(1. 中国科学院国家授时中心,西安 710600; 2. 中国科学院研究生院,北京 100039 )
表1 CCIR推荐的大地地面类型与等效地球半径系数取值对应表
图1 =4/3时上海接收点和曲线
图2 =4/3时酒泉接收点和曲线
图3 =4/3时银川接收点和曲线
图4 =4/3时定襄接收点和曲线
图5 =1.13时上海接收点和曲线
图6 =1.08时酒泉接收点和曲线
图7 =1.08时银川接收点和曲线
图8 =1.08时定襄接收点和曲线
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Selection of Equivalent Earth Radius Coefficientin Calculation of Radio-wave Propagation
SU Jian-feng1, LI Xiao-zhen1,2
(1. National Time Service Center, Chinese Academy of Science, Xi’an 710600, China;2. Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100039, China)
The selection of the value of the Earth equivalent radius coefficient in dealing with ground-wave propagation is investigated based on the secondary phase factors and datum field intensity obtained from the observations for 12 propagation paths. Analyses indicate that 3/4 is the reasonable choice of the equivalent Earth radius coefficient for ground-wave propagation in China’s inland.
Earth equivalent conductivity; secondary phase factors of ground wave; equivalent Earth radius coefficient