误译:Those famous people who speak on behalf of problematic food shall bear joint liabilities.
正译:Those celebrities who endorse problematic food shall bear/undertake joint liabilities.
解释:to speak on behalf of sb 的意思是“代表某人说话”。这里的“代言”的特殊含义是“明星代表某一品牌或产品的形象,做广告宣传”。to endorse 的意思是to say in an advertisement that you use and like a particular product so that other people will want to buy it,正是“广告代言”的特殊含义。famous people泛指“著名的人”,而代言的名人基本上是明星,英语用celebrity表示。
“代言”的第一个意思是“代表某一阶层或团体发表言论或说话”。 英语可以译为 to speak on behalf of sb。例如:这个学者实际上是为少数专业大户代言,而不是代表普通农民的利益。The scholar actually speaks on behalf of a few large family-based special-line enterprises, rather than representing the interests of common farmers.
“代言”的第二个意思是“代表某一品牌或产品的形象,在广告中加以宣传”。 英语可以译为 to endorse a brand, to endorse a product, to become the face of a brand。如:2. 我不知道究竟有多少名人真正使用他们代言的产品。I wonder how many celebrities actually use the products they endorse.
“代言人”的第一个意思是“代表某一阶层或团体发表言论或说话的人”,即“喉舌”。英语可译为 spokesperson, spokespeople, prolocutor, mouthpiece, voice。如:3. 这家报纸只不过是某些有钱人的代言人。The newspaper is only a mouthpiece of certain rich people.
“代言人”的第二个意思是“产品或品牌的形象代言人”。英语可以译为spokesperson。如:4. 这位体育明星充当了我们产品的代言人。The sports star acted as the spokesperson of our product.▲