
2011-04-09 05:18





《学报》现为双月刊,A 4开本.中国标准连续出版物号:CN 35-1079/N;国际标准连续出版物号:ISSN 1000-5013;国内邮发代号:34-41,国外发行代号:N TZ1050.

Journal of Huaqiao University(Natural Science)(abbreviated to the Journal),started publication in 1980,is a comp rehensive and academic journal about natural science,open distribution at home and abroad,sponso red by Huaqiao University;Fujian Bureau of Education is responsible for its wo rk.

The Journal has its purpose:adhering to the four cardinal policies,carrying out the p rincip lesof the“Flowers Blossom;Schools of Thought Contend”and theory combined with p ractice,collecting information of science and technology f rom overseas and those in Hong Kong,Macao,Taiwan and special economic zones and all sides,and in time reflecting the scientific and technological achievements about domestic theo retical research,app lied research and development research in our university and others,and serving for development of theoverseas Chinese higher education and the socialist p rosperity on science and technology.

The Journal,with characteristicsof creative,perspective and academic study,publishes the articles of fundamental and app lied research onmechanical engineering and automation,observing and controlling technology and instruments,electric and electronic engineering,computer,applied chemistry,materials and environmental engineering,chemical and biochemical engineering,civil engineering,architecture,app lied mathematics,etc.and the academic repo rts on achievementsof science and technology,theses on new technology,new design,new p roducts,new crafts,new materials,new theories,and the comp rehensive review s on scientific and technological developments at home and abroad.

The Journal is no t only a co re Chinese periodicalon comp rehensive science and technology,but also an impo rtant data base at home and abroad and periodical source that the autho ritative abstracts have been reco rded regularly.The Journal won the p rices among the national and p rovincial evaluation of scientific and technological periodicals such as“the first p rize of good natural science of the national higher education periodicals”in 1995,“ the good p rize of the second national periodicals of science and technology”in 1997,“ the good scientific and technological periodicals of the national natural science journals and the State Education Department”in 1999 and 2008,and selected into“‘double-effect periodical’of the China periodicalsmatrix”in 2001.The Journal welcomes the contributors from our university and others.

The Journal is bimonthly publication,with format of A 4.China standard serial number:CN 35-1079/N;International standard serial number:ISSN 1000-5013;Domestic mail number:34-41;International issue number:NTZ1050.

Global analyses of sea surface temperature, sea ice, and night marine air temperature since the latenineteenth century
Arctic sea ice decline: Faster than forecast
2015 年出版物