(Department of Mathematics,Southeast University,Nanjing,210096)
Communicated by Du Xian-kun
Linearly McCoy Rings and Their Generalizations∗
(Department of Mathematics,Southeast University,Nanjing,210096)
Communicated by Du Xian-kun
A ringRis called linearly McCoy if whenever linear polynomialsf(x), g(x)∈R[x]{0}satisfyf(x)g(x)=0,then there exist nonzero elementsr,s∈R such thatf(x)r=sg(x)=0.For a ring endomorphismα,we introduced the notion ofα-skew linearly McCoy rings by considering the polynomials in the skew polynomial ringR[x;α]in place of the ringR[x].A number of properties of this generalization are established and extension properties ofα-skew linearly McCoy rings are given.
linearly McCoy ring,α-skew linearly McCoy ring,polynomial ring, matrix ring
Throughout the paper,R denotes an associative ring with identity 1.The notation α denotes an endomorphism of a given ring,and α(1)need not be equal to 1 in this paper.
McCoy[1]proved in 1942 that if two polynomials annihilate each other over a commutative ring,then each polynomial has a nonzero annihilator in the base ring.Rege and Chhawchharia[2]and Nielsen[3]introduced the notion of a McCoy ring,independently.Recall that a ring R is called right McCoy if the equation
with nonzero f(x),g(x)∈R[x],implies that there exists a nonzero r∈R such that
Left McCoy rings are de fi ned similarly.A ring R is said to be McCoy if it is both right and left McCoy.The concept of right(left)linearly McCoy rings were introduced by Camillo and Nielsen[4]in 2008.A linearly McCoy ring is both left and right linearly McCoy.It wasproved in[4]that semi-commutative rings(i.e.,ab=0 implies aRb=0 for a,b∈R)are linearly McCoy,but the converse is not true.
For a ring R with a ring endomorphism α:R→R,a skew polynomial ring R[x;α]of R is the ring obtained by giving the polynomial ring over R with the new multiplication
Due to Hong et al.[5],the Armendariz property of a ring was extended to skew polynomial rings but with skewed scalar multiplication:For an endomorphism α of a ring R,R is called α-skew Armendariz if
(R is called Armendariz if α=IR).And Lei[6]extended McCoy rings to α-skew McCoy rings.
Motivated by the above,we introduced the notion of an α-skew linearly McCoy ring with the endomorphism α,as both a generalization of α-skew McCoy rings and an extension of linearly McCoy rings.The properties of this class of rings are investigated.
Our focus in this section is to discuss the basic properties of linearly McCoy rings and observe the connections to other related rings;extension properties of the rings are investigated.
Lemma 2.1A ring R is right(resp.,left)linearly McCoy if and only if the ring
is right(resp.,left)linearly McCoy.
Proof. It suffices to prove the case when R is right linearly McCoy.
The addition and multiplication in V(R)are de fi ned as follows:
Case 1.Suppose that fk(x)=0 for some k.Without loss of generality,let
for any nonzero a∈R.Then
Case 2.Suppose that fk(x)/=0,gk(x)=0 for every k.Since G(x)/=0,there exists some k0such that
We may assume that v1(x)/=0.Then
Since R is right linearly McCoy,there exists a∈R{0}such that
Then,for each i,
Case 3.Suppose that fk(x)/=0 for all k and gl(x)/=0 for some l.We may assume that g1(x)/=0.Then
As the proof of Case 2,there exists a nonzero A∈V(R)such that
Therefore,V(R)is a right linearly McCoy ring.
“⇐”.Suppose that
Because V(R)is right linearly McCoy,there exists A∈V(R){0}satisfying
It follows that
for some nonzero a∈R.Thus R is right linearly McCoy.
The proof is completed.
It is well known that the class of semi-commutative rings or Armendariz rings is closed under subrings.However,for a linearly McCoy ring,we have the following:
Example 2.1Let R=Z4⊕Z4be a commutative ring,where Z4is the ring of integers modulo 4,and denote it by Z4={0,1,2,3}.Consider the ring
V(R)is linearly McCoy by Lemma 2.1.Let
It is easy to check that S is a subring of V(R)under the usual matrix operations.We show that S is not a right linearly McCoy ring.In fact,let
Assume that there exists
such that
implies that
From A1B=0 we obtain
Thus we have B=0,as asserted.
Remark 2.1(1)For Example 2.1,take I={re56:r∈R},with e56the usual matrix unit(with 1 at(5,6)-entry,0 elsewhere).Note that I is an ideal of V(R)and V(R)/I~=S. Thus the homomorphic image of a linearly McCoy ring need not be linearly McCoy.
(2)V(R)is linearly McCoy over a linearly McCoy ring R by Lemma 2.1,but eV(R)e~=is never linearly McCoy by Theorem 2.1 in[7],where
One may suspect that R is linearly McCoy if for any nonzero proper ideal I of R,R/I and I are linearly McCoy,where I is considered as a linearly McCoy ring without identity. However,we provide a counterexample to this situation as follows.
Example 2.2Let F be a division ring and consider the ringThen R is not linearly McCoy by Proposition 10.2 of[4].But by Example 5 of[8],for any nonzero proper ideal I of R,R/I and I are semi-commutative rings,so they are linearly McCoy.
According to Theorem 7.1 in[4],McCoy rings need not be abelian(i.e.,all idempotents are central).The following example shows that the converse does not hold in general.
Example 2.3Let T=Z2〈a,b〉be the free associative algebra over Z2generated by two indeterminates a,b and Z2is the ring of integers modulo 2.Let I=〈a2,b2〉be the ideal of T generated by a2,b2.Let R=T/I.Then R is abelian,but not right linearly McCoy.
We show that R contains no non-trivial idempotents.For any
where giis the monomial in R,we de fi ne the support of r as
Let e be any nonzero idempotent of R,and suppose 1∈/supp(e).Let e0be the sum of terms with the smallest degree in the support of e.Then e0
/=0.By simple computations we can get
This is a contradiction.Thus 1∈supp(e).
Moreover,let f be any non-trivial idempotent of R.Then
but 1/∈supp(1−f),which contradict the discussion above.
Assume that there exists r∈R such that F(x)r=0.Then(ba)r=0 implies r∈aR,and br=0 implies r∈bR.Notice that
So r=0,and hence R is not right linearly McCoy.
Let T be a subring of a ring S.Set
With addition and multiplication de fi ned componentwise,R[S,T]is a ring.
Proposition 2.1If S is a right linearly McCoy ring with a subring T,then R=R[S,T] is right linearly McCoy.
Proof. Let f,g∈R[x]{0}with fg=0.Write
We break the proof into two cases.
Case 1.Assume that there exists some k∈/supp(f).Then for any fi xed a∈R{0},the sequence with a in the k-th coordinate,and 0 elsewhere,annihilates f on the right.
Case 2.Assume that each component of f is nonzero.Then there exists some k∈supp(f)∩supp(g)with fkgk=0.Since R is right linearly McCoy,there exists a∈R{0} such that
Then the same sequence as in case 1 suffices us.
For an endomorphism α of a linearly McCoy ring R,the following example shows that the skew polynomial ring R[x;α]is not linearly McCoy.We use the ring given in[9].
Example 2.4Let
Then R is a commutative ring.Thus it is linearly McCoy.Let α:R→R be an endomorphism de fi ned by
Then for f(x),g(y)∈R[x;α][y]with
one has
It follows that
Thus R[x;α]is not right linearly McCoy.By a similar proof,we can also show that R[x;α] is not left linearly McCoy.
Proposition 2.2For a ring R and an endomorphism α of R,the following statements hold:
(1)If R[x;α]is right linearly McCoy,then R is right linearly McCoy;
(2) If α is an automorphism and R[x;α]is left linearly McCoy,then R is left linearly McCoy.
Proof. Let
be nonzero polynomials of R[y]with
(1)Assume that R[x;α]is right linearly McCoy.Then there existssuch that
It follows that
for any nonzero coefficient ci0of h(x).Hence R is right linearly McCoy.
(2)By hypothesis,there exists a nonzero polynomialR[x;α]satisfying
If d0
Since α is an automorphism,there existsR{0}such that
and thus R is left linearly McCoy.
The proof is completed.
Proposition 2.3Let α be an endomorphism of a ring R.Then we have the following:
(1)R is right linearly McCoy if and only if R[x;α]/(xn)is right linearly McCoy;
(2)If α is monic and R is left linearly McCoy,then R[x;α]/(xn)is left linearly McCoy. The converse holds if α is an automorphism;
(3)If α2=α and R is left linearly McCoy,then R[x;α]/(xn)is left linearly McCoy.
Proof. Let
(1)Suppose that k0(y)/=0 and hk(y)/=0 with k minimal.Then(∗)implies that
So there exists r1∈R{0}such that
Therefore R[x;α]/(xn)is right linearly McCoy.
Conversely,let f(y)and g(y)be linear polynomials of R[y]{0}(⊆R[x;α]/(xn)[y])with f(y)g(y)=0.Since R[x;α]/(xn)is right linearly McCoy,there existssuch that
Let ck0be any nonzero coefficient of l(x).Then
Thus,R is a right linearly McCoy ring.
(2)If h0(y)=0,then
Next suppose that h0(y)/=0 and kl(y)/=0 with l minimal.Thus
It follows that
Since α is monic,we have
Because R is left linearly McCoy,there exists r2∈R{0}such that
It implies that
Hence R[x;α]/(xn)is left linearly McCoy.
Next suppose that α is an automorphism.Let f(y)and g(y)be the same as the“if”part in(1).By a similar proof,we can obtain that there existssuch that
Because α is an automorphism,there exists a nonzero elementR such that
Thus R is a left linearly McCoy ring.
(3)The proof of(2)only needs minor modi fi cations to apply here.
Remark 2.2By Example 2.2 in[7],we conclude that for a left linearly McCoy ring R,“R[x;α]/(xn)is left linearly McCoy”in Proposition 2.3(2)cannot imply that α is monic or epic.
In this section we introduce and explore α-skew linearly McCoy rings.The properties of α-skew linearly McCoy rings are studied.
De fi nition 3.1Let α be an endomorphism of a ring R.R is called α-skew linearly McCoy if whenever linearly polynomials p(x)=a0+a1x and q(x)=b0+b1x are nonzero in R[x;α] with p(x)q(x)=0,then there exists r∈R{0}such that aiαi(r)=0 for i=0,1.
Clearly,a ring R is right linearly McCoy if and only if it is an IR-skew linearly McCoy ring,where IRis the identity endomorphism of R.But the McCoy rings are not always α-skew linearly McCoy for some ring endomorphism α by the following example.
Example 3.1Let
Then R is an McCoy ring.Let α:R→R be de fi ned by
we have
Write r=(a,b)∈R.If f(x)r=0,then
So r=0.Hence R is not an α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Based on Example 3.1,it is natural to ask whether α-skew linearly McCoy rings are right linearly McCoy.The following example eliminates the possibility.
Example 3.2Let Z be the ring of integers.Consider the ring
Then R is not right linearly McCoy by Proposition 10.2 of[4].Let α :R → R be an endomorphism de fi ned by
Clearly,if either B0or B1is zero,then
So we may assume Bi
/=0 for each i.Suppose tha tWrite
Then we have
Thus R is an α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Furthermore,we have the following result.
Proposition 3.1Let R[x]be the polynomial ring over any ring R,and an endomorphismbe de fi ned as α(f(x))=f(0)for any f(x)∈R[x].Then R[x]is an α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Proof. Let
Since G(y)/=0,take h(x)=gk(x)x for the minimal index k such that gk(x)/=0.Note that
It follows that
Therefore R[x]is an α-skew linearly McCoy ring.Let αibe an endomorphism of a rQing RiforQ each i∈Γ.Then for the ring direct productthe endomorphisms de fi ned by
PropQosition 3.2Let αibe an endomorphism of a ring Rifor i∈Γ.Then the ringskew linearly McCoy if and only if each Riis αi-skew linearly McCoy.
Proof. Let
be nonzero linearly polynomials with
Suppose that each ring Riis αi-skew linearly McCoy.Since g(x)/=0,there exists some index i0∈Γ with gi0(x)/=0.We have
Then there exists some nonzero ri0∈Ri0such that
by the αi0-skew linearly McCoy property. Let r be the sequence with ri0in the i0-th coordinate,and zeros elsewhere.Then
Hence R is an¯α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Conversely,for any fi xed i0∈Γ,assume that p(x)q(x)=0 with linearly polynomialsLet
with p(x)in the i0-th coordinate and 1 elsewhere,and G(x)∈R[x;¯α]with q(x)in the i0-th coordinate and 0 elsewhere.So
By hypothesis,there exists rR{0}such that
In particular,we have
But r/=0 implies ri0
/=0.Therefore,Ri0is an αi0-skew linearly McCoy ring.By the arbitrariness of i0∈Γ,we are done.
For a ring R,we consider the ring
where Tn(R)is the upper triangular matrix ring over R and n is a positive integer.An endomorphism α of a ring R is extended to the endomorphism α¯:Rn→Rnde fi ned by
We have the following result.
Proposition 3.3Let α be an endomorphism of a ring R.Then R is α-skew linearly McCoy if and only if Rnis¯α-skew linearly McCoy.
Proof. “⇒”. For any H(x)∈Rn[x;],H(x)can be written as the form of a matrix.Let be the(i,j)-entry of H(x).Then hij(x)is a polynomial of R[x;α].
Suppose that F(x),G(x)are nonzero linear polynomials of Rn[x;α¯]with
We show that there exists A∈Rn{0}such that
We use eijto denote the usual matrix unit.Now we proceed with the following cases.
Case 1.If f11(x)/=0,g11(x)/=0,then
Since R is α-skew linearly McCoy,there exists s∈R{0}such that
Case 2.If f11(x)/=0,g11(x)=0,then there exists gkl(x)/=0(since G(x)/=0)satisfying
for some k,l and 1≤u≤n−k.So
As in Case 1,there exists A∈Rn{0}with F(x)A=0.
Case 3.If f11(x)=0,then
for any nonzero s∈R.Set
It is obvious that
Therefore,Rnis an-skew linearly McCoy ring.
“⇐”.Let f(x)g(x)=0 with f(x)and g(x)being linear polynomials of R[x;α]{0}. Let
with Enbeing the n×n identity matrix.Then
Since Rnis¯α-skew linearly McCoy,there exists a nonzero A∈Rnsuch that
for some a∈R{0}.Thus,R is α-skew linearly McCoy.
Let Mn(R)(resp.,Tn(R))be the n×n matrix ring(resp.,n×n upper triangular matrix ring)over R.Similar to that of in Proposition 3.3,we can de fi ne the extended endomorphism ¯α of Mn(R)(resp.,Tn(R)).We have the following assertion.
Proposition 3.4If α is a monomorphism of a ring R and α(1)=1,then Mn(R)(resp., Tn(R))is not¯α-skew linearly McCoy for n≥2.
Proof. Denote the usual matrix unit by eij.Let
If there exists A=(aij)∈Mn(R)satisfying
Then A0A=0 implies that
And it follows that α(anj)=0 by A1¯α(A)=0.Since α is monomorphic,we have
Noting that f(x),g(x)∈Tn(R)[x;¯α],by the same proof we can also show that Tn(R)is not¯α-skew linearly McCoy.
Corollary 3.1([4],Proposition 10.2) Let R be a ring,then Mn(R)(resp.,Tn(R))is not right linearly McCoy for n≥2.
We conclude that α being monic in Proposition 3.4 is not super fl uous by the following example.
Example 3.3Let T=R[x]be the polynomial ring over any ring R.An endomorphismis de fi ned as
Then T is α-skew linearly McCoy by Proposition 3.1,but α is not monic.Let
for i,j=0,1 and 1≤k,l≤n.We assume that N is nonzero.Let
where In(x)=xEnand Enis the n×n identity matrix.Then
Hence Mn(T)isα¯-skew linearly McCoy.By the same discussion we can prove that Tn(T) is alsoα¯-skew linearly McCoy.
If α is an endomorphism of a ring R,then a map of the polynomial ringde fi ned byis also denoted by α.Clearly,this map extends α.
Remark 3.1There exists a linearly McCoy ring R in Example 2.2.1 of[10],which satis fi es that the polynomial ring R[x]is not IR-skew linearly McCoy.
For an ideal I of a ring R,if α(I)⊆I then¯α:R/I→R/I de fi ned by
is an endomorphism of the factor ring R/I.
Theorem 3.1Let α be an endomorphism of a ring R and n≥2.If R is α-skew linearly McCoy and α(1)=1,thenis an¯α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Proof. Denote¯x in R[x]/(xn)by u.Then
where u commutes with elements in R and un=0.
for i,j=0,1.Since α(1)=1,one has
Suppose that F(y)G(y)=0∈R[u][y;¯α].Then
In particular,we have
with index k minimal(since G(y)/=0,k exists)such that
Case 1.Suppose that
since¯α(u)=u and un=0.
Case 2.Assume that
Since R is α-skew linearly McCoy,(∗∗)implies that there exists c∈R{0}such that
Therefore,R[x]/(xn)is an¯α-skew linearly McCoy ring.
Corollary 3.2A ring R is right linearly McCoy if and only if the ring R[x]/(xn)is right linearly McCoy with(xn)being the ideal generated by xnand n≥2.
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date:April 20,2009.
TheNSF (10871042,10971024)ofChinaand theSpecializedResearch Fund (200802860024)for the Doctoral Program of Higher Education.
Communications in Mathematical Research2010年2期