父母拿到工签去英国,子女可以随行,而且在英国不用交钱上语言学校 (go to a language school), 直接免费就读附近的公立学校就好了。英国的公立学校叫state school,公立初高中通常又叫comprehensive school,免考入读(择校原则参见上期school admission),也无学杂费。英国的私立学校叫public school(常译作“公学”,实为private school),入学“门槛”高,教学质量高,收费也不菲,一般中国去的“打工仔”是不会送小孩入这种学校的。读书不花钱,但老师经常知会家长让学生带零钱去学校。为什么呢?因为英国学校常年举办各种类型的募捐活动,藉以培养学生们关心社会、关爱他人的高尚情怀。为此,他们还设计了一句颇具文采的广告词:Put the fun back into fundraising (在募捐中重拾快乐)。显然,设计者巧妙地利用fun与fundraising在词形上的部分对应玩了一个小小的文字游戏。
There are many ways in which you can raise funds (集资) for children living in poverty (贫穷,贫困) and have great fun at the same time.
You can help kids like Kornli and Patrick who lost their parents to AIDS in 2006. We can help give them an education, regular food and a future. You and your class can help.
You could organize your own event. From a school disco (迪斯科舞厅) to a coffee morning, a sponsored swim to a quiz day. Why not hold a free carol service and ask friends to make donation or even hold a talent competition at school to find the next Robbie Williams or Madonna!
The possibilities are endless, the only limit being your imagination (想象,想象力). Whatever you do, you can have fun with your mates, knowing the money you raise will help poor children in need of your support ...
Fundraising for a charity (慈善机构) is a very rewarding (有益的) thing to do. It can help build communication skills and supports personal and planning skills. Most importantly ... its fun!