
2010-06-13 02:10
科技传播 2010年15期



1914.7 .29 ~2005.2.6


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Algebrist. Born in Huaxian, Shanxi Province. Graduated from Tsinghua University in 1936.Received Ph.D. from Princeton University, USA in 1943. Professor, Peking University.

Duan has made important achievements in the theory of modular representations of finite groups, particularly in the theory of block of characters and its application in the study of structures of finite simple groups and finite complex linear groups. He guided Dr. Zhang Jigping to solve completely the famous R.Brauer’s Problems 39 and 40 by making use of the representation theory and the classification theorem of finite simple groups. In the study of algebraic Lie groups, he achieved early results of basic significance in collaboration with C.Chevalley using the theory of Lie algerbra .In the theory of ρ-groups, he collaborated with Hua Luogeng and obtained a number of results. He made contributions in the application of the finite group theory to contributions in the application of the finite group theory to a military research institute.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.


1902.6 .27 ~1998.5.28


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Nuclear physicist. Born in Zhuji, Zhejiang Province.Graduated from Nanjing Dongnan University in 1925. Received Ph.D. from California Institute of Technology, USA in 1930.Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Research professor and deputy director, Institute of Atomic Energy, Institute of Contemporary Physics and Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, director,Faculty of Contemporary Physics of the University of Science and Technology of China, and vice president and honorary president,Chinese Society of Physics, Chinese Society of Nuclear Physics,etc…

Zhao has been mainly engaged and has made outstanding achievements in the research on nuclear physics especially the interactions between hardγ–ray and medium, and was respected as the pioneer of nuclear physics study in China. In 1929, he and other two European groups first independently observed the “Anomalous Absorption” in addition to Compton scattering and photo-electronic effects, when hard γ-ray passes through heavy elements. He was the first to discover the“Additional Radiation” phenomena in 1930. In the 1940s,he disclosed the “Mixed Shower”. Since the 1950s,he made important contributions in establishing accelerators and laboratories, founding Chinese nuclear scientific research and training qualified personnel.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.


1891.12 .1 ~1968.10.16


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Physicist. Born in Linchuan, Jiangxi Province. Went to USA in 1913 and received Ph.D. from Princeton University, USA in 1922. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Professor ,Peking University,

Rap was one of the Pioneers of Chinese modern physics and also one of the spectroscpoists who first studied the Stark effect in the world. In his early years, he designed the new type of electric are light source. In the early 1930s,he observed the split and shift of the principle line series of Rb and Cs atoms in the experimental research on Anti-Stark effect. During the 1940s,together with his collaborators, he made important achievements in the research on molecular spectra and atomic structures and obtained the record of the rotational spectra of ωof C12and C13

3which are difficult to resolve, thus opening up a way for the study on the vibration-rotation spectra of isotopes gas molecule. He pushed forward the research and teaching of physics in China,established the Department of Physics in Nankai University and trained a lot of qualified personnel.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.


1901.11 .19 ~1983.1.18


1955 年选聘为中国科学院院士(学部委员)。

Physicist. Born in Shanghai . Graduated from Najin g Dongwu University in 1925.Receieved Sc.D. from Yale University, USA in 1934.Research professor, director and honorary director, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

As one of the founders modern research and education of magnetism in China, Shi made many important achievements in the experimental research on magnetism and magnetic materials. He developed a new instrument and applied it to determine the magnetic anisotropism of iron-cobalt alloy single crystal in his early years. He did a vast amount of work in the research on metallic basic magnetism and heat treatment of Al-Ni-Co permanent magnetic alloy and obtained many creative achievements. Around the 1940s,he did research on magnetic domain powder pattern of permalloy and magnetite crystal and opened the experimental observation of magnetic domain in China.

He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.

立足高考 领悟自招(二)——自主招生怎么考电学和磁学