XU Deng-wei,et al Experimental study on the saturated vapor pressure type thermostatic bellows for steam traps 6 551

WANG Zhao-hui and JIANG Shan,et al Effects of Cochlodinium bloom in Pearl River Estuary in China on the growth of other harmful algal bloom species 6 557

LIU Han-qiao and WEI Guo-xia,et al Effects of additive on crystallization behaviour of arc-molten slag from incinerator fly ash 6 563

【Material Science】

FAN Ping and ZHENG Zhuang-hao,et al Preparation of Bi2Te3thermoelectric thin films by ion beam sputtering 1 87

ZHOU Feng and WAN Xin,et al Synthesis and adsorption properties of graphene by reduction of graphite oxide 5 439

WANG Lei and DONG Chun-mei,et al Synthesis and properties of poly(arylene ether ketone)s containing binaphthyl moiety 5 442

LIU Ying and WANG Fan,et al Properties of tungsten coating deposited onto copper under atmospheric plasma spraying 5 444

【Architecture and Civil Engineering】

YU Bo and YE Jian-shu,et al Transverse shear of fabricated concrete articulated plate bridge 1 64

LI Min and CHAI Shou-xi,et al Shear strength and failure form of lime-soil reinforced with wheat straw 1 70

ZHU Yu and YANG Ying-zi,et al Effect of curing temperature on the mechanical properties of engineered cementitious composites 1 77

BAI Yin and SHI Yong-jiu,et al Mechanical properties analysis and design method for grid structures under fire conditions 2 118

CHENG Xuan-sheng and ZHU Hai-yan,et al The seismic stability safety factors of soil surrounding unlined circular loess cave 2 124

ZHANG Xiao-gang and WANG Xue-zhi,et al Effect of size and crack depth ratio on unstable fracture toughness of roller compacted concrete 2 130

YANG Shi-ruo and ZENG Qing-yuan Coupling vibration analysis of vehicle-bridge by mode method 2 134

JIA Bu-yu and YAN Quan-sheng,et al Analysis of creep of composite cable stayed bridge considering the slip and shear lag effect 2 142

LIU Ai-rong and XIONG Ren,et al Deformation and energy seismic damage model considering the impact of strong aftershock 3 193

YANG Shi-ruo and ZENG Qing-yuan Analysis of steel truss girder bridge vibrations by finite truss element method 3 198

GUAN Min-sheng and HAN Da-jian,et al A new seismic performance index for reinforced concrete frame structures 3 205

DING Fa-xing and YING Xiao-yong,et al Analytical properties of axially loaded lightweight aggregate concrete filled circular steel tubular stub columns 3 211

CAI Jian and LIN Huan-bin,et al Analysis of ductility of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube stub columns with binding bars subjected to eccentric loading 3 217

SU Dong and YUAN Sheng-qiang,et al Numerical study on response of a single pile under unidirectional and multidirectional horizontal loadings 5 394

ZHUGE Ping and QIANG Shi-zhong,et al Experiment of slip behavior of CFRP cable against saddle 5 399

GAO Kang-hua and WANG Ming-yang,et al Opening rules of vent panels and its effect on interior deflagration pressure 6 533

【Transportation Logistics】

LI Jian and JIA Yuan-hua,et al Local ramp control for urban expressway and related periphery freeway 5 470


CHEN Si-ping and ZENG Si-ning,et al Numerical simulation on acoustic radiation force induced by ultrasonic coded excitation 2 170

WANG Jing-fen and FU Jia,et al Involvement of the PI3K/Akt pathway in the hypoglycemic effects of sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicas in diabetic rats 2 176

MO Bei-xin RNA localization in plant cells and advances of the research 3 235

HU Zhang-li and SHU Long-fei,et al MicroRNAs quantification and related target genes for response to sulfur deprivation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii 3 241

LIU Shi-de and CHEN Han-ying,et al A novel STI1-like protein from Physarum polycephalum can enhance E.coli response to stress 4 354

ZHANG Yi-zhe and LIU Qiong,et al Investigation on the interactive protein of iodothyronine deiodinase 3 mutant in human brain 5 428

YIN Zhong-ping and SHANGGUAN Xin-chen,et al Suspension culture of Cyclocarya paliurus cells and accumulation of triterpenoids 5 434

【Applied Mathematics】

WANG Su-sheng and JIANG Guo-chao,et al The dynamic evolution of limit order book driven by order flows 5 458

WU Xue-fei and XU Chen The synchronization of a dynamic complex network with linear coupling 5 464

【Applied Physics】

ZHAO Jie and SUN Hui-bin

Study on188Re β-decay scheme 1 83

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