Price Hike Influences Consumers’Confidence

2008-09-01 02:59XinWen
China’s foreign Trade 2008年13期

Xin Wen

From early 2007 to the first half of this year, the price hike of the agriculturalproducts, closely related to people's daily life, has attracted attention from allparties, especially from the general public. According to a nationwide surveyrecently, 90.9 percent of the survey respondents are aware of the price rise ofgrain, cooking oil, meat and eggs. And 78 percent of them think that the price hike ishtirting their interests. As the price rise is mainly seen in products such as meat, eggs,dairy products and poultry, urban families with different levels of incomes are also af-fected to different degrees. Families with low incomes are hardest hit by the price rise.