误译:We must seriously handle these wrong events in the national entrance examination.
正译:We must seriously handle these wrongdoing/cheating events in the national entrance examination.
解释:wrong 的意思是not morally right or honest,因此wrong event 强调的是“不道德的事件”。而“舞弊”指的是违法的事情。wrongdoing 的意思是 illegal or dishonest,因此wrongdoing event 既指“非法”,又指“不道德”的事件,可以表示“舞弊事件”。
“舞弊”的第一个意思是“靠欺骗方式做违法的事情,例如在考试、选举和会计活动中”。英语可以译为 to cheat。例如:
1. 任何被发现在考试中舞弊的人将被立即逐出考场。Anyone caught cheating in the exam will be kicked out of the examination hall immediately.
2. 这位总统候选人被揭露在选举中舞弊。The presidential candidate was exposed of cheating in the election.
“舞弊”的第二个意思是“通过欺骗等手段实现的违法事实或行为”。英语可以译为 malpractice, fraudulent practice, fraud。例如:
这名收税员因涉嫌舞弊而正在受审。He is currently standing trial for alleged malpractices.
“选举舞弊”,英语可以译为 electoral fraud。例如:
这个政客因与选举舞弊相关的罪名而锒铛入狱。The politician has been jailed for charges relating to electoral fraud.▲