
2010-04-09 05:22:52
核科学与工程 2010年4期

第30卷 2010年


一体化压水堆双恒定运行方案控制策略研究 … ………………………… 徐 文奇,彭敏俊,刘建阁,等

稳压器压力水位控制系统建模与仿真 ……………………………………… 马 进,刘长良,李淑娜

EPR缓解SGTR事故的设计特点 … …………………………………………………………… 郑 华

中国实验快堆汽轮机的首次冲转… …………………………………………………… 张亚勃,张东辉

GO法在CEFR核级循环冷却水系统的动态可靠性分析 … ………………………… 杨丽芳,杨红义

超冷中子源的发展现状 ……………………………………………………… 余小玲,封启玺,冯全科

圆柱形带反射层反应堆的数值传热计算 …………………………………… 刘会娟,张 敏,彭文杰

竖直矩形窄流道内过冷沸腾汽泡生长特性及对换热的影响 … ………… 陈 德奇,潘良明,袁德文,等

先进核能系统设计分析软件与数据库研发进展… ……………………… 吴 宜灿,胡丽琴,龙鹏程,等

聚变裂变混合发电堆水冷包层中子学设计分析… ……………………… 蒋 洁琼,王明煌,陈 忠,等

聚变裂变混合发电堆水冷包层热工水力学设计分析… ………………… 金 鸣,蒋洁琼,刘松林,等

天然铀资源的有效利用 ………………………………………………………………………… 温鸿钧

核电厂厂址选择中飞机坠毁事件的评价程序及概率确定方法… ……… 郑 启燕,张力军,黄伟奇,等


快中子堆启堆试验 ……………………………………………………………………………… 王 洲

基于虚拟仪器技术的池式热堆Rossi-α测量装置设计 … ……………… 曾 和荣,冯琦杰,谷振军,等

聚变堆用CLAM钢管件冷推弯成形数值模拟及试验研究 …………… 郭 训忠,陶 杰,刘红兵,等

中国实验快堆C31系统HPGeγ谱仪效率刻度的点源模拟 … ………… 熊 文彬,段天英,仇春华,等

概率安全分析平台NFRisk设计与验证 … ……………………………… 胡 文军,宋 维,任丽霞,等

模块式高温气冷堆三维中子动力学计算分析 ……………………………… 宋英明,周志伟,马远乐

CANDU堆中铀-钍自持循环的研究 ………………………………………………… 王天磊,李金鸿

静载荷与地震载荷作用下ITER重力支撑系统有限元静力分析 … …… 梁 尚明,闫喜江,莫春华,等

整体针翅管混合管束滑油冷却器强化换热试验研究… ………………… 牛 广林,阎昌琪,孙中宁,等

软化热处理与预变形对CLAM钢塑性的影响分析 …………………… 黄 波,黄群英,李春京,等

液态金属回路DRAGON-Ⅱ锂铅合金流动与传热三维数值模拟 … …… 汪 卫华,朱志强,李晋岭,等

EAST钨杂质输运特性分析 … …………………………………………… 王君一,陈一平,FDS 团队

秦山二期扩建工程低温超压事故PSA分析 ………………………………………… 李 琳,赵 博

安全壳在事故情况下的完整性分析 ………………………………………… 林诚格,赵瑞昌,刘志弢


TP2008核数据库研制………………………………………………………………… 刘 萍,王耀清

热处理对690合金腐蚀性能影响… ……………………………………… 乔 培鹏,张乐福,徐雪莲,等

传统共振计算方法改进措施的初步可行性研究 … ………………………… 张正习,蒋校丰,张少泓

高温气冷堆包覆燃料颗粒破损机制及失效模型… ……………………… 杨 林,刘 兵,邵友林,等

基于CFD的反应堆局部三维流动模型与时空中子动力学模型耦合研究………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 桂学文,蔡 琦,陈玉清

池式钠冷快堆二回路钠比活度研究 … …………………………………… 王 勇,周培德,杨 勇,等

快堆三维节块法程序燃耗模块的开发… ………………………………… 杨 晓燕,徐 銤,王 侃,等

中国实验快堆三废控制系统… ………………………………………………………… 李 禾,李晓薇

液态铅铋回路设计研制与材料腐蚀实验初步研究 … …………………… 吴 宜灿,黄群英,柏云清,等

IPWRs非能动余热排出系统运行特性分析 ………………………………………… 代守宝,彭敏俊

EPR与CPR1000严重事故缓解措施比较 …………………………………………………… 郑 华

大型压水堆核电站换料机的强度分析… ………………………………… 贾 晓峰,周国丰,毕祥军,等

基于模糊神经网络的直流蒸汽发生器压力协调控制 … …………………… 夏国清,艾 明,张 伟

蒙特卡罗程序TRIPOLI自动建模方法研究 … ………………………… 张 俊军,曾 勤,王国忠,等

中子学计算多目标优化程序开发及其初步应用… ……………………… 胡 杨林,刘金超,王明煌,等

结合几何的MCNP计算结果可视化分析系统的研究与实现 ………… 范 言昌,龙鹏程,曾 勤,等


MA以IMF燃料靶组件形式在大型钠冷快堆中的非均匀嬗变研究 … …… 胡 赟,徐 銤,王 侃

核工程建造过程中不符合项的纠正管理 … ……………………………… 吴 显明,刘汉刚,刘耀光,等

秦山核电站二期反应堆堆芯流量分配数值分析… ……………………… 张 曙明,李华奇,赵民富,等

基于CSA算法的快堆堆芯燃料管理研究 ……………………………… 杨 晓燕,徐 銤,王 侃,等

中国实验快堆380 V应急交流电力系统的可靠性分析 … ………………… 杨丽芳,杨红义,胡文军

电感式单点钠液位计的研制 ………………………………………………… 陈道龙,康瑞清,李新颖

核动力装置运行支持系统的设计与开发 … ……………………………… 成 守宇,王 贺,彭敏俊,等

液态铅铋实验平台无窗靶水力学原理验证实验段设计研究 … ………… 祝 玲琳,柏云清,陈 钊,等

屏蔽设计组合优化研究… ……………………………………………………………… 贾小波,石秀安

反应堆控制保护系统监测参数校准 … …………………………………… 王 学杰,朱世雷,黄 文,等

秦山二期核电厂安全缓解系统的性能指标分析 … ………………………… 黄志超,赵 博,祁 军

基于SSH架构的风险监测系统的设计与实现 ………………………… 王 芳,汪 进,王家群,等

适于风险监测系统的零压缩二元决策图基本事件排序方法 … ………… 汪 进,王 芳,王家群,等

数字化人机界面设计的人因工程问题分析 … ……………………………… 王志方,谷鹏飞,张建波

基于A rcGIS Engine开发的砂岩型铀矿区域物化探数据处理系统 … 韩绍阳,柯 丹,侯惠群,等

松散破碎射气介质氡析出能力的测量与计算 … ………………………… 李 广悦,丁德馨,陈 翔,等


Volume 30 2010

Number 1

Research on ideal steady-state programming control strategy of integrated PWR ………………………………………XU Wen-qi,PENG Min-jun,LIU Jian-ge,et al.

Modeling and simu lation o f p ressurizer dynam ic process in PWR nuclear power plant ……………………………………………………MA Jin,LIU Chang-liang,LIShu-na

Design features formitigating SGTR of EPR … ………………………………………ZHENG Hua

The first rushing of CEFR turbine …………………………ZHANG Ya-bo,ZHANG Dong-hui

The dynamic reliability analysis for the CEFR nuclear-cycle cooling water based on GO methodology ………………………………………………YANG Li-Fang,YANG Hong-Yi

Present statusof ultra-cold neutron source constructions ……………………………………YU Xiao-ling,FENG Qi-xi,FENG Quan-ke

Num erical heat transfer in cylindrical nuclear reactor w ith reflected layer ……………………………………………LIU Hui-juan,ZHANGM in,PENG Wen-jie

An experimental investigation of bubb le grow th and effects on heat transfer in water subcooled flow boiling in a verticalnarrow rectangular channel ……………………………CHEN De-qi,PAN Liang-ming,YUAN De-wen,et al.

Developm ent o f design and analysis software for advanced nuclear system s …………………………………WU Yi-can,HU Li-qin,LONG Peng-cheng,et al.

Neutronics design and analysis of w ater-cooled energy p roduction blanket for a fusion-fission hybrid reactor ………………JIANG Jie-qiong,WANG Ming-huang,CHEN Zhong,et al.

Thermal-hydraulics design and analysisof water-cooled energy production blanket for a fusion-fission hybrid reactor …………………………JIN Ming,JIANG Jie-qiong,LIU Song-lin,et al.

The effective utilization of natural uranium resources ……………………………WEN Hong-jun

Assessment p rocedure and p robability determination m ethods of aircraft crash events in siting for nuclear power p lants ……ZHENG Qi-yan,ZHANG Li-jun,H UANG Wei-qi,et al.

Number 2

Startup operational tests of fast reactors ………………………………………………WANG Zhou

Research and manufacture of Rossi-αm easurement device for pool therm al reactor based on virtual instrum ent technology ……ZENG He-rong,FENG Qi-jie,GU Zhen-jun,et al.

Finite element simulation and experimental study of push-bending processes for CLAM steel elbow ……………………………GUO Xun-zhong,TAO Jie,LIU H ong-bing,et al.

The peak efficiency calibration for the cover gasmonitoring system of CEFR's HPGeγ detector ………………………XIONG Wen-bin,DUAN Tian-ying,QIU Chun-hua,et al.

The design and verification of probabilistic safety analysis platform NFRisk ………………………………………H UWen-jun,SONG Wei,REN Li-xia,et al.

Analysis of the 3D neutron kinetics for MH TGR … …………………………………SONG Ying-ming,ZHOU Zhi-wei,MA Yuan-le

Research on U-Th self-sustaining cycle in CANDU ………………WANG Tian-lei,LI Jin-hong

FEM static analysis for the ITER gravity support system under the combined action of the dead weightand seism ic loads ………LIANG Shang-m ing,YAN Xi-jiang,MOChun-hua,et al.

Experim ental Research on heat transfer enhancementof lubricating-oil coo ler with mixing integral pin-fin tubesand plain tubes …NIU Guang-lin,YAN Chang-qi,SUN Zhong-ning,et al.

Influence of pre-elongation and softening heat treatment on p lasticity of China low activation martensitic steel ……………………HUANG Bo,HUANG Qun-ying,LIChun-jing,et al

Three dimension numerical analysisof flow and heat transfer for Chinese liquid metal LiPb experimental loop Dragon-Ⅱ …………WANGWei-hua,ZH U Zhi-qiang,LIJin-ling,et al

Analysis of tungsten im purity transport property in EAST ……………………………………………WANG Jun-yi,CHEN Yi-ping,FDS Team

PSA analysis of low temperature over pressure event in nuclear power plant ……………………………………………………………………………LI Lin,ZHAO Bo

Containment integrity analysis under acciden ts ……………………………………LIN Cheng-ge,ZHAO Rui-chang,LIU Zhi-tao

Number 3

The development ofm ulti-group constants library TP2008 ………LIU Ping,WANG Yao-qing

Effect of heat treatmentson corrosion resistance of alloy 690 ………………………………QIAO Pei-peng,ZHANG Le-fu,XU Xue-lian,et al.

Preliminary study on the im provement on the conventional resonance calculation method …………………………ZHANG Zheng-xi,JIANG Xiao-feng,ZHANG Shao-hong

The failurem echanism s of HTR coated particle fuel and com puter code ……………………………………………YANG Lin,LIU Bing,SHAO You-lin,et al

Study on coup ling of local three-dimension flow model based on CFD method and space-time neutron kineticsmodel ……………………………GUIXue-wen,CA IQi,CHEN Yu-qing

Study on the sodium specific radioactivity in the second loop of pool-type sodium-cooled fast reactor ……………………………………WANG Yong,ZHOU Pei-de,YANG Yong,et al

Development of burn-up module to three-dimension hexagonal nodalmethod for fast reactor …………………………………………YANG Xiao-yan,XU Mi,WANG Kan,et al

The three wastes control system of CEFRLI ……………………………………He,LIXiao-wei

Preliminary experimental study on the corrosion of structural steels in liquid lead bismuth loop ……………………………………WU Yi-can,HUANG Qun-ying,BA IYun-qing,et al

Analysis on the thermal-hydraulic characteristics for passive residualheat removal system of IPWRs ………………………………………………………DA IShou-bao,PENG Min-jun

Comparison of severe accidentmitigation measures between EPR and CPR1000……………………………………………………………………………ZHENG Hua

Strength analysis of refueling machine for large PWR in nuclear pow er plant …………………………………JIA Xiao-feng,ZHOU Guo-feng,BIXiang-jun,et al.

Pressure coordinated controlbased on fuzzy neural network of once-through steam generator … ……………………………………………XIA Guo-qing,AIM ing,ZHANGWei

Autom aticmodeling for them onte carlo transport TRIPOLI code ………………………………ZHANG Jun-jun,ZENG Qin,WANG Guo-zhong,et al.

Developm ent and app lication of amu lti-objective op timization code for neutronics calculation …………………………HU Yang-lin,LIU Jin-chao,WANG Ming-huang,et al

Research and Imp lementation o f a geometry coup led visual analysis system for MCNP ………………………………FAN Yan-chang,LONG Peng-cheng,ZENG Qin,et al

MA heterogeneous transmutation in large sodium cooled fast reactor as IMF fueled target subassembly ……………………………………………………HU Yun,XU Mi,WANG Kan

Correction administration of inconsistent item during the nuclear engineering construction ………………………WU Xian-ming,LIU Han-gang,LIU Yao-guang,et al.

Num erical analysis of flow distribution at the reator core in let of Qinshan phase-Ⅱreactor …………………………………ZHANG Shu-m ing,LIHua-qi,ZHAO Min-fu,et al.

Optimization of fast reactor in-core fuelmanagementwith CSA ……………………………………………YANG Xiao-yan,XU Mi,WANG Kan,et al.

Reliability analysis of the 380 V emergency AC power supp ly system of the China experimentalfast reactor ………………………………………YANG Li-fang,YANG Hong-yi,HU Wen-jun

Development of induction type single point sodium level gauge …………………………………………CHEN Dao-long,KANG Rui-qing,LIXin-ying

Design o f operator support system for nuclear power plants ………………………………CHENG Shou-yu,WANG He,PENGM in-jun,et al.

Design studies of hydraulic verification test section of w indow less target of liquid lead-bism uth eutectic experimental platform ………ZHU Ling-lin,BAIYun-qing,CHEN Zhao,et al.

Combinatorialoptimization study on shielding design …………………JIA Xiao-bo,SH IXiu-an

Monitoring parameters calibration of nuclear reactor contro l and p rotection system ……………………………………WANG Xue-jie,ZHU Shi-lei,HUANGWen,et al.

MSPIanalysis for QinshanⅡ … ……………………………HUANG Zhi-chao,ZHAO Bo,QIJun

Design and imp lementation o f a risk monitor based on SSH architecture ………………………………WANG Fang,WANG Jin,WANG Jia-qun,et al.

A variable ordering heuristic for risk monitorsbased on zero-suppressed binary decision diagram ……………………………………WANG Jin,WANG Fang,WANG Jia-qun,et al.

Hum an factor engineering analysis for computerized hum anm achine interface design issues ………………………………WANG Zhi-fang,GU Peng-fei,ZHANG Jian-bo

Development of data processing system for regional geophysical and geochemicalexp loration of sandstone-hosted uranium deposits based on A rcGIS Engine ……………………………………HAN Shao-yang,KE Dan,HOU H ui-qun,et al.

Measurement and calculation for radon emanation capability of loose fragmented radon-emitting medium ………………LIGuang-yue,DING De-xin,CHEN Xiang,et al.

Smartflower POP 一体式光伏系统
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