Module 10 Unit 3 单元点拨

2009-01-14 08:11潘井正
中学课程辅导·高考版 2009年12期



1. bathe 玽t. 用水清洗 (尤指身体部位);给……洗澡

Pleas bathe the wound first and then apply a clean dressing. 请先清洗伤口,然后用洁净敷料包扎好。

Do you bathe the baby every day? 你每天都给婴儿洗澡吗?

玽i. 洗澡,沐浴

He is so lazy that he seldom bathe. 他很懒,因此他几乎不洗澡。

拓展:bath 玭. 沐浴;浴缸;洗澡水

I think Ill have a bath and go to bed. 我想洗个澡,然后睡觉。

Please run a bath for me.请给我把浴缸放满水。

习语:take a bath (在交易中) 蒙受经济损失


They bought a large ________ for their new house and their children like to in it every day.

A. bathe; bathB. bath; bathe

C. basin; bathD. pool; clean


2. messy 玜dj. 很难对付的,棘手的;脏乱的,零乱的


Mess 玭. 乱七八糟的东西或状态

be in a mess 杂乱无章,处境狼狈

a mess of 一大堆

make a mess of … 玽t. 弄坏 (把……搞得一塌糊涂)

mess sth. Up把某物弄乱或弄脏

She always makes a mess of things; shes a prize idiot.


Dont mess up my hair: I have just combed it. 别把我的头发弄乱,我刚梳好。



1) The waitress cleaned up the ________before she went home.

2) Daniel is so untidy; he always leaves his room________.

3) How ________we all think, the man is.

4) The rain________ my holiday plans.

答案:1) mess;2) in a mess;3) messy;4) made a mess of

3.access 玭. 1) (常跟to连用) 通道;道路;入口

The only access to the hut is across the fields. 去那个小屋的唯一道路是穿过田野。

The policeman gained access through a broken window. 警察从一扇破窗户钻了进去。

2) (使用或见到的) 机会,权力

Students must have access to good resource. 学生必须有使用好的信息资源的机会。

You need a password to get access to the computer system. 使用这个计算机需要密码。

玽. 到达;进入;使用

The loft can be accessed by a ladder.阁楼可以通过楼梯上去。


access to… 通向……的路;have access to 享有……的权利;gain access to 接近……


1) There is only access________ the hut from the main.

A. forB. ofC. toD. with

2) It is reported that only a third of the population have ________to the health care.

A. accessB. aidC. basisD. belief

答案:1) C;2) A

4. cure

1) 玽. 治疗 (疾病)(常与of连用);治愈;改掉 (坏习惯)

That nasty shock cured him of his habit of drinking for ever.


We believe they can cure the old man of his bad headache soon.


2) 玭. 医治;治疗;克服的方法 (常与for连用)

Is there a certain cure for cancer yet? 癌症迄今为止有无有效的治疗方法?

There is still no cure for the rising prices. 目前仍没有克服物价上涨的对策。

【词义辨析】cure, treat 与heal

Cure:强调治疗的结果,后面常接sb. of sth 表示治好某人的……

Treat:强调治疗的行为、过程,后面常接sb. for sth. 表示治疗某人的……

Heal:强调“复原,使之完好如初”;也可用于比喻“使 (某人) 精神恢复健康”


1) Eventually we found a doctor who was able to ________her of her depression.

A. cureB. treatC. healD. deal

2) It was a long time before the Americans completely ________from the shadow of the September 11th attack launched by the terrorists.

A. healedB. improved

C. curedD. treated

答案: 1) A;2) A

5. Subscribe 玽i. 签名,签署,定期捐赠,订阅 (常与to连用)

1) Do you subscribe to her pessimistic view of the state of the economy?


2) Which journals does the school subscribe to? 学校订有哪些报刊?

玽t. 签名,签署,支持

3) President Bush subscribed his name to the document.布什总统在文件上签了名。


1) subscribe to 同意;赞成

2) subscriber 玭. (报刊的)订阅人,订购者;定期捐款者

3) subscription 玭. (报刊的)订阅费,订购款;(常与to/for 连用)

to take out an annual subscription to ‘Times订一年的《时代周刊》


Nowadays, many people ________to the idea that money brings happiness, but I dont think so.

A. SupportB. order

C. subscribeD. approve

解析:句意为“许多人同意这种观点金钱能带来幸福,而我并不这么认为。”approve 表示“同意,赞成”应与介词of 搭配。

6. Withdrawal 玭. 戒毒期,脱瘾期;停止,撤退,退回,取消

Withdrawal symptoms 戒毒期的症状

The withdrawal of supplies 撤销供应

The commander ordered his solders to cover the woundeds withdrawal.



Withdraw 玽t. 撤回,取回,撤退玽i. 退回,撤退 (withdrew, withdrawn)

Withdraw sb. / sth. From sth. 从……撤回,撤离……

Withdraw sth. (from sth.) 停止提供,不再给予

1) He withdrew his horse from the race.他让他的马退出了比赛。

2) He talked to us for an hour and then withdrew.他跟我们谈了一小时的话就走了。


1) Finally, the two countries ______________________ (把部队撤离) the region.

2) He_____________________________ (停止支持) for our development of economy.

答案:1) withdrew their forces from;2) withdrew his support

7. choke 玽i. 窒息

The boy choked to death on a fish bone. 因为一根鱼骨头,小孩窒息而死。

vt. 使窒息;阻止,阻碍;堵塞;塞满

The smoke almost choked me. 烟雾差点把我呛死。


choke back 抑制 (愤怒、悲痛),忍住

choke sb. off粗鲁地或突然阻止某人

choke up 哽咽;阻塞;(激动、紧张得) 说不出话来

choke the life out of sb. 扼死某人

The drains are choked (up) with dead leaves. 下水道被枯叶堵住。


Hearing her mean words, the old man stood there trembling and trying to________tears.

A. choke outB. choke on

C. choke backD. choke up


8. be familiar with… 熟悉……的;通晓……的

be familiar to 为某人所熟悉

He is familiar with Chinese ancient history. 他通晓中国古代史。

Facts that are familiar to every schoolboy. 小学生都熟悉的事实。
