误译:The mine owner paid the journalists hush money, so as to close/ shut their mouth about the mine accident.
正译:The mine owner paid the journalists hush money, so as to seal their mouth about the mine accident.
解释:to close/shut ones mouth 的意思是“闭嘴”;而to seal ones mouth的意思是“当事人封别人的口”。在这句话里,矿主是当事人。他发封口费的目的是封别人的口。
“封口”的第一个意思是“封闭信封或容器开口的地方”。英语译为 to seal。例如:我们寄信时要用胶水给信封封口。We must seal the envelope with glue before posting the letter.
“封口”的第二个意思是“伤口愈合”。英语可以译为 to heal。例如:
我腿上的伤已经封口了。The wound in my leg has healed over.
“封口”的第三个意思是“堵住别人的嘴,不让呼吸或说话”,也可以说“封嘴”。英语译为to seal sb s mouth。例如:
绑匪用破布给不停叫喊的人质封住口。With rug, the kidnapper sealed the mouth of the hostage who had been crying.
“封口费”,英语译为 hush money。例如:
他因为揭露了一个贪官给记者“封口费”的事实,而出了名。Because he exposed a corrupt official's offer of “hush money” to journalists, he became well known.
“封口”的第四个意思是“闭嘴不说,保持缄默”。英语译为to close/ shut one s mouth about, to keep silent/quiet about。例如:
关于这个政治丑闻,他决定封口。He decided to close his mouth about this political scandal.
“封口”的第五个意思是“把话说死,不再改口”。也可以说“封嘴”或“封门”。英语译为 to close/shut one s door to further compromise/negotiation。例如:
他没有封口,还有商量的余地。As he hasnt shut the door to further compromise, there is still room for discussion.
“封口”的第六个意思是比喻“使规定的限度不突破”。英语译为 to set it as the maximum limit。例如:
银行给我们的贷款就是这20万,已经封口了。The bank has made a loan of only two hundred thousand yuan to us and set it as the maximum limit.▲