山东省临清市 李福厚供稿
Who is the first?谁第一?
Ants You You and Cong Cong go to B from A.There are two roads and they go at the same speed.Who will get to the destination first?蚂蚁优优和聪聪从B地出发到A地,有两条路线。它们行走的速度一样,你知道它们俩谁先到达A地吗?
A good archer神箭手
Each of the nine arrows must hit at least 3 targets.On which arrow the sum of the numbers is the largest,and on which is the smallest?共有9支箭,每支箭至少射中3个靶子,请你不用尺量,看看哪支箭射中的靶子上的数字和最大,哪支靶上数字和最小?
Gold cup夺金杯
There is an interesting sports meeting in the school.David and John have done well.Now they are having a final match.They go into the track from the left and the right.The distance between two points on the track is 1 km.Who can get the cup first?You must be careful enough!学校举行趣味运动会,大卫和约翰表现出色。现在他们两正在进行决赛。现在他俩分别从左、右进入跑道。如果跑道上的点与点之间的距离是一公里,谁会先夺得奖杯?你必须十分仔细才行哦!
Little Carelessness小马虎
During Summer Holiday,Little Carelessness visited Grandparents in the countryside.He had a good time there.After he came back to the city he drew a pictureA Country Yard in the Countryside.But he was so careless that he made 8 mistakes.Can you find them out?暑假里小马虎到乡下爷爷奶奶家去了,他玩得可开心了。回到城里后,他画了一幅《农家小院》图。但是他太粗心了,以至在图中竟然出现了八处错误,你能帮他找出来吗?