资讯|006国内外前沿报道本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department UPDATEFrontier Information from International and Domestic评论|科学借鉴与因地制宜发展GREEN016 Learning from Foreign Experience Critically and Developing in Light of Local Conditions 特约评论员/ Special Commentator COMMENT 018 可持续建筑的挑战与2010年的香港黄锦星/HUANG Kam-Sing特约专稿|Sustainable Building Challenge @ Hong Kong 2010 SPECIAL ARTICLE024 台湾的绿色建筑与生态城市研究林宪德/LIN Hsien-Te The Research of Green Building and Eco-community in Taiwan中国绿色低碳住区减碳技术评估框架体系(讨论稿节选)全国工商联房地产商会,精瑞(中国)不030Assessment Framework on Carbon-reduction of China's Low-carbon Green Residential动产研究院/China Real Estate Chamber of Communities (DRAFT)Commerce, Elite (China) Real Estate Academy 034 美国的创新性建筑材料和建造方式 卡桑德拉·亚当斯/Cassandra ADAMS Innovative Construction Materials and Methods in the United States 042 建筑光伏一体化的全生命周期环境影响分析朱颖心 谷立静/ZHU Yingxin, GU Lijing Life Cycle Environmental Impact Analysis of Building Integrated Photovoltaic System学术研究|建筑节能技术标准体系的法律基础ACADEMIC046 Legal Basis for the Preparation of Standards for Building Energy-saving Technology 刘加平 张卫华/LIU Jiaping, ZHANG Weihua RESEARCH 048 云南绿色乡土建筑研究与实践柏文峰 曾志海 董博/BAI Wenfeng, ZENG Research and Practice on Yunnan Green Vernacular ArchitectureZhihai, DONG Bo 056 探寻大型公共建筑低碳发展之路 孙一民 肖毅强 王静/SUN Yimin, XIAO To Explore the Low-carbon Development Way of the Large-scale Public BuildingYiqiang, WANG Jing 058 打造环境友好的住宅——英国“可持续住宅法案”探析 李鹍 宋晔皓 /LI Kun, SONG Yehao Building the Environmental Friendly Homes-Analysis of "Code for Sustainable Homes" in Britain走向生态岛——大连獐子岛生态规划栗德祥 邹涛 王富平 黄一翔 雷李蔚/LI 062 Towards Eco-Island - Sustainable Urban Planning of Zhangzi IslandDexiang, ZOU Tao, WANG Fuping, HUANG Yixiang, LEI Liwei 068 维也纳首座Passivbaus学生宿舍楼的监测报告 罗曼‧斯穆特尼 马丁‧特雷贝尔斯普尔格Sustainability Monitoring of the First Vienna Students' Hotel in Passivhaus Standard/ Roman SMUTNY, Martin TREBERSPURG实践探索|适用‧经济‧低造价绿色建筑实践——山东交通学院图书馆CASE074 Utility, Economy and Low Cost Green Buildings Practice-Library of Shandong Transportation College 袁镔/ YUAN Bin STUDY空间调节——中国普天信息产业上海工业园智能生态科研楼的被动式节能建筑设计082Space-conditioning-Passive Energy-saving Design at the Green Office Building of China Potevio Group张彤/ZHANG Tong Shanghai Industrial Park 094 绿色建筑的被动整合设计方法与实践——以青岛天人集团办公楼为例 夏伟 栗德祥/XIA Wei, LI Dexiang Methods and Practice of Green Building Integrated Design-A Case Study of Qingdao Tianren Group Office 100 可持续的希望家园本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department工程案例|The Sustainable Hope Home Step Up on Fifth GREEN PROJECT104 美国达拉斯表演艺术中心本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department The Winspear Opera House in Dallas绿色技术|GREEN110 室外热环境模拟方法在居住区设计中的应用陈宏 谢俊民 大冈龙三/ CHEN Hong, XIE TECH-Application of Simulation Method of Outdoor Thermal Environment for Residential District DesignJunmin, RYOZO Ooka NOLOGY人物专访|发展绿色建筑要考虑中国国情——专访秦佑国教授GREEN114To Developing Green Building Technologies in Line with Current Situation - Interview with Professor Qin本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department PROFILEYouguo博士生论坛|生态城市指标体系研究实践初探与反思——以曹妃甸生态城为例DOCTORAL116 Review of Preliminary Study on the Eco-city Indicator System - A Case Study of Caofeidian Eco-city 张若曦/ ZHANG Ruoxi FORUM产品|120绿色产品介绍本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department PRODUCTGreen Products大事记|1232009中国绿色建筑大事记本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department EVENTSGreen Building Chronicle of Events 2009
夏季刊资讯|UPDATE008国内外前沿报道Frontier Information from International and Domestic本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department评论|GREEN COMMENT特约专稿|SPECIAL ARTICLE 018 低碳语境下对中国城市发展模式转型的思考Transformation of Urban Development Model in the Context of Low-carbon in China 尹稚/ YIN Zhi 021 可持续与低碳议程:从建筑到城市Sustainability and the Low Carbon Agenda: Buildings to Cities 菲尔·琼斯/Phil JONES 026 从规模化生产到个性化制造From Mass Production to Mass Customization冯宜萱/Ada FUNG 031 “生态城”控制性详细规划指标体系研究Study on the Regulatory Planning Indicator System of Eco-city梁伟 王强 杨丹丹/LIANG Wei, WANG Qiang, YANG Dandan学术研究|ACADEMIC RESEARCH 036 美国关于应对气候变化的城市规划研究进展Current Research on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Through City Planning in the U.S.黄鹤/HUANG He 043 低碳城市发展的框架性思考与路径选择The Framework and Route of Low-carbon-city Development陈蔚镇 卢源 黄筱敏/CHEN Weizhen, LU Yuan, HUANG Xiaomin 047 国际低碳城市最新研究动态——基于两次“低碳城市”国际会议的综述Progress of International Low-carbon City Research: A Review on Two International Conferences in 2009 于涛方/YU Taofang 055从黄台电厂的生态改造规划看城市工业地段的可持续发展Strategy of Recreation of the Industrial District: A Case Study on the Ecological Planning of Huangtai Electric Power Plant袁镔 张育南/YUAN Bin, ZHANG Yunan实践探索|CASE STUDY 061 曹妃甸样本:生态城市系统规划方法初探Planning Methods of Eco-city: A Case Study on Caofeidian 马强/MA Qiang 065 深圳华侨城生态社区建设实践The Construction Practice of Eco-community in Shenzhen Overseas Chinese Town 王若愚 何文捷/WANG Ruoyu, HE Wenjie 071 绿色世博Green Expo 2010 Shanghai本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department绿色世博|GREEN EXPO 072 上海世博会绿色建筑认证项目技术及应用The Certified Green Buildings in Expo 2010杨建荣 张颖 葛曹燕 李芳/ YANG Jiangrong,ZHANG Ying, GE Caoyan, LI Fang 082 世博建筑绿色技术分析与思考Comprehensive Thinking for Green Technology of Shanghai Expo Building 张桦 田炜/ZHANG Hua, TIAN Wei 093 绿色世博案例The Cases from Green Expo 2010本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department工程案例|GREEN PROJECT 102 南澳水资源公司总部SA Water House澳大利亚HASSELL公司110 既有改造和再生利用:三洋厂房改造设计Transform, Regeneration, Sustainable Development: the Sanyo Factory Building Recruiting 杜昀 /DU Yun人物专访|GREEN PROFILE 116低碳生态城在中国的实践及问题——专访中国城市科学研究会秘书长李迅The Practice of Low-carbon and Eco-city in China Interviewed with Li Xun,the Secretary-General of Chinese Society for Urban Studies本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department博士生论坛|DOCTORAL FORUM 119全球气候变化背景下湿地系统空间战略布局策略研究——以天津为例Research Under the Pressure of Global Climate Change on Spatial Strategy of Wetland System Planning:A Case Study on Tianjin City李孟颖 袁琳/ LI Mengying, YUAN Lin 123 结合城市详细规划的生态规划探索Probe into Ecological Planning Combine with the City Detailed Planning 刘利刚/ LIU Ligang产品|PRODUCT127绿色产品介绍Green Products
秋季刊资讯|UPDATE008国内外前沿报道Frontier Information from International and Domestic本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department评论|GREEN COMMENT特约专稿|SPECIAL ARTICLE 018 低碳经济:绿色建筑的机遇与挑战Low Carbon Econo my:Opportunities and Challenges of Green Building 特约评论员/ Special Commentator 020 建筑物环境效率综合评价体系CASBEE最新进展State of the Art on Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environmental Efficiency 伊香贺俊治/IKAGA Toshiharu 024 我国绿色校园节能减排实践与发展中的问题Study on Problem in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction about Green Campus in China 王有为/WANG Youwei 028 承载力分析与生态城市Analysis on Urban Carrying Capacity and Eco-city 033 英国低碳建筑计划单体住宅案例分析Case Studies of Householder Stream in Low Carbon Buildings Programme in UK吕斌/ LV Bin蒿奕颖 陈冰 康健 / HAO Yiying, CHEN Bing,KANG Jian学术研究|ACADEMIC RESEARCH 036 美国波特兰发展绿色建筑的政策历程与借鉴Policies and Experi ences of Green Building De velopment in Portland 胡天新/HU Tianxin 040 德国建筑节能标准的发展演变及其启示Enlightenment from German Building Energy Efficiency Standard Evolution赵辉 杨秀 张声远 / ZHAO Hui, YANG Xiu,ZHANG Shengyuan 045 我国典型城市全生命周期建筑含能及CO2排放研究Life Cycle Analysis for Embodied Energy and Carbon Emission of Buildings for Typical Cities in China 林波荣 彭渤/LIN Borong,PENG Bo 050 面向方案阶段的建筑节能模拟辅助设计优化程序开发研究Study on Optimistic Program for Building Energy Saving Design in Scheme Stage 055 美国“太阳能十项全能”竞赛简述Brief Introduction of Solar Decathlon in US周潇儒 林波荣 朱颖心 余琼/ ZHOU Xiaoru,LIN Borong, ZHU Yingxin, YU Qiong黄鹤/ HUANG He实践探索|CASE STUDY 062当形式遇到性能——天津市塘沽区农村城市化西部新城社区服务中心设计When Form Encounters Performance: Design for the Community Service Center of Western New Quarter in Tanggu, Tianjin 072 天津西部新城服务中心 节能 运行实测研究Test on Energy Saving of Western New City Service Center in Tianjin吴博 温雅宸 吴海飞/ WU Bo, WEN Yachen,WU Haifei吕瑛英 宋晔皓 吴 博/LV Yingying, SONG Yehao, WU Bo 079 亚热带地区绿色建筑教学实践Teaching Practice of Green Building in Subtropical Areas 王静 / WANG Jing工程案例|GREEN PROJECT恩里克·布朗 / Enrique BROWNE 资料提供_巴博洛·莫利纳-裴特威治 / Pablo Molina PETROVICH 088 创新之家——上海张江集电港办公中心House of Innovation: Office Center of Zhangjiang Semiconductor Industry Park in ShanghaI 082 建成14年后的CONSORCIO-SANTIAGO大厦The“Consorcio-Santiago” Building 14 Years Later柴之清 孟昭智 刘雪巍/ CHAI Zhiqing, MENG Zhaozhi, LIU Xuewei 098 中新生态城城市管理服务中心改造Renovation of City Service Center Building in Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City 王哲 王伯荣/ WANG Zhe, WANG Borong 108 香港理工大学专上学院红磡湾校区The Hung Hom Bay Campus of Hong Kong Community College, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University 林云峰 / Bernard V. LIM人物专访|GREEN PROFILE 119山雨欲来风满楼——解读绿色建筑发展 专访中国城市科学研究会绿色建筑与节能专业委员会主任王有为Interpretation of The Green Building Development in China: Interviewed with WANG Youwei, Chairman of China Green Building Council本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department博士生论坛|DOCTORAL FORUM 122 AHP权重叠加方法在城市生态规划中的适当价值Appropriate Value of AHP Weighted Overlay Method in Urban Ecological Planning 邹涛/ ZOU Tao产品|PRODUCT126绿色产品介绍Green Products
冬季刊资讯|UPDATE008国内外前沿报道Frontier Information from International and Domestic本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department评论|GREEN COMMENT 018 中国需要什么样的绿色建筑评估标准?What Kind of Green Building Evaluation Criteria does China Really Need? 特约评论员/ Special Commentator特约专稿|SPECIAL ARTICLE 022 新加坡“绿色标志”评估标准剖析A Qualitative Insight of Singapore' s Green Mark Rating System 026可持续城市发展的原则、背景及策略——以长春系列项目为例Principles, Background and Strategies of Sustainable Urban Development: Examplified in “Changchun Projects”亚兰德·帕塔萨拉 陈绍彦/ Anand PARTHASARATHY,TAN Shao Yen约翰尼斯·戴尔 杨莉 /Johannes DELL,YANG Li 036从框架导向到问题导向——绿色建筑技术组织思路的转变From Framework-Oriented to Problem-Oriented: A Change of the Tech-organization Thoughts in Green Building Design黄献明 / HUANG Xianming学术研究|ACADEMIC RESEARCH 043 当前中国绿色建筑增量成本统计研究Statistic and Study on Incremental Cost of Green Building in China 孙大明 邵文晞/ SUN Daming, SHAO Wenxi 050 054 063明日建筑,极少能源——简析瑞士可持续建筑标 准“Minergie”Low Energy Co nsumption for the Future Building: Analysis on “Minergie” - Swiss Sustainable Building Stand ard跨越规模界限的生态设计原则——以中国长沙梅溪湖新城和加拿大皇家银行项目为例Common Ecological Design Principles across Scale: A Case Study on Changsha Meixi Lake in China and the Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto碳氧平衡理论在生态城市规划中的应用——以贵阳市为例Application of Theory of the Balance between Carbon and Oxygen in Eco-city Planning: A Case Study on Guiyang鲍莉 贺颖 / BAO Li,HE Ying王哲 蒂凡妮·尔斯·约斯特/ WANG Zhe,Tiffany Broyles YOST林刚 肖劲松 杜鹏飞 陈敏/ LIN Gang, XIAO Jinsong, DU Pengfei, CHEN Min实践探索|CASE STUDY 067地方性可持续资源在建筑生态化设计中的应用——以内蒙古岱海草房子为例Application of Local Sustainable Resources in Ecological Design: Research and Practice on Straw House in Daihai, Inner Mongolia王丹瑀 张娟 杨昌鸣/ WANG Danyu, ZHANG Juan, YANG Changming 072 建设和谐与绿色生态新农村的实践与反思Experiences and Reflections in Harmonious and Ecological Construction Of New Countryside 陆严冰 / LU Yanbing 080 竹化未来Contemporary Bamboo Construction for a Green Future郝琳 / Lin HAO 090 康复环境的可持续设计——邱德拔医院Sustainable Design in a Healing Environment: Khoo Teck Puat Hospital 林立川 王进宝 / LIN Lichuan, WANG Jinbao工程案例|GREEN PROJECT 098 广州亚运场馆的绿色实践Green Practice of Guangzhou Asian Games Venues潘勇 区彤 郭勇 庄孙毅 叶志良/ PAN Y ong,OU Tong, GUO Yong, ZHUANG Sunyi, YE Zhiliang 108 秀外慧中 简洁有力——株洲规划展览馆设计Extrinsically Charming & Intrinsically Fascinating with a Concise Style: Zhuzhou Planning Exhib ition Hall 夏伟 栗铁 栗德祥/XIA Wei, LI Tie, LI Dexiang人物专访|GREEN PROFILE 115绿色建筑 标准先行——专访 中国住房和城乡建设部科技发展促进中心杨榕主任Evaluation Standard go ahead of Green Building: Interviewed with Yang Rong, Chairman of Center of Science and Technology, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, P.R.C本刊编辑部/ECGB Editorial Department博士生论坛|DOCTORAL FORUM 118生态城市规划的指标体系构建思考——以大连市獐子岛镇生态规划项目为例Construction of Indicators for Eco-city Planning: A Case study on Sustainable Urban Planning of Zhangzi Island王富平 栗德祥 / WANG Fuping, LI Dexiang产品|PRODUCT123绿色产品介绍Green Products