Business and Beyond

2010-08-15 00:44
Beijing Review 2010年46期

Business and Beyond

B ritish Prim e M inister Dav id Cameron’s visit to China on November 9-10 highlighted the importance of bilateral cooperation in diverse fields, ranging from promoting econom ic recovery to addressing global issues, said Chinese analysts. Some of their comments follow:

Revitalizing the British econom y is the p riority for Cam eron and the coalition governm ent he leads.Strengthening econom ic and trade cooperation w ith China—one of the world’s most dynam ic econom ies—is undoubtedly an excellent recipe to cure the UK’s econom ic problems.

The UK leads the world in finance,services, scientific research, space technology and environmental protection,while China is strong in manufacturing. W hat’s more, China has a thriving dom estic m arket and large foreign exchange reserves. This econom ically com plementary relationship w ill greatly promote the two countries’ econom ic and trade cooperation.

—Feng Zhongping, Director of the Institute of European Studies of the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations

Cam eron, who has been in office for on ly about six m onths, needs to show the im portance the Conservative Par ty attaches to the Asia-Pacific region. Before com ing to China, he visited India in Ju ly. Cam eron hopes to expand the UK’s overseas investment by exp loring the two big Asian markets.

—Zhao Junjie, an associate research fellow w ith the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Since China and the UK are both in fluen tia l pow ers and perm anen t mem bers of the UN Security Council,their relations have long gone beyond the bilateral scope and have taken on a global and strategic significance.

—Shi Zhiqin, a professor w ith the Institute of International Studies, Tsinghua University

Leaders of m any coun tries exchanged visits ahead of the G20 Summ it in South Korea. The major purpose of these visits was to coordinate stances through communication. Consu ltations between China and EU countries were particu lar ly significant. Like China,m any Eu ropean coun tries are also dissatisfied w ith the United States’quantitative easing policy.

—Qu Xing, President of the China Institute of International Studies