1. Don't bother about genius. Don't worry about beingclever. Trust hard work, perseverance, and determination.
——英国知名医生Frederick TreveS
2.Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learningfrom failure. loyalty,and persistence.
——美国前国务卿Collm Powll
3. The real secret of success is passion and enthusiasm.成功的真正秘诀是激情和热诚。
4.Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplishedwithout passion.世上没有一件伟大的事不是由激情所成就的。
5.Pe的sstence Is to the character of man as carbon is togteel,坚持是人的必备品质,正如碳是钢铁的必备元素。
——美国成功学大师N婶oleon Hill