The formation and maintenance of the innovation capacity of our textileindustry does not only have to do with the sustainable development of textileindustry itself, but also directly decides the international competition textileindustry. On one hand, the promotion of nuclear competition of textile industrycan not be free from the forceful support of independent innovation of textileindustry; one the other hand, its promotion of independent innovation oftextile industry brings direct influence on textile technical level which turnsout to be the concentrated expression of one country's science, technicaland economic development level. When our textile industrial technicallevel has entered a new stage, it will surely push forward our textileindustry to a new high. Therefore, we have to greatly enhance our textileindustrial technical level by taking advantage of independent innovationcapacity promotion. In addition, we have to realize that the conditions forpromoting the independent innovation capacity of our textile industry areyet to be established, which are the important element for influencing thedevelopment of our textile industrial independent innovation capacity. Toestablish and complete the condition system of promoting the independentinnovation capacity are the leadingobjects and strategic selection.