
2009-01-14 08:11黄鹏鸣
中学课程辅导·高考版 2009年12期



1. What _______ public is concerned about is whether _______workers and scientists will be able to find_______ cure for this new disease.

A. the; 不填; aB. the; the; the

C. 不填; 不填; aD.不填; the; the

2. When the virus of bird flu manages to get into ones body, one is surely _______with the disease.

A. infectedB. influenced

C. destroyedD. affected

3. With his son_______, the old man felt unhappy.

A. to disappointB. to be disappointing

C. disappointingD. being disappointed

4. Although she had been ill for a long time, it still came as a shock when she _______died.

A. eventuallyB. willingly

C. unexpectedlyD. disappointedly

5. According to a UN report, one third of the world population have no _______to clean drinking water and health care.

A. meansB. approachC. channelD. access

6. _______Diana, another ten students failed in the math examination.

A. Except forB. Apart from

C. Rather thanD. As well as

7.—I wonder why he has been acting so strange these days.

—Recent pressure at work may _______his behavior.

A. account forB. make for

C. change forD. stand for

8.—Do you_______ my optimistic view about the current economy of our country?

—Of course. Our country can weather the financial storm in a better shape than other countries.

A. compromise onB. submit to

C. correspond toD. subscribe to

9. The temperature will fall sharply the day after tomorrow, when a snowstorm _______to strike our area.

A. expectsB. has expected

C. is expectedD. will be expected

10. “Neal, listen,” she said, looking straight at him. “I ask you not to get_______ in this kind of matter. Its none of your business.”

A. caughtB. involved

C. attachedD. connected

11. It wont make much _______whether you agree or not.

A. difficultyB. trouble

C. differenceD. matter

12. Five people_______ in age from 16 to 19 were killed in a street shooting early Saturday, the most violent crime reported in this small city.

A. changingB. rangingC. reachingD. getting

13. HIV and Aids are spreading across the world at a _______rate, with about 14,000 people daily_______.

A. frightened; infected

B. frightening; being infected

C. frightened; infecting

D. frightening; infecting

14. What a pity it is that Bob_______ into the habit of smoking at such an early age!

A. developedB. slid

C. switchedD. skipped

15. Yao Ming, the Chinese basketball star, is _______many American people.

A. familiar toB. familiar with

C. famous forD. famous as


1. The house is so old that its roof is always_______ (渗漏) in several places when it rains.

2. The man pulled a gun, and two of the women near me started_______ (尖叫).

3. The doctor wrote me a_______ (处方) for medicine for my cough.

4. While it is generally true to say that humans like color, our choices are_______ (没有必要地) random.

5. Our parents were strict and we were frequently_______ (责骂) for our bad behavior.

6. While he working on his composition, he found suddenly his nose_______ (流血).

7. Thanks to his capacity, Jack has been _______pto senior manager.

8. The survey shows that most s_______would like to stop smoking.

9. Seven people died of t_______after their truck broke down on an isolated desert road.

10. In such hot temperatures, milk goes s_______very quickly.


at risk; provide…for; under a lot of pressure; warn…of; commit suicide;

rebel against; choke back; in the first place; in some cases; go jogging

1. My father likes_______ after dinner every day.

2. The police are always_______ the people here_______ burglars.

3. Nowadays many students and teachers are working_______.

4. Women are more _______from the harmful effects of alcohol than men.

5. The clinic will_______ basic health care _______people in the community.

6. The second time, like the first, no one could say for certain she had been trying to_______.

7. _______ the living standards of people have greatly improved.

8. He _______tears as he described what had happened to himself.

9. The novel tells the story of a teenager who _______ his father.

10. After class, the teacher raised a question_______ and then the students started to discuss it.

四、动词填空 (用所给动词的适当形式填空)

1. Dr. David Ho, a Chinese American leading Aids expert, has devoted his body and soul to_______ (bring) up-to-date technology and international attention to Chinas Aids problem.

2. The United Nations has been very _______ (involve) in fighting Aids and HIV around the world for many years now.

3. He said that he was trying to quit_______ (go) there, but it seems that he has not been able to yet.

4. As many smokers may tell you, nicotine is very physically addictive, which is why many people have trouble_______ (give) up smoking.

5. Sometimes _______ (infect) people have no outward symptoms, so they dont know that they are carriers.

6. He believes that educating people at risk is the key to_______ (stop) the disease in the future.

7. Unprotected sex is the most common way that the virus is spread, _______ (account) for 75% of adult infections worldwide.

8. The exchange program between the UK and China may affect various schools, _______ (range) from kindergartens to high schools.

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