
2010-11-26 01:56:00
合成化学 2010年6期



付记亚 徐小英 王 文 黄青春 王立新(1-1)


张万轩 曹 锰 叶 康 黄 巍(1-6)

(±)-Abyssinone Ⅰ的全合成

赵艳敏 杨金会 肖冬彩 王 伟 田莉莉(1-10)


丁佩佩 张灯青 葛凤燕 蔡再生(1-13)


陈召勇 张建利 朱华丽 朱 伟 李杉杉(1-16)


樊润梅 丁国华 张晓松(1-23)


刘立华 李 鑫 赵艳敏 吴 俊 刘清泉(1-27)


王秋亚 贺 云 张尊听(1-31)


李家明 蒋毅民(1-36)


周永红 田玉鹏 吴杰颖(1-40)


胡昌秋 秦敬东 胡 冰 魏太保(1-44)


吴粦华 拓宏桂 温德才 钟春龙(1-48)


李春晖 胡方中 邹小毛 朱有全 杨华铮(1-52)


于金兰 武钦佩 张青山 周智明(1-56)


胡 键 董 菁 施小新(1-61)


黄家吉 贺晓鹏 董 菁 胡 键 施小新(1-64)


张晓松 丁国华 樊润梅(1-67)


陈林渺 郝志峰 王雪镅 余 坚 余 林(1-71)


陈 刚 邓 强 汤 颖 陈世军(1-74)


应加银 冯 燕 聂王焰 周艺峰(1-77)


盛恩宏 于伟彬 朱成峰(1-80)


闫起强 郭拥政 谢苏豪 祁 伟 杨 琰 王文峰(1-83)


颜 莉 赵吉寿(1-86)


魏芬芬 林雅铃 张安强 陈秀云 王炼石(1-90)


颜 鑫 刘苏友 欧晓明 刘丽君(1-94)


董 菁 邢 静 严晶晶 施小新(1-97)


孙希军 姚金水 王大伟 纪晨旭(1-99)

陶李明 刘文奇 周 芸 周菊峰 李爱桃(1-101)


徐海云 来兰梅 刘 瑛(1-104)


彭化南 余泗莲 余 斌 周安西 吴青海 郑大贵(1-107)


赵伟杰 闫凤美(1-110)


陈志卫 杨艳艳 闫伟华 苏为科(1-113)


孟庆朝 董玉环 周长山(1-116)


钟光祥 陈婷婷 周程程(1-118)


秦光成 陈力学 李逐波(1-121)


李鸿波 王立平 梁 伍 陈 凯 刘 浪(1-124)


李 静 敖桂珍 绪广林 郑丽玲 张 璐(1-128)


任学敏 李国华 赵继全 路 露 李红亮(1-131)


白金龙 王如全 刘立英 付德才(1-134)


钟光祥 蒋剑松 陈路路(1-137)



宋 芸 魏绍川 王永峰 焦淑清(2-141)


陈金萍 朱丽娜 周海波 付德才 徐柏玲(2-148)


刘 灏 蒋 琳(2-154)


霍佳平 司士辉 王颜红 张 红 王世成 林桂凤(2-159)


王海波 姜 林 纪增臣 滕信焕(2-164)


王世伟 高保娇(2-168)


王健春 乔 良 陈振民 石 远 武晶晶 何 平(2-172)


许文倩 李效军 王新胜 雒佳莉 孙文姣(2-176)

SBA-15负载金属[Co(Ⅱ), Zn(Ⅱ)]酞菁催化剂的制备及其催化氧化性能

陈 伟 周桃壮 崔 静 郭 晶 毕 程(2-180)


杨彩梅 倪承燕 刘全忠(2-184)


陈艳辉 李超柱 李家明(2-188)


杨师棣 汤发有 张洪利 蔡秀琴(2-192)


陶李明 刘文奇 周 芸(2-196)


郭长彬 张亮亮 唐朝军 吕 超(2-200)


罗俊君 刘 佳 任 君(2-202)


张 颂 唐红艳 刘 洋 董俊宇 高 珊 杨治仁 王河清 曾庆乐(2-206)


郭 磊 章文军 杨 静(2-210)


覃世辉 吴振奕(2-213)


孙 举 顾 军 李灵芝(2-215)


时恩学 肖军华 裴承新(2-219)



吴 伟 张晓云 康寿兴(2-222)


于赛男 李智超 胡英芝 尹大学(2-226)


林锐彬 李战雄(2-229)


黄 维 董小萍 邵 培 韩 波(2-232)


何彦波 易 春 曹迁永 邓阳生 高希存(2-235)


彭凯山 曾庆龙 张 武(2-239)


程传杰 杨江明 申 亮 舒金兵 乔永洛 付长清(2-242)


王 象 周剑平 黄新华 彭凯山 曾庆龙 张 武(2-245)


陈玉风 严正权 徐洪耀(2-248)


秦 凯 李 伟 崔小兵(2-251)

Pd/C和Raney Ni催化剂的制备及其催化活性比较

李 平 刘金廷 王 伟(2-254)


丁国华 张晓松 樊润梅(2-259)


闫凤美 郭彦春 刘贺钦(2-262)


王建华 江志尧(2-265)


朱兴一 郭巧凤 吴雪玲 苏为科(2-269)


赵乐晶 蔡志强 林晓明 石 玉 孙铁民 李祎亮(2-271)



王 浩 宋宏锐 邓英杰 陈学思(3-273)


白宝清 赵丽娇 宋秀庆 钟儒刚(3-280)


程传杰 舒金兵 申 亮 彭海峰 乔泳洛 付长清(3-285)


李群林 顾 军 李灵芝(3-290)


李 广 陈栋梁 熊成东(3-297)

胡 育 范燕平 杨先贵 王公应(3-301)


沈晓冬 卓广澜(3-305)


冉维津 张月成 王 芳 赵继全(3-310)


杨 斌 张继振 邱 滔 赵德建 王雅珍(3-314)


刘建生 彭亦如 黄丽珊 陈莉莉 阙寿林(3-317)


陈 垦 李 杰 徐 亮(3-321)


王健春 乔 良 陈振民 武晶晶 魏东月(3-324)


陈艳辉 李超柱 李家明(3-328)


陆晓斌 杜亚军 高远浩 杨家祥 吴杰颖 田玉鹏(3-332)


王德才 徐 伟 葛恒平 彭宇然 黄良成(3-335)


卢伟伸 杨小慧 张晓茹(3-338)


郑 毅 王俊芳 张应鹏 窦花妮 杨云裳(3-341)


郑 文 程冬萍 颜继忠(3-345)


魏学建 张 献 姚金水(3-348)


周 凯 李 强 郑美林 张三奇(3-352)


田 鹏 曾艳芳 叶洞君 龚晓钟(3-356)


郭海明 饶伟浩 牛红英 王东超 渠桂荣(3-361)


曾庆云 任保增 李宪民 蒲彦锋(3-365)


伍江卓 卢 奎 赵东欣 薛永亮 王宏慧(3-368)


吴 伟 张晓云 高艳敏(3-371)


刘 洋 张 锋 林紫云 黄海洪(3-375)


段军飞 向建南(3-378)


李 松 方志杰 程 杰(3-380)


高 明 张争光 李德江(3-383)


刘长辉 罗新湘 林满军 潘 峰(3-386)


邵 华 赵桂龙 刘 巍 王玉丽 徐为人 汤立达(3-389)


华允宇 韩益丰 夏 敏(3-393)


金文虎 张鹏志 冀亚飞(3-397)


任莺歌 钱晓波 沈 宁 刘骞峰 马 科(3-400)


凌 辉 陈 功(3-402)



周 琪 朱 槿 邓金根(4-405)


马新胜 徐永刚 黄新虎 张 洁 徐云龙 于建国(4-410)


闻娣娣 刘启伦 李秋莲 杭臣臣 朱永明(4-415)


范和良 戴延凤 刘望博 胥诗华 黄海方 高希存(4-420)


李云峰 杨金会 高丽娟 冀永强 刘万毅(4-424)


冯文浩 乔纯杰 冉春玲 杜 薇 徐 琰 樊耀亭(4-429)


张小强 梅青刚 石治川 吴 双 赵志刚(4-433)


李俊华 邝代治 冯泳兰 易正戟(4-437)


胡 育 王公应 杨先贵(4-441)


夏金虹 刘 峥 王松梅 王 渊(4-446)


甘小平 吴 鹏 陈怡欣 涂雨龙 吴杰颖 吴志超 周虹屏(4-451)


郑保辉 方志杰 程 杰 姜宇华(4-454)


毛伟炜 欧阳贵平(4-457)


林晓明 李祎亮 石 玉 赵乐晶 孙有光(4-460)

α-葡萄糖苷酶抑制剂Radicamine B的合成

刘春艳 孟爱国 詹 欢(4-462)


赖普辉 田光辉 季晓晖 刘存芳 郭豫梅(4-465)


姜 艳 段志强 席海涛 孟 启 孙小强(4-468)


张筱逸 杨发福 郭红玉 黄智胜(4-470)


龙德清 李德江 唐传球 周 新(4-473)


冯 超 葛成敏 王寅光 张淑华(4-476)


袁 巍 李乐庆 李文戈(4-480)


向文军 陈发德 姜振华 罗飞华(4-484)


敬 毅 林文清 张晓梅(4-487)


石 炜 段月姣 阚洪柱 杨琍苹 胡文浩(4-490)


詹国平 郝 丽(4-493)


李 慧 王小娟 贾定先 顾建胜(4-497)


涂 明 常永娟 戴立益(4-501)


宫丽红 叶 彩 安茂忠(4-503)


林 霞 陈培丰 黄风华 许金访(4-507)


程杰兵 张合良 王晓钟 戴立言 陈英奇(4-511)


胡 昆 杨泽华 刘显华 任 杰(4-513)


程传玲 汪 洋 郝二军 徐桂清 李 伟 胡志国(4-517)


陈一芬 王 超 禹艳坤 冀亚飞(4-520)


谢良辉 欧阳贵平(4-523)


梁国栋 张逸伟 林东恩(4-526)



陈 骏 廖 建(5-529)


王 芳 冉维津 张月成 赵继全(5-533)


李相鹏 王 鹏 李英霞(5-538)


刘望博 胥诗华 范和良 高希存(5-543)


周春风 胡张军 吴杰颖 田玉鹏(5-547)


孟 启 吴桂勇 陈娟娟 李丹凤 孙小强(5-551)


任 振 席海涛 缪春宝 孙小强(5-555)


王腾飞 张光华 陈 飞 董惟昕 费 菲(5-559)


唐红艳 曾庆乐(5-563)


陈华梅 岳 凡 关晓梅(5-567)


冯志强 尹承烈(5-572)


桑言奎 单益凡 赵丽华 汤 杰 杨 帆(5-575)


王 莉 郭建平 黄淑萍 陈 霞(5-579)


廖强强 李义久 相 波 柴林华(5-582)


陈继方 王 兵 刘 颖 王景阳 刘登科(5-586)


陈海平 刘建军 曹小舟 白天省 左胜利(5-591)


魏 学 郑玉国 薛 伟 卢 平 王贞超(5-595)


孙彦刚 徐菁利 唐博合金(5-599)


李秋莲 池建文 朱永明(5-602)


陈 志 王碧清 冯玉军(5-605)


吴 庆 袁泽利 徐远飞 胡庆红 钟永科 周旭美(5-608)


李少磊 罗 妍 王莉华 李德江(5-611)


李培军 吾满江·艾力 张乐涛(5-614)


孙中战 高建峰 周光强(5-618)


林东恩 胡守印 张逸伟(5-622)


晏昶皓 祝曙英 林成刚 杲 婷 史海健(5-626)


包 娜 颜虹云 沈 林 汪效祖(5-629)


祝曙英 吴 奇 林成刚 陈书艳 史海健(5-633)


杜 杰 段 明 蒋晓慧(5-636)


刘 睿 王贵欣 闫康平 李秀丽(5-639)


刘国德 酒红芳 张立新 慕学超 张朝艳 樊 涛 苏青林 孙益新(5-642)


李 伟 王 瑜 戴立益(5-644)


薛大泉 张 威 邓泽军 马红梅 郑 实 虞心红(5-647)


曹志凌 姚国伟 刘玮炜 徐 伟(5-650)



徐 衍 李战雄 邓敏智 杨 军(6-653)


杨清翠 孙晓红 刘源发 马海霞(6-660)


林成刚 祝曙英 全 旭 邱银华 史海健(6-664)


白林山 刘会峰 刘新华 戚兴宝(6-671)


张广龙 欧阳贵平 李文举 包文艳(6-675)


汪林发 李同金 周祖文 田茂奎 杨大成(6-681)

田志茗 邓启刚 赵德丰 刘美华(6-686)


张 璇 付玉杰 祖元刚 余 平 陈 玥 刘晓蕾(6-691)


马荣华 翟大东 赵春艳(6-695)




孙彦刚 徐菁利 唐博合金(6-705)


刘万定 吕良飞 汪 维 陈 梅 唐 超 吴杰颖(6-709)


张逸伟 王 琳 彭云铁 林东恩(6-712)


王 英 徐小平 姚英明 纪顺俊(6-715)


朱维菊 李 村 吴振玉 刘 钊(6-718)



孙 勇 潘 坤 曾洁琼(6-721)


何小兰 袁玉兵 徐海龙 王晓宁 张 焱(6-725)


杨海涛 阮小娇 缪春宝(6-729)


倪 峰 董 菁 吕 霞 施小新(6-731)


赵艳敏 杨金会(6-735)


陈 刚 汪 冶 杨小生 郝小江(6-738)


程传杰 刘二静 申 亮 郑 义 舒金兵 付全磊 龚珊珊(6-741)


王宏飞 左正龙 杨晴来 申旭霁 赵新锋 郑晓晖(6-745)


彭信文 刘昆明 欧阳文 杨 梦 侯豪情(6-747)


李文婷 王 强 倪 娜 朱露露 吴华强(6-750)

杨晴来 王宏飞 苏 华 左正龙 申旭霁 郑晓晖 陈 林(6-754)


杨建鑫 吕 霞 陆伟栋 董 菁 施小新(6-756)


聂慧芳 陈卫平 李晓晔 宋江庆 张生勇(6-760)


张逸伟 梁国栋 林东恩(6-763)


苑志忠 章文军 张 静(6-765)


叶 飞 高仁孝 沈 宁 丁志新(6-767)




(Vol.18 2010)


Research Advances in Small Organic Molecular-catalyzed Asymmetric Henry Reaction

FU Ji-ya, XU Xiao-ying, WANG Wen, HUANG Qing-chun, WANG Li-xin(1-1)

Selective Oxidation ofα-Naphthyl Methanol Derivatives and Synthesis of Optically Pure 1,1′-Binaphthyl-2,2′-dicarboxylic Acid

ZHANG Wan-xuan, CAO Meng, YE Kang, HUANG Wei(1-6)

Total Synthesis of (±)-Abyssinone Ⅰ

ZHAO Yan-min, YANG Jin-hui, XIAO Dong-cai, WANG Wei, TIAN Li-li(1-10)

Synthesis of a Novel Intumescent Flame Retardant and Its Application in Polyester Fabric

DING Pei-pei, ZHANG Deng-qing, GE Feng-yan, CAI Zai-sheng(1-13)

Preparation of Fe2O3and Research on Its Electrochemical Performance

CHEN Zhao-yong, ZHANG Jian-li, ZHU Hua-li, ZHU Wei, LI Shan-shan(1-16)

Synthesis and Anion Recognition Properties of 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthylaldehydeN-benzoylthiosemicarbazide

FAN Run-mei, DING Guo-hua, ZHANG Xiao-song(1-23)

Synthesis of Diallylethylamine

LIU Li-hua, LI Xin, ZHAO Yan-min, WU Jun, LIU Qing-quan(1-27)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Water-soluble Cobalt(Ⅱ) Dimethylated Daidzein Sulfonate

WANG Qiu-ya, HE Yun, ZHANG Zun-ting(1-31)

Synthesis of Copper(Ⅱ) Ternary Complex with Taurine 2-Pyridinecarboxaldehyde Schiff Base and 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic Acid and Its

Crystal Structure

LI Jia-ming, JIANG Yi-min(1-36)

A Novel Methylene-succinate Bridged Dual U-shaped Tetranuclear Cu(Ⅱ) Complex: [Cu4(IA)2(phen)4(H2O)4](NO3)4(H2O)6

ZHOU Yong-hong, TIAN Yu-peng, WU Jie-ying(1-40)

Synthesis and Biological Activity of Fluorbenzoyl Thioureas Derivatives

HU Chang-qiu, QIN Jing-dong, HU Bing, WEI Tai-bao(1-44)

Synthesis and Its Recognition to Zn2+of 2-Hydroxy-1-naphthaldehyde-4-dimethylaminobenzoylhydrazone

WU Lin-hua, TA Hong-gui, WEN De-cai, ZHONG Chun-long(1-48)

Synthesis and Biological Activity ofN-cyano-N′-arylmethyl Carbamimidoyl Phosphonate

LI Chun-hui, HU Fang-zhong, ZOU Xiao-mao, ZHU You-quan, YANG Hua-zheng(1-52)

Synthesis of 1,4-Dissubstituted-1,2,3-triazole Derivatives

YU Jin-lan, WU Qin-pei, ZHZNG Qing-shan, ZHOU Zhi-ming(1-56)

Preparation of Chiral Naphthylethylamines by Recycling Resolution

HU Jian, DONG Jing, SHI Xiao-xin(1-61)

Syntheses of Piperazinoltriazole and Piperazinoltetrazole via Intramolecular Click Reaction

HUANG Jia-ji, HE Xiao-peng, DONG Jing, HU Jian, SHI Xiao-xin(1-64)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Cu(C28H18O2N2)·DMF

ZHANG Xiao-song, DING Guo-hua, FAN Run-mei(1-67)

Synthesis of Ethylene Diamine Tetra-acetic Acid Amide Derivatives with Aromatic Group

CHEN Lin-miao, HAO Zhi-feng, WANG Xue-mei, YU Jian, YU Lin(1-71)

Synthesis of 5-(Furan-2-yl)-3-phenyl-isoxazole and Its Inhibition against Sulfate Reducing Bacteria

CHEN Gang, DENG Qiang, TANG Ying, CHEN Shi-jun(1-74)

Synthesis and Optical Property of 4-[2-(9,9-Dioctyl-9H-fluorene-2-)vinyl]aniline

YING Jia-yin, FENG Yan, NIE Wang-yan, ZHOU Yi-feng(1-77)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Coordination Polymer {Zn[(BTDC)2(DMF)2]}4·(DMF)4

SHENG En-hong, YU Wei-bin, ZHU Cheng-feng(1-80)

Synthesis of Losartan

YAN Qi-qiang, GUO Yong-zheng, XIE Su-hao, Qi Wei, YANG Yan, WANG Wen-feng(1-83)

Synthesis and Fungicidal Activity of Schiff Bases Containing Sulfur

YAN Li, ZHAO Ji-shou(1-86)

Synthesis of Four-arm Star-shaped Block Copolymer(s-PDLLA-b-PEG)

WEI Fen-fen, LIN Ya-ling, ZHANG An-qiang, CHEN Xiu-yun, WANG Lian-shi(1-90)

Facile Synthesis of 5-Amine-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-2(1H)quinolinone

YAN Xin, LIU Su-you, OU Xiao-ming, LIU Li-jun(1-94)

Synthesis of (±)-Leucine

DONG Jing, XING Jing, YAN Jing-jing, SHI Xiao-xin(1-97)

Synthesis of Unsaturated Chiral Amide Monomer

SUN Xi-jun, YAO Jin-shui, WANG Da-wei, JI Chen-xu(1-99)

Synthesis of 3-Iodo-5-methyl-1,5-benzothiazepin-4(5H)-one

TAO Li-ming, LIU Wen-qi, ZHOU Yun, ZHOU Ju-feng, LI Ai-tao(1-101)

Synthesis of 2-Ethoxycarbonyl-3-methyl-4,5-tetramethylenepyrrole

XU Hai-yun, LAI Lan-mei, LIU Ying(1-104)

Synthesis of (S)-2-amino-1,1-diphenyl-1-propanol

PENG Hua-nan, YU Si-lian, YU bin, Zhou An-xi, WU Qing-hai, ZHENG Da-gui(1-107)

Synthesis of Tetrahydroquinolines by the Reaction of Imino with Dihydrofuran Using Iodine as a Catalyst

ZHAO Wei-jie, YAN Feng-mei(1-110)

One-pot Synthesis of 3-Cyano-4-benzopyrones

CHEN Zhi-wei, YANG Yan-yan, YAN Wei-hua, SU Wei-ke(1-113)

Process Improvement on Preparation of Dibenzyl Phosphate

MENG Qing-zhao, DONG Yu-huan, ZHOU Chang-shan(1-116)

Synthesis of 2-Thiouracil by One-pot Method

ZHONG Guang-xiang, CHEN Ting-ting, ZHOU Cheng-cheng(1-118)

Synthetic Process Optimization of Florfenicol Succinate

QIN Guang-cheng, CHEN Li-xue, LI Zhu-bo(1-121)

Synthesis of Droxidopa

LI Hong-bo, WANG Li-ping, LIANG Wu, CHEN Kai, LIU Lang(1-124)

Synthesis and Anti-inflammatory Activity ofα-Substituted-E-3,5-dihydroxyphenylpropenic Acids

LI Jing, AO Gui-zhen, XU Guang-lin, ZHENG Li-ling, ZHANG Lu(1-128)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of 4-(2-Carboxybenzyloxy)-phenylacetic Acid

REN Xue-min, LI Guo-hua, ZHAO Ji-quan, LU Lu, LI Hong-liang(1-131)

Synthesis of 7-Amino-3-vinylcephalosporanic Acid

BAI Jin-long, WANG Ru-quan, LIU Li-ying, FU De-cai(1-134)

Optimization on Synthetic Technology of Aminoprofen

ZHONG Guang-xiang, JIANG Jian-song, CHEN Lu-lu(1-137)


Progress in the Synthesis of Anti-cancer Oligopeptide Drugs-Relins

SONG Yun, WEI Shao-chuan, WANG Yong-feng, JIAO Shu-qing(2-141)

Synthesis of 2-Cyano-3,4-dihydroquinazoline Derivatives

CHEN Jin-ping, ZHU Li-na, ZHOU Hai-bo, FU De-cai, XU Bai-ling(2-148)

Study on the Mannich Reaction of 3-Phenyl Isocoumaranone Derivatives

LIU Hao, JIANG Lin(2-154)

Synthesis and Adsorbability of Atrazine Molecularly Imprinted Polymer

HUO Jia-ping, SI Shi-hui, WANG Yan-hong, ZHANG Hong, WANG Shi-cheng, LIN Gui-feng(2-159)

Synthesis and Fungicidal Activities of 2-Acetylbenzimidazole Oxime-ether Derivatives

WANG Hai-bo, JIANG Lin, JI Zeng-chen, TENG Xin-huan(2-164)

Chloromethylation of Dibenzo-18-crown-6 and Its Immobilization on Crosslinked Polyvinyl Alcohol Microsphere

WANG Shi-wei, GAO Bao-jiao(2-168)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Novel 1,1′-Bis(4,5-dialkyl)imidazole Ferrocene

WANG Jian-chun, QIAO Liang, CHEN Zhen-min, SHI Yuan, WU Jing-jing, HE Ping(2-172)

Synthesis and Catalytic Activity of Z-N Type Catalyst——2,2-Diisobutyl-1,3-propylene Glycol Dichloro-benzoate

XU Wen-qian, LI Xiao-jun, WANG Xin-sheng, LUO Jia-li, SUN Wen-jiao(2-176)

Preparation and Catalytic Oxidation Performance of SBA-15-supported Metallophthalocyanine Catalyst

CHEN Wei, ZHOU Tao-zhuang, CUI Jing, GUO Jing, BI Cheng(2-180)

Chiral Phosphoric Acid-catalyzed Asymmetric Friedel-Crafts Alkylation of Indole with Ethyl Glyoxylate Imine

YANG Cai-mei, NI Cheng-yan, LIU Quan-zhong(2-184)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Triply-bridged Binuclear Cu(Ⅱ) Complex {[Cu2(μ-O2CCH3)(μ-OH)(μ-Br)(2,2′-bpy)2]


CHEN Yan-hui, LI Chao-zhu, LI Jia-ming(2-188)

Catalytic Hydrogenation of Chloronitrobenzene to Chloroaniline by Supported Nickel Amorphous Alloy Catalysts

YANG Shi-di, TANG Fa-you, ZHANG Hong-li, CAI Xiou-qin(2-192)

Study on the Sonogashira Cross-couplings of Aryl Halides with Terminal Alkynes by Pd(OAc)2/TBAB

TAO Li-ming, LIU Wen-qi, ZHOU Yun(2-196)

Synthesis of Ethyl 4-(4-Methoxyphenyl)-2-p-tolylthiazol-5-formate

GUO Chang-bin, ZHANG Liang-liang, TANG Chao-jun, LÜ Chao(2-200)

Synthesisi ofN-{4-[6-nitro-1,3-dione-1H-benz[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl)phenyl}-N′-phenylurea and Its Recognition Ability on Anion

LUO Jun-jun, LIU Jia, REN Jun(2-202)

Study on the Titanium/Camphanediol-catalyzed Enantioselective Sulfoxidation Reaction

ZHANG Song, TANG Hong-yan, LIU Yang, DONG Jun-yu, GAO Shan, YANG Zhi-ren, WANG He-qing, ZENG Qing-le(2-206)

Design and Synthesis ofN-methyl-2-(4-acylpiperazin-1-yl)-N-[3-(naphthalene-1-yloxy)-3-(thiophen-2-yl)propyl] Acetamide


GUO Lei, ZHANG Wen-jun, YANG Jing(2-210)

Synthesis of A Novel Fullerene-phosphine Metal Complex

QIN Shi-hui, WU Zhen-yi(2-213)

Synthesis of Danshensu Derivatives

SUN Ju, GU Jun, LI Ling-zhi(2-215)

Synthesis and Stereostructure oftrans-3,6-Dibromocyclohexene

SHI En-xue, XIAO Jun-hua, PEI Cheng-xin(2-219)

Synthesis and Light-emitting Performance of MEH-PPV-type Monomer{2,5-Bis(4′-bromo-2′,5′-dimothoxy-phenylvinylene)-1-mothoxy-

4-(2′-ethylhexyloxy) Benzene}

WU Wei, ZHANG Xiao-yun, KANG Shou-xin(2-222)

Synthesis of Bis-Schiff Base Compound with Trifluoromethyl

YU Sai-nan, LI Zhi-chao, HU Ying-zhi, YIN Da-xue(2-226)

Synthesis and Thermal Property of Energetic Caged-carborane Derivatives

LIN Rui-bin, LI Zhan-xiong(2-229)

Synthesis of Novel 4-Hydroxyl Coumarin Derivatives

HUANG Wei, DONG Xiao-ping, SHAO Pei, HAN Bo(2-232)

Synthesis and Optical Property of Iridium(Ⅲ) Complexes with 8-Hydroxyquinoline

HE Yan-bo, YI Chun, CAO Qian-yong, DENG Yang-sheng, GAO Xi-cun(2-235)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Poly(p-toluidine)

PENG Kai-shan, ZENG Qing-long, ZHANG Wu(2-239)

Synthesis of Trithiocarbonate by One-pot

CHENG Chuan-jie, YANG Jiang-ming, SHEN Liang, SHU Jin-bing, QIAO Yong-luo, FU Chang-qing(2-242)

Catalytic Synthesis ofβ-Diketiminate by InCl3

WANG Xiang, ZHOU Jian-ping, HUANG Xin-hua, PENG Kai-shan, ZENG Qing-long, ZHANG Wu(2-245)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of 6-Nitrylquinaldine

CHEN Yu-feng, YAN Zheng-quan, XU Hong-yao(2-248)

Synthesis of Polyols of Tetramethylpyrazine and Their Acetates

QIN Kai, LI Wei, CUI Xiao-bing(2-251)

Preparation and Catalytic Activity Comparison of Pd/C and Raney Ni Catalysts

LI Ping, LIU Jin-ting, WANG Wei(2-254)

Synthesis and Fluorescence Performance of Transition Metal Complexes with Schiff Base

DING Guo-hua, ZHANG Xiao-song, FAN Run-mei(2-259)

Synthesis ofN-(4-chloro-3-trifluoromethylphenyl)-N′-(p-substitutedphenyl) Urea

YAN Feng-mei, GUO Yan-chun, LIU He-qin(2-262)

Synthesis of 9-Deoxo-8a-aza-8a-homoerythromycin A by One-step

WANG Jian-hua, JIANG Zhi-yao(2-265)

A New Method of Synthesizing Diacerhein

ZHU Xing-yi, GUO Qiao-feng, WU Xue-ling, SU Wei-ke(2-269)

Synthesis of 1-(5-Chloromethyl-2-hydroxy-4-alkoxy) Acetophenone

ZHAO Le-jing, CAI Zhi-qiang, LIN Xiao-ming, SHI Yu, SUN Tie-min, LI Yi-liang(2-271)


Effect of Poly(α-hydroxyoctanioc acid) Addition on Doxorubicin HCl Release from W/O Emulsion Electrospun Poly(L-lactic acid)


WANG Hao, SONG Hong-rui, DENG Ying-jie, CHEN Xue-si(3-273)

Synthesis of 1-[N-(2′-deoxycytidyl)]-2-[N-(2′-deoxyguanosyl)]ethane and Its Application in the Detection of DNA Interstrand


BAI Bao-qing, ZHAO Li-jiao, SONG Xiu-qing, ZHONG Ru-gang(3-280)

Synthesis of ATRP Initiators with Surface Activities and Their Application in Emulsifier-free Emulsion Polymerization

CHENG Chuan-jie, SHU Jin-bing, SHEN Liang, PENG Hai-feng, QIAO Yong-luo, FU Chang-qing(3-285)

Synthesis of Oleanolic Acid Derivatives

LI Qun-lin, GU Jun, LI Ling-zhi(3-290)

Synthesis of Poly(glycolic acid-co-lactic acid) by Ring-opening Copolymerization under Microwave Irradiation

LI Guang, CHEN Dong-liang, XIONG Cheng-dong(3-297)

HU Yu, FAN Yan-ping, YANG Xian-gui, WANG Gong-ying(3-301)

Catalytic Oxidation of Substituted Toluene Using NHPI/Co(Salen) as the Catalyst

SHEN Xiao-dong, ZHUO Guang-lan(3-305)

Synthesis of Novel Bispidine Derivatives with a Chiral Center

RAN Wei-jin, ZHANG Yue-cheng, WANG fang, ZHAO Ji-quan(3-310)

Synthesis of a Novel Ionic Liquid Supported (Diacetoxyiodo)benzene Reagent under Microwave Irradiation

YANG Bin, ZHANG Ji-zhen, QIU Tao, ZHAO De-jian, WANG Ya-zhen(3-314)

Synthesis of Phthalocyanine Zinc(Ⅱ) Bearing First Generation of Benzophenone Dendritic Substitution

LIU Jian-sheng, PENG Yi-ru, HUANG Li-shan, CHEN Li-li, JUE Shou-lin(3-317)

Synthesis of (1S,3S)-1,3-diphenyl-1,3-propanediamine

CHEN Ken, LI Jie, XU Liang(3-321)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of a Novelη3-Benzyl Cyclopentadienyl Nickel Complex

WANG Jian-chun, QIAO Liang, CHEN Zhen-min, WU Jing-jing, WEI Dong-yue(3-324)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Two Dimensional Cobalt(Ⅱ) Coordination Polymer [CoL2(H2O)2]n

CHEN Yan-hui, LI Chao-zhu, LI Jia-ming(3-328)

Synthesis of a Novel Terpyridine Carbazole Derivative and Its Optical Property

LU Xiao-bin, DU Ya-jun, GAO Yuan-hao, YANG Jia-xiang, WU Jie-ying, TIAN Yu-peng(3-332)

Synthesis of 2-Aryl-(4S,5S)-4,5-bis(carboxamide)-1,3-dioxolanes

WANG De-cai, XU Wei, GE Heng-ping, PENG Yu-ran, HUANG Liang-cheng(3-335)

Etherification Reaction between Cholesterol and 2-Azidoethanol and Synthesis of a Novel Heterocyclic Compound

LU Wei-shen, YANG Xiao-hui, ZHANG Xiao-ru(3-338)

Synthesis of Novel 3-Chloro-1-(3-chloro-2-pyridinyl)-1H-pyrazole-5-carboxamide Compounds

ZHENG Yi, WANG Jun-fang, ZHANG Ying-peng, DOU Hua-ni, YANG Yun-shang(3-341)

Synthesis of Novel Diphenylacetylene Derivatives as MRI Probe

ZHENG Wen, CHENG Dong-ping, YAN Ji-zhong(3-345)

Synthesis of a Novel Two-photon Compound 3-(1-Vinyl-furan)dibenzothiophene and Its Optical Property

WEI Xue-jian, ZHANG Xian, YAO Jin-shui(3-348)

Synthesis of Novel 2-Subsituted-3,4-dihydro-1(2H)-isoquinolinones and Their Vasodilatation Activity

ZHOU Kai, LI Qiang, ZHENG Mei-lin, ZHANG San-qi(3-352)

Preparation of Rare Earth Doped Thermoelectric Materials Bi2Sb3Rexby Electrodeposition Method

TIAN Peng, ZENG Yan-fang, YE Dong-jun, GONG Xiao-zhong(3-356)

Dehalogenations of 6-Chloropurine, 6-Chloropurine Nucleosides and 6-Bromopurine Nucleosides under Microwave Irradiation in Water

GUO Hai-ming, RAO Wei-hao, NIU Hong-ying, WANG Dong-chao, QU Gui-rong(3-361)

Preparation of Tetramethylammonium Hydroxide by Electrolyzing Tetramethylammonium Bicarbonate

ZENG Qing-yun, REN Bao-zeng, LI Xian-min, PU Yan-feng(3-365)

Solid-phase Synthesis of Tyr-Tyr-VPA

WU Jiang-zhuo, LU Kui, ZHAO Dong-xin, XUE Yong-liang, WANG Hong-hui(3-368)

Synthesis of 4,5-Bis(4′-aminophenyl)-2-phenyl-imidazole

WU Wei, ZHANG Xiao-yun, GAO Yan-min(3-371)

A Facile Synthesis of (S)-4-hydroxypyrrolidin-2-one

LIU Yang, ZHANG Feng, LIN Zi-yun, HUANG Hai-hong(3-375)

Synthesis of Bis-(2,4,6-trimethylbenzoyl)phenylphosphine Oxide under Ultrasonic Wave Irradiation

DUAN Jun-fei, XIANG Jian-nan(3-378)

Synthesis of Rare Ketosugar Intermediates

LI Song, FANG Zhi-jie, CHENG Jie(3-380)

Synthesis and Antibacterial Activities of Novel 1,5-Bis-triazolothiadiazole Pentane Derivatives

GAO Ming, ZHANG Zheng-guang, LI De-jiang(3-383)

Synthesis of (±)-Theaspirone

LIU Chang-hui, LUO Xin-xiang, LIN Man-jun, PAN Feng(3-386)

Total Synthesis of SGLT2 Inhibitor Dapagliflozin

SHAO Hua, ZHAO Gui-long, LIU Wei, WANG Yu-li, XU Wei-ren, TANG Li-da(3-389)

Synthesis of Ethylp-Methoxyphenyl-N,N-dibenzyl-tyrosine Ester

HUA Yun-yu, HAN Yi-feng, XIA Min(3-393)

Synthesis of 5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-1-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-4-methylpyrazole-3-carboxylic Acid

JIN Wen-hu, ZHANG Peng-zhi, JI Ya-fei(3-397)

Synthesis of 4-(Morpholin-4-yl)piperidine Dihydrochloride

REN Ying-ge, QIAN Xiao-bo, SHEN Ning, LIU Qian-feng, MA Ke(3-400)

A New Method for the Synthesis of 5-O-p-tosyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene-D-ribono-1,4-lactone

LING Hui, CHEN Gong(3-402)


Research Progress in Asymmetric Synthesis of Optical Salbutamol

ZHOU Qi, ZHU Jin, DENG Jin-gen(4-405)

Effect of Molecular Weight of PEG on the Structure and Electrochemical Properties of Nanosized LiFePO4/C Composite Cathode Material

MA Xin-sheng, XU Yong-gang, HUANG Xin-hu, ZHANG Jie, XU Yun-long, YU Jian-guo(4-410)

Synthesis and Antitumor Activities of Novel 5H-indeno[l,2-b]pyridinium and 11H-indeno[1,2-b]quinolinium Trifluoromethyl-sufonate


WEN Di-di, LIU Qi-lun, LI Qiu-lian, HANG Chen-chen, ZHU Yong-ming(4-415)

Synthesis and Spectral Properties of 2-(9-Phenyl-9H-carbazol-3-yl)-5-(9-p-tolyl-9H-carbazol-3-yl)pyridine

FAN He-liang, DAI Yan-feng, LIU Wang-bo, XU Shi-hua, HUANG Hai-fang, GAO Xi-cun(4-420)

Synthesis and Catalytic Activities of Dinuclear-metal Complexes Encapsulated in SBA-15 Molecular Sieve

LI Yun-feng, YANG Jin-hui, GAO Li-juan, JI Yong-qiang, LIU Wan-yi(4-424)

Synthesis of Novel 1,1′-Disubstituted-ferrocenyl-bisthiocarbazide Schiff Base Compounds and Their Electrochemical Recognition to

Metal Ions

FENG Wen-hao, QIAO Chun-jie, RAN Chun-ling, DU Wei, XU Yan, FAN Yao-ting(4-429)

Synthesis of Novel Chiral Heteroaromatic Molecular Tweezer Artificial Receptors in Solvent-free under Microwave Irradiation

ZHANG Xiao-qiang, MEI Qing-gang, SHI Zhi-chuan, WU Shuang, ZHAO Zhi-gang(4-433)

Preparation of Carboxylic Carbon Nanotubes Modified Electrode and Its Electrocatalytic Property on Vc

LI Jun-hua, KUANG Dai-zhi, FENG Yong-lan, YI Zheng-ji(4-437)

Preparation of SnO2-Al2O3Catalyst and Its Catalytic Activity in Liquid-phase Nitration of Benzene

HU Yu, WANG Gong-ying, YANG Xian-gui(4-441)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of 3,5-Dichloro-salicylaldehydehydrazone Thiosemicarbazone Co(Ⅱ) Complex

XIA Jin-hong, LIU Zheng, WANG Song-mei, WANG Yuan(4-446)

Synthesis and Optical Properties of Two Novel Carbazole Schiff Base Derivatives

GAN Xiao-ping, WU Peng, CHEN Yi-xin, TU Yu-long, WU Jie-ying, WU Zhi-chao, ZHOU Hong-ping(4-451)

Regioselective Synthesis of 3′-O-(4-methoxybenzoyl)sucrose and Its Analogues by One-pot

ZHENG Bao-hui, FANG Zhi-jie, CHENG Jie, JIANG Yu-hua(4-454)

Synthesis of 2,4-Disubstituted Pyrimidine Derivatives

MAO Wei-wei, OUYANG Gui-ping(4-457)

Synthesis of Novel 5-N-alkyl-substituted Chalcone Derivatives

LIN Xiao-ming, LI Yi-liang, SHI Yu, ZHAO Le-jing, SUN You-guang(4-460)

Synthesis of Radicamine B as aα-Glucosidase Inhibitor

LIU Chun-yan, MENG Ai-guo, ZHAN Huan(4-462)

Synthesis and Antimicrobial Activity of Novel 2′-Hydroxy-4′-methoxy-3-nitrochalcone

LAI Pu-hui, TIAN Guang-hui, JI Xiao-hui, LIU Cun-fang, GUO Yu-mei(4-465)

Synthesis of NewC2-symmetric Chiral Hybrid O,N-donor Ligand

JIANG Yan, DUAN Zhi-qiang, XI Hai-tao, MENG Qi, SUN Xiao-qiang(4-468)

Synthesis and Catalytic Property of Novel Water-soluble Calix[4]-1,3-azacrown Derivative

ZHANG Xiao-yi, YANG Fa-fu, GUO Hong-yu, HUANG Zhi-sheng(4-470)

Syntheses and Fungicidal Activities of 1,3-Bis(2-alkylthio-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-yl)phenylenes

LONG De-qing, LI De-jiang, TANG Chuan-qiu, ZHOU Xin(4-473)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of Novel One-dimensional Coordination Polymer{[Cu(4,4′-bipy)Cl]n}

FENG Chao, GE Cheng-min, WANG Yin-guang, ZHANG Shu-hua(4-476)

Synthesis and Crystal Structure of [Nd(PYA)3(H2O)2]n

YUAN Wei, LI Le-qing, LI Wen-ge(4-480)

Synthesis of Zirconocene Dichloride and Its Catalytic Activity for Hydrogenation of Butadiene-Styrene Copolymer

XIANG Wen-jun, CHEN Fa-de, JIANG Zhen-hua, LUO Fei-hua(4-484)

Synthesis of 3′-O-azidomethyl-β-thymidine

JING Yi, LIN Wen-qing, ZHANG Xiao-mei(4-487)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of (S)-4-benzyl-2-oxazolidinone

SHI Wei, DUAN Yue-jiao, KAN Hong-zhu, YANG Li-ping, HU Wen-hao(4-490)

Preparation of Inclusion Compound of Volatile Oils of Folium Artemisiae Argyi with Hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin

ZHAN Guo-ping, HAO Li(4-493)

Preparation of Cu Nanoparticles by Electrochemical Method in Choline Chloride Based Ionic Liquid

LI Hui, WANG Xiao-juan, JIA Ding-xian, GU Jian-sheng(4-497)

Synthesis of 2,3,4,5-Tetrahydro-1,5-methano-1H-3-benzazepine

TU Ming, CHANG Yong-juan, DAI Li-yi(4-501)

Synthesis of One Dimensional ZnO Nanotubes by Low Temperature Solution Method

GONG Li-hong, YE Cai, AN Mao-zhong(4-503)

Effects of SiO2Surface Coating on the Performance of Magnetic Fe3O4Microspheres

LIN Xia, CHEN Pei-feng, HUANG Feng-hua, XU Jin-fang(4-507)

Synthesis of Fluvastatin Intermediate 3-(4-Fluorophenyl)-1-(1-isopropyl)-1H-indol

CHENG Jie-bing, ZHANG He-liang, WANG Xiao-zhong, DAI Li-yan, CHEN Ying-qi(4-511)

Synthesis and Antitumor Activities of Liquiritigenin

HU Kun, YANG Ze-hua, LIU Xian-hua, REN Jie(4-513)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Zoledronate Sodium

CHENG Chuan-ling, WANG Yang, HAO Er-jun, XU Gui-qing, LI Wei, HU Zhi-guo(4-517)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Lacosamide

CHEN Yi-fen, WANG Chao, YU Yan-kun, JI Ya-fei(4-520)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of Gefitinib

XIE Liang-hui, OUYANG Gui-ping(4-523)

Synthesis of Memantine Derivatives

LIANG Guo-dong, ZHANG Yi-wei, LIN Dong-en(4-526)


Progress in Asymmetric Synthesis of Optically Active Flavanones

CHEN Jun, LIAO Jian(5-529)

Synthesis of Chiralβ-Aminoalcohols with Bispidine Moiety and Their Chiral Induction in the Addition of Diethylzinc to Aromatic


WANG Fang, RAN Wei-jin, ZHANG Yue-cheng, ZHAO Ji-quan(5-533)

Synthesis of Per-acetyl Ganglioside GM3Trisaccharide 4-Methoxyphenoside

LI Xiang-peng, WANG Peng, LI Ying-xia(5-538)

Synthesis of Two Novel Carbazole Derivatives and Their Optoelectronic Properties

LIU Wang-bo, XU Shi-hua, FAN He-liang, GAO Xi-cun(5-543)

Sythesis of (E)-4-(4-N,N-diethyl)styryl-thiophenol and Optical Property of Its Nano-Au Composite System

ZHOU Chun-feng, HU Zhang-jun, WU Jie-ying, TIAN Yu-peng(5-547)

Synthesis of Poly(amidoamine) Dendrimer Containing 1,3,5-Triazine Core and Vanilla Schiff Base Terminal Group

MENG Qi, WU Gui-yong, CHEN Juan-juan, LI Dan-feng, SUN Xiao-qiang(5-551)

Synthesis of Mono-substituted Sucrose Coumarin Derivatives and Their Fluorescence Properties

REN Zhen, XI Hai-tao, MIAO Chun-bao, SUN Xiao-qiang(5-555)

Synthesis and the Performance of Corrosion Inhitition of Imidazolinyl-Quaternary Ammonium Dendrimer as Corrosion Inhibitor

WANG Teng-fei, ZHANG Guang-hua, CHEN Fei, DONG Wei-xi, FEI Fei(5-559)

Synthesis of a New Chiral Schiff Base and Its Application in Enantioselective Sulfoxidation

TANG Hong-yan, ZENG Qing-le(5-563)

Synthesis and Anion Recognition Properties of 2-(2,4-Dibromophenol)-1H-imidazo[4,5-f][1,10]phenanthroline

CHEN Hua-mei, YUE Fan, GUAN Xiao-mei(5-567)

Synthesis of Novel Chiralα,α-Dialkyl-5-oxo-2-pyrrolidinemethanols

FENG Zhi-qiang, YIN Cheng-lie(5-572)

Synthesis of Asymmetrical 4,7-Disubstituted-2,1,3-benzothiazoles

SANG Yan-kui, SHAN Yi-fan, ZHAO Li-hua, TANG Jie, YANG Fan(5-575)

Synthesis of Novel Organic Phosphorus Compound and Its Crystal Sturcture

WANG Li, GUO Jian-ping, HUANG Shu-ping, CHEN Xia(5-579)

Synthesis of a Modified Dithiocarbamate Glucose

LIAO Qiang-qiang, LI Yi-jiu, XIANG Bo, CAI Lin-hua(5-582)

Synthesis of Clopidogrel Analogues and Their Anti-platelet Aggregation Activities

CHEN Ji-fang, WANG Bing, LIU Ying, Wang Jing-yang, LIU Deng-ke(5-586)

Synthesis of Polycyclic Compound Based on 1,6-Methano[10]annulene

CHEN Hai-ping, LIU Jian-jun, CAO Xiao-zhou, BAI Tian-sheng, ZUO Sheng-li(5-591)

Synthesis of Novel Triazolo[3,4-b]-1,3,4-thiadiazole Derivatives and Their Antivirus Activity

WEI Xue, ZHENG Yu-guo, XUE Wei, LU Ping, WANG Zhen-chao(5-595)

Preparation of Co/TiO2Nanoparticles and Its Photocatalytic Property

SUN Yan-gang, XU Jing-li, TANGBO He-jin(5-599)

Synthesis of Novel Indolo[1,2-b]indazole Triflate Derivatives and Their Anticancer Activities

LI Qiu-lian, CHI Jian-wen, ZHU Yong-ming(5-602)

Synthesis of Trimetric Cationic Surfactants

CHEN Zhi, WANG Bi-qing, FENG Yu-jun(5-605)

Synthesis of Novel Macrocyclic Schiff Base Compounds Containing Sulfur Heterocyclic and Bactericidal Activity

WU Qing, YUAN Ze-li, XU Yuan-fei, HU Qing-hong, ZHONG Yong-ke, ZHOU Xu-mei(5-608)

Synthesis of 1,3,4-Oxadiazolines and 1,3,4-Oxadiazone Containing Fluorine and Their Anticancer Activity

LI Shao-lei, LUO Yan, WANG Li-hua, LI De-jiang(5-611)

Microwave Syntheses and Thermostabilities of Bis[4,6-di-t-butyl-2-(3,5-di-t-butyl-2-hydroxybenzyl)phenol]diesters

LI Pei-jun, WUMANJIANG Eli, ZHANG Le-tao(5-614)

Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Schiff Base Liquid Crystal Compound Containing Sulfonate Group

SUN Zhong-zhan, GAO Jian-feng, ZHOU Guang-qiang(5-618)

Synthesis of 5′-Acetylthio-5′-deoxynucleoside by Mitsunobu Reaction

LIN Dong-en, HU Shou-yin, ZHANG Yi-wei(5-622)

Study on Beckmann Fragmentation of Steroid-17-One Oximes

YAN Chang-hao, ZHU Shu-ying, LIN Cheng-gang, GAO Ting, SHI Hai-jian(5-626)

Preparation of Nanocrystalline Sb2O3by Solvothermal Method

BAO Na, YAN Hong-yun, SHEN Lin, WANG Xiao-zu(5-629)

Total Synthesis of Luciferin

ZHU Shu-ying, WU Qi, LIN Cheng-gang, CHEN Shu-yan, SHI Hai-jian(5-633)

Synthesis of the Single(double) Long-chain Alkyl Amidine Compounds by Amide Acetal Method

DU Jie, DUAN Ming, JIANG Xiao-hui(5-636)

Synthesis of Spherical LiFePO4from Ferrophosphorous By-product of Yellow Phosphorus

LIU Rui, WANG Gui-xin, YAN Kang-ping, LI Xiu-li(5-639)

Synthesis of Novel Bis-β-diketon Ligand

LIU Guo-de, JIU Hong-fang, ZHANG Li-xin, MU Xue-chao, ZHANG Chao-yan, FAN Tao, SU Qing-lin, SUN Yi-xin(5-642)

Preparation of Aniline from Nitrobenzene in Ionic Liquids

LI Wei, WANG Yu, DAI Li-yi(5-644)

Synthesis of Dapoxetine Hydrochloride

XUE Da-quan, ZHANG Wei, DENG Ze-jun, MA Hong-mei, ZHENG Shi, YU Xin-hong(5-647)

Synthesis of 2′-O-acetate-3-keto-10,11-anhydro-12-O-acylimidazole-6-O-methylerythromycin

CAO Zhi-ling, YAO Guo-wei, LIU Wei-wei, XU Wei(5-650)


Progress in Transition Metal Catalyzed Carbomagnesation

XU Yan, LI Zhan-xiong, DENG Min-zhi, YANG Jun(6-653)

Research Progress on the Synthetic Methods of Zoledronic Acid

YANG Qing-cui, SUN Xiao-hong, LIU Yuan-fa, MA Hai-xia(6-660)

Beckmann Fragmentation Applying in the Synthesis of Chiral Precursor and Derivative of Fumagillin and Ovalicin

LIN Cheng-gang, ZHU Shu-ying, QUAN Xu, QIU Yin-hua, Shi Hai-jian(6-664)

Synthesis of Novel Chromene Derivatives and Theiranti-SGC-7901 Activity

BAI Lin-shan, LIU Hui-feng, LIU Xin-hua, QI Xing-bao(6-671)

Synthesis of Novel 4-Aryloxypyrido [3′,2′∶4,5]thieno[3,2-d]pyrimidine Derivatives

ZHANG Guang-glong, OUYANG Gui-ping, LI Wen-ju, BAO Wen-yan(6-675)

Synthesis of Lysine Site Modification Selectively with mPEG

WANG Lin-fa, LI Tong-jin, ZHOU Zu-wen, TIAN Mao-kui, YANG Da-cheng(6-681)

TIAN Zhi-ming, DENG Qi-gang, ZHAO De-feng, LIU Mei-hua(6-686)

Catalytic Synthesis and Antibacterial Activity of Benzimidazole Compounds by Ionic Liquid [Etpy]BF4under Microwave Irradiation

ZHANG Xuan, FU Yu-jie, ZU Yuan-gang, YU Ping, CHEN Yue, LIU Xiao-lei(6-691)

Preparation, Characterization and Photocatalytic Performance of PANI/TiO2/SiW12Composite Photocatalyst

MA Rong-hua, ZHAI Da-dong, ZHAO Chun-yan(6-695)

Hydrothermal Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Electrochemical Property of Three-dimensional Water Network Complex


YAO Ru-fu(6-700)

Preparation of Ni/TiO2Nanoparticles and Its Photocatalytic Activity for Bromocresol Green Degradation

SUN Yan-gang, XU Jing-li, TANGBO He-jin(6-705)

Synthesis of Novel 1,4,5,8-Naphthalimide Derivatives

LIU Wan-ding, LÜ Liang-fei, WANG Wei, CHEN Mei, TANG Chao, WU Jie-ying(6-709)

Synthesis of Novel Ribavirin Derivatives

ZHANG Yi-wei, WANG Lin, PENG Yun-tie, LIN Dong-en(6-712)

Synthesis of 1,2-Bis(8-t-butyl-6-methyl-2H-benzo-e][1,3]oxazin-3(4H)-yl]ethane and Novel Bridged Tetra(phenol) Compound

WANG Ying, XU Xiao-ping, YAO Ying-ming, JI Shun-jun(6-715)

Synthesis and Optical Properties of a New Longπ-Conjugated Carbazole Derivative

ZHU Wei-ju, LI Cun, WU Zhen-yu, LIU Zhao(6-718)

Synthesis of Novel 2-Alkylamino-3-phenyl-5-methyl-6-(1H-1,2,4-triazol-1-yl)-thieno[2,3-d]pyrimidin-4(3H)-ones and Their

Fungicidal Activity

SUN Yong, PAN Kun, ZENG Jie-qiong(6-721)

Synthesis of Novel 2-Methylindole Derivatives

HE Xiao-lan, YUAN Yu-bing, XU Hai-long, WANG Xiao-ning, ZHANG Yan(6-725)

Synthesis of Novel [60]fullerene-acridinedione Derivative

YANG Hai-tao, RUAN Xiao-jiao, MIAO Chun-bao(6-729)

Synthesis of Styrene Ethers by Wittig Reaction

NI Feng, DONG Jing, LÜ Xia, SHI Xiao-xin(6-731)

Isopentene Alkylation ofp-Hydroxybenzaldehyde

ZHAO Yan-min, YANG Jin-hui(6-735)

Synthesis of (S)-2-(pyrrolidin-2-yl)-1H-benzo[d]imi-dazole and Its Catalysis in the Aldol Reaction

CHEN Gang, WANG Ye, YANG Xiao-sheng, HAO Xiao-jiang(6-738)

Synthesis of Cationic Surface Active ATRP Initiators

CHENG Chuan-jie, LIU Er-jing, SHEN Liang, ZHENG Yi, SHU Jin-bing, FU Quan-lei, GONG Shan-shan(6-741)

Synthesis of Single-acylation Piperazine Compounds

WANG Hong-fei, ZUO Zheng-long, YANG Qing-lai, SHEN Xu-ji, ZHAO Xin-feng, ZHENG Xiao-hui(6-745)

Synthesis of 2,5-Bis{β-[p-(6-hydroxylhexyloxy)phenyl]ethynyl}pyridine

PENG Xin-wen, LIU Kun-ming, OUYANG Wen, YANG Meng, HOU Hao-qing(6-747)

Microwave Synthesis and Photocatalytic Performance of CdSe Nanoparticles Load on Carbon Nanotubes

LI Wen-ting, WANG Qiang, NI Na, ZHU Lu-lu, WU Hua-qiang(6-750)

Catalytic Synthesis of 2-Tetrahydrofuroic Acid Borneol Ester and 2-Tetrahydrofuroic Acid Menthol Ester by Nanometer Solid Superacid

YANG Qing-lai, WANG Hona-fei, SU Hua, ZUO Zheng-long, SHEN Xu-ji, ZHENG Xiao-hui, CHEN Lin(6-754)

L-proline-catalyzed Condensation of Nitroalkane with Aldehydes

YANG Jian-xin, LÜ Xia, LU Wei-dong, DONG Jing, SHI Xiao-xin(6-756)

Process Improvement on the Synthesis of (R)-(+)-N,N-dimethyl-1-ferrocenylethylamine

NIE Hui-fang, CHEN Wei-ping, LI Xiao-ye, SONG Jiang-qing, ZHANG Sheng-yong(6-760)

Synthesis of Lauroyl Aldehyde Acetals of Ascorbic Acid

ZHANG Yi-wei, LIANG Guo-dong, LIN Dong-en(6-763)

Design and Synthesis of NovelN-substituted-acyl-N-methyl-3-(1-naphthalenyloxy)-3-(2-thienyl)propanamine Derivatives

YUAN Zhi-zhong, ZHANG Wen-jun, ZHANG Jing(6-765)

Synthesis and Resolution of Racemic Sitagliptin

YE Fei, GAO Ren-xiao, SHEN Ning, DING Zhi-xin(6-767)

Contents of Chinese Journal of Synthetic Chemistry in Vol.18(2010)


分子催化(2022年1期)2022-11-02 07:10:56
中国塑料(2016年2期)2016-06-15 20:30:00
合成化学(2015年10期)2016-01-17 08:56:26
应用化工(2014年11期)2014-08-16 15:59:13