(漳州工业学校,福建 漳州 363000)
图2 原子1布居差随时间的演化
图3 原子2布居差随时间的演化
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The evolution of the atom’s occupancy in the system of atoms interacting with coupled cavities
WU Ya-n ü
(Department of Electronic Engineering, Zhangzhou Industrial School, 363000, Zhangzhou, China )
We study the one-excitation dynamics for the system comprising two two-level atoms resonantly interacting with two coupled cavities. The evolution of the atom’s occupancy is investigated. The influences of coupling constant between cavities on the evolution of the atom’s occupancy are discussed. The results obtained show that the evolution of the atom’s occupancy displays collapse and revival effect when the coupling constant between cavities is much smaller than coupling constant between atom and cavity, and it displays periodicity when the coupling constant between cavities is much larger than coupling constant between atom and cavity.
quantum optics; two-level atom; coupling cavities; atom’s occupancy