
2010-12-25 07:02:28李静
重庆与世界 2010年6期

文/本刊记者 李静


文/本刊记者 李静


M iko le Coop e r:“她真的很不错,有很好的经历,永远都在追求进步,对每一件事都很认真、负责,从VBN到cinc,公司经历了6年的磨练,她都一如既往地努力着,公司取得现在的成就,我很佩服她!”


这是蔡进与M iko le Coop e r给予对方的简单评价。作为国家一级注册建筑师和高级建筑师,来自北京的蔡进拥有赴美考察学习的经历,对建筑这一行有着自己的理解与梦想。2004年,怀着对建筑设计的一腔热情,凭借多年的从业经验,蔡进创立了美国VBN建筑设计公司在中国西部的分支机构。2009年,一次偶然的机遇,蔡进与从美国纽约来中国工作的建筑师M iko le在项目合作中相识,两人一拍即合,成为合伙排档,这一设计机构因此而注入了崭新的发展理念,一个意味深长的名字诞生了:cinc——Created in Ch ina。(www.c inc-design.com)

提到取这个名字的初衷,两位合伙人都兴奋不已。“Crea ted in Ch ina是我们公司长远发展的一个远景,从创建的第一天起,我们要做的就是把本土的智慧与全球资源对接,在对中国市场洞察的基础上,因地制宜,发展出适合当地需求的创意。”蔡进说到,“是不是国际或国内的公司其实并不重要,重要的是你的项目在哪,你的团队如何运作以及你是否对客户的需求有深刻理解。我们的设计机构是一个国际化的创作团队,主创设计师来自美国,而本地设计师团队给予有力的技术支撑,共同的目标使大家共享各自先进的理念与技术,团队凝聚力让中美优势相互融合,为客户打造独特的设计产品。”



作为一个资深的高级建筑师,M iko le从事这一行已经有10年之久,虽然是一个地地道道的美国人,但他在美国工作的时候也有3年的时间在做中国项目的设计,至今他在中国工作生活已超过两年,中国对他来说就像一个老朋友那样熟悉。在M iko le看来,在美国与中国做建筑设计有很多不同,“我想是在设计程序上,标准不同,规则也不同;还有就是一种不同的历史感。在美国,建筑师一般不会轻易改变建筑原有的区域风格与形式,而是保留它独有的特色,这样很多年来看,你都会觉得那样的区域感还存在。但是在目前的中国,人们倾向于拆除旧有的建筑并在新的设计中完全改变原有风格,但这也同时拆除了历史和文化。而一栋新的建筑又需要花费很久的时间才能把自身融入这座城市,所以我更愿意依据环境与区域文化来决定设计风格。”


来到重庆,M iko le对于这座城市也有很多感触和创作激情,在谈到重庆的建筑风格时,他也表示,城市很大,目前重庆本地的建筑风格元素太繁杂,更需要国际化的东西。蔡进也表示赞同。“ 重庆政府部门比较鼓励继承和发扬川东和巴渝地区的传统建筑及本土民居建筑风格。这是一座有着厚重文化底蕴及特殊地形地貌的山水之城,欧洲的传统风格是不适合这座城市的,重庆需要体现自己城市风貌特色的建筑风格。”蔡进期望用国际化与本土化的融合来完成每一次与这座城市有关的设计。

c inc为重庆万盛八角旅游服务接待中心做的投标方案就是一个鲜活的例子。当时蔡进和M iko le带着他们的团队到万盛进行现场踏勘,发现在这个地方到处都盛开着漂亮的山花,就像它的地名一样。他们因此而获得了设计灵感,以“兴旺盛开”的概念赋予万盛旅游接待中心崭新的意义,将这个接待中心设计成花儿绽放的样子,寓意万盛的旅游业开始像花儿一样盛开,实现了将文化作为建筑设计的中心内涵。而设计中也大量采用竹材作为装饰材料,灵感来自于他们在现场看到的大片竹林,更体现了就地取材、立足本土的设计理念。


虽然来自不同的国家,在全球化的今天,地域的跨越已经不再是难题,相反,更是一种资源优势。c inc的设计团队是一个没有国界的创作群体,9个常驻重庆的成员来自不同的城市,另外还有5个外籍主创设计师。每一次根据设计项目内容的不同,他们会配置不同的设计师团队,让每一次的设计既给人耳目一新、与众不同的感觉又富于经验。M iko le也称大部分时候,自己的设计灵感都是来自于团队。有的时候,因为有着不同的文化背景和思维方式,成员之间也难免会出现意见不合。最近在做一个房地产项目设计头脑风暴的过程中,团队成员便出现意见分歧,为了达成一致的设计概念方向,团队间一争论就是几个小时。这个时候,蔡进和M iko le会特别开放、公平地接受每个人的观点,最后在一个大家都认可的概念方向上将每个成员的设计优势综合在一起。“虽然会争吵,但我们从不会完全否决一个设计,因为总有些部分是优秀的,我们的分歧更多是出现在追求完美的过程中。”M iko le解释道。

作为一个外国建筑师,沟通是M iko le在工作上必须面对的问题。无论是和团队还是和客户。当被问到如果自己很满意的设计图,客户却不喜欢怎么办时,M iko le也毫不犹豫地表示他会选择尊重客户。“客户的意见也许不是最专业的,但他们知道自己想要什么。我们会与客户讨论每一个细节,实际上,我们的设计成果大部分是被客户认同的。”

生于建筑师世家的M iko le深信,只要是用心做的设计,一定会得到客户和大众的认同。而感动人的设计,正是在那些容易被忽略的细节思考之中。他一直强调,c inc提供的不仅是精细的设计,更是精良的服务,对这一点身体力行的M iko le也将这样的观念带给了自己的团队成员和与c inc合作的客户们。

让cin c成为重庆永远的纪念

如今的c inc虽然是一支年轻的创作队伍,但从09年成功转身至今,在蔡进和M iko le的带领下,公司已经参与或正在进行设计的项目有10多个,成绩喜人。从重庆到成都,从旅游度假产品到城市开发项目,从政府投资项目到商品房屋设计,c inc的客户包含了地方政府、上市集团公司及大型房地产开发公司。这一切都是c inc的团队辛勤努力的证明。提到自己最满意的项目,M iko le想了很久,还是觉得,永远都是现在正在做的项目是最好的,因为每一次都是最新的,总会有更新更完美的理念出现。比如现在正在进行的政府高度关注的项目——北碚缙云山国际温泉城核心区的规划及建筑、景观设计,“我们总可以找到新的概念与方法来让每一次的设计做得更好。”


我们对重庆有很多的感觉,我们想做出更好的设计,为这座城市留下更多标志性的建筑,我们希望创造出打动人心的建筑,能够感动这座城市,而我们更希望这些建筑会刻上cin c的名字,成为重庆永远的纪念。

就像M iko le自己所说,一座可以成为城市地标的建筑与一栋让人们住得舒适的建筑应该是同时完成的,这也是一个建筑师职业生涯中最大的愿望。一个来自另一个国家,一个来自另一座城市,M iko le和蔡进却都对重庆产生了特殊的感情。“我们对重庆有很多的感觉,我们想做出更好的设计,为这座城市留下更多标志性的建筑,我们希望创造出打动人心的建筑,能够感动这座城市,而我们更希望这些建筑会刻上c inc的名字,成为重庆永远的纪念。”


Jane Cai: “He is rea lly sp ec ia l to m e, I have m e t m any fo reign a rchitec ts who do no t und e rstand Ch inese cu ltu re and the situa tions o f China, and they just b rough t the ir own design concep tion he re. Bu t he is d iffe ren t, he likes to think and b ring the team new d irec tion and ways o f thinking. He likes obse rving the peop le and the environm en t, and exp lains care fu lly the design aim to our c lients!”

M iko le Cooper: “She is rea lly good w ith g rea t exp e rience, a lw ays pu rsues the p rog ress. She is ve ry consc ien tious and resp onsib le fo r eve ryth ing. From VBN to c inc, she wo rked so ha rd fo r the p ast six yea rs, I rea lly adm ire her!”

Crea ted in Ch ina

Th is is a sim p le eva lua tion tha t Jane and M iko le gave to each o the r. As a na tiona l A-c lass a rch itec t and senio r a rchitec t, Jane is from Beijing w ith m uch expe rience from the U.S. as she was trained there, she a lso has he r ow n und e rstand ing and d ream fo r a rch itec tu re. In 2004, Jane estab lished the b ranch o f an US Com pany VBN in the w est o f China. In 2009, Jane m et M iko le, an a rchitec t w ho com es from New Yo rk in an ac c iden ta l p ro jec t coop e ra tion, they hit it o ff righ t aw ay an d b e c am e p a rtne rs, a m ean ing fu l nam e w as c rea te d——c in c, C rea te d in Ch ina.(w ww.c in cdesign.com)

These two pa rtners are bo th very exc ited about the nam e. “Crea ted in China is a long-te rm d eve lopm en t o f ou r com pany, since the first day tha t c inc was estab lished, what we shou ld do is com b ine ou r loca l know ledge w ith an in te rna tiona l ou tlook, on the basis o f the Chinese m a rke t and deve lop o rig ina lity tha t is suited to loca l cond itions”. Jane said. “It doesn't m a tte r if you r com p any is loca l o r in te rna tiona l. It on ly m a tte rs tha t you have an unde rstand ing o f the p ro jec t and know your c lients requirem en ts”. Our designe rs a re an in te rna tiona l g roup, w ith a rchitec ts from the Un ited Sta tes, sup p o rted b y ou r lo c a l team o f designe rs. Ou r comm on goa l is to le t eve ryone sha re the ir ad vanced id eas and techno log ies, c rea te unique d esign p rod uc ts fo r ou r c lien ts.”

As a senio r a rchitec t, M iko le has been doing this fo r 10 years, a lthough he is Am e rican, he had been doing Ch inese p ro jec t d esigns fo r th ree yea rs wh ile he w as in the U.S. and now he has been wo rking in China fo r m o re than tw o yea rs. Ch ina is m o re like an o ld friend to h im. In his op inion, the re a re m any d iffe rences be tw een architec tura l design in the United States and China.“It's m a in ly ab ou t the d e s ig n s tand a rd s, the p rocedu res and ru les a re d iffe ren t; and a lso the sense o f histo ry. In US, a rchitec ts d o no t easily change the existing reg iona l build ing sty le and form, instead they try to m ain tain the orig ina l cha rac teristic, so a fte r m any yea rs, you w ill still fee l the sam e connec tion w ith a comm un ity. Bu t in Ch ina, peop le tend to pu ll d own the o ld build ing and com p le te ly change o rig ina l style in the new design, bu t it a lso dem o lished the histo ry and cu ltu re, and it takes a ve ry long tim e fo r a new bu ild ing to in teg ra te itse lf in to the c ity, so I p re fe r to design a style by the environm en ta l and reg iona l cu ltu re.”

A M oving Design is Done by Hea rt

M iko le has m uch fee lings and c rea tive p assions fo r Chongq ing. W hen m en tioned abou t the sty le o f Chongq ing's architec ture, he a lso said that the c ity is rea lly b ig, bu t the ind igenous a rch itec tu ra l sty les a re com p licated, Chongq ing requires m o re in ternationa l e lem en ts. Jane ag reed w ith h im. “Chong q ing gove rnm en t encou raged to deve lop East Sichuan and Chong q ing trad itiona l a rch itec tu re and d om es tic a rchitec tura l sty le. Chongq ing is a c ity w ith a rich cu ltu ra l trad ition and spec ia l topog raphy, the trad itiona l Eu ropean style is no t su itab le fo r th is c ity, Chongq ing need s an a rch itec tu ra l sty le tha t re flec ts its unique fea tu re.” Jane hop es to ac com p lish each d esign o f the c ity w ith in teg ra tion o f in te rna tiona liza tion and loca lization.

A lth ou g h from d iffe re n t c o u n trie s, g lo b a l bound a ries a re no longe r a p rob lem. In fac t, it is m o re o f a resource. The team o f c inc is a team w ithou t bounda ries, the re a re nine m em bers from d iffe ren t c ities and five fo re ign a rch itec ts. Each tim e they w ill con figu re d iffe ren t d es igne r team d o ing d iffe ren t p ro jec t to g ive c lien ts fresh and d iffe ren t fee ling s. M iko le a lso to ld us tha t m ost o f the tim e, his design insp iration is from the team. Som e tim es, the m em be rs w ill have a rgum en t because o f d iffe ren t cu ltu res and ways o f thinking, in o rd e r to reach an ag reem en t, they w ill a rgue fo r a few hou rs. Jane and M iko le are ve ry open and fair, ac cep ting every poin t o f view from m em be rs and in teg ra ting the ir concep ts and d esign ad van tages.

As a fo re ign a rchitec t, comm un ica tion is a lways im po rtant to M iko le, w he the r it's the team o r c lien ts. When asked wha t if his c lien t d idn't like the b luep rint tha t he rea lly likes, M iko le said he w ill choose to resp ec t the c lien t w ithou t hesita tion. “C lien ts' op inion m ay no t be the m ost p ro fessiona l, bu t they know wha t they wan t, they understand their m a rke t and user g roup. We w ill d iscuss eve ry de tail w ith ou r c lien ts and guide the p rocess to and ac cep tab le m eaning fu l resu lt; in fac t, m ost o f ou r design p rod uc ts a re ac cep ted in the ea rly stages by ou r c lien ts.” M iko le is convinced tha t the p roduc ts designed w ith heart w ill certain ly gain the c lien ts and the pub lic's recogn ition. An insp ira tiona l design is a lways ou t goa l, be it a sm a ll bu ild ing o r an en tire c ity p lan.


cinc, A p lace o f Eternal M em ory in Chongq ing

Although now c inc is a young team, led by Jane and M iko le, they have a lread y been invo lved in ove r 10 p ro jec ts since 2009. From Chongq ing to Cheng du, from reso rt p ro jec ts to u rban deve lopm en t p ro jec ts, from the gove rnm en t investm en t to the u rban comm e rc ia l housing design, c lein ts o f c inc inc lude the loca l gove rnm en t, p ub lic ly listed G roup s, and la rge rea l esta te d eve lopm en t com p an ies. Ta lking abou t h is favo rite p ro jec t, M iko le thinks the one tha t he is curren tly wo rking on is best, because each tim e is a fresh start and opportunity for new exp lora tion, and im ag ina tive concep ts. Such as their reso rt p ro jec ts tha t a re high ly adm ired by the gove rnm en t and p lann ing bu reau o f in te rna tiona l ho t sp ring a rea in Beibe i Jinyun m ountain. “We can a lways find new ideas and m ethod s to m ake each design be tte r.”

Like w ha t M iko le said, a bu ild ing tha t can be a landm a rk o f the c ity is a lso a build ing tha t peop le can live com fo rtab ly, which is a lso the g reatest hope for an architec t. One is from ano the r coun try, one is from ano the r c ity, and M iko le and Jane bo th have sp ec ia l fee lings fo r Chongq ing. “We love Chongq ing; we'd like to do be tte r d esigns fo r the c ity, leaving lo ts o f landm a rk architec ture here. We hope to Crea te m ore a rchitec tu re tha t can touch peop le's hearts and the c ity, w e a lso hope tha t these bu ild ing s w ill g ive c inc a p lace o f e te rna l m em o ry in Chongq ing.”

Creating Arch itectu re That W ill Touch Peop le's Hearts——In terview cinc Design Consu ltan t

W ritten b y Agg ie and Ga ry Hynson

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