刘孝力,刘 琳
刘孝力,刘 琳
(五邑大学 数理系,广东 江门 529020)
证明 容易证出.
证明 显然.
证明 显然.
证明 与文献[3]中定理2. 9的证明类似.
推论2.9 若一族Ⅲ型强连通集的交非空,则它们的并是Ⅲ型强连通集.
必要性. 设定理中条件不成立,即存在映射
致谢 感谢白世忠教授的悉心指导!
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A New Kind of Connectedness in-Topological Spaces
With the help of the weakly semiclosed sets, we introduce the concept of Ⅲ type of connectivity in-topological spaces and study Ⅲ type of connectivity properties and other type of connectivity connection in-topological spaces.
-topological spaces; weakly semiclosed sets; weak semiclosure; connected sets.
刘孝力(1980—),男,河南民权人,在读研究生,研究方向:格上拓扑学,E-mail: abcxiaoliliumn@163.com.