误译:He felt he had lost his face because of the mistakes he made in this matter.
正译:He felt he had lost face because of the mistakes he made in this matter.
解释:“丢面子”或“丢脸”有“丧失体面”的意思。这个汉语比喻,被英语接受,译为 lose face。注意 lose face已成为固定词组,中间不可以加人称代词所有格。
“面子”的第一个意思是“物体的表层”。英语可以译为 outside, outer part。如:
1. 这条被子的里子和面子都是新的。Both the inside and the outside of the quilt are new.
“面子”的第二个意思是“形象”,为贬义。英语可以译为image。如:2. 纳税人的钱不能用来搞面子工程。The money collected from taxpayers cant be used for image projects.
“面子”的第三个意思是“尊重”或“自尊”,为褒义。英语可以译为 respect, pride。如:3. 这位影星在演艺圈里很有面子。This film star enjoys due respect in the entertainment circles.
“面子”的第四个意思是“表面的虚荣”,为贬义,英语可以译为 face。“保全面子”,可以译为to save face。如:4. 他不惜一切代价试图保全面子。He tried to save face at all costs.
“面子”的第五个意思是“私人间的情面”。英语可以译为feelings。如:5. 他太固执,一点也不顾我们的面子。He was too stubborn to show any consideration for our feelings.
“面子”的第六个意思是“粉末”。英语可以译为 powder。如:6. 这个纸口袋里装的全是药面子。The paper bag is filled with powdered medicine.▲