
2008-04-10 05:59
中学英语之友·中 2008年3期

王 禄


It can be dangerous to travel by sea. Ships sometimes __1__ far away from land. When this happens, the sailors have to get into small boats. If another ship does not come and help them and they do not have enough food or water, they will __2__.

Most people believe(相信) we must not drink sea water. They believe that if we __3__, we shall be very ill __4__ all the salt in the water. A doctor called Alain Bombard did not believe this. He thought that people __5__ stay alive by __6__ sea water and __7__ small fish, animals and plants from the sea. On 19 October 1953, he set out in a small boat to __8__ the Atlantic Ocean(大西洋). He did not take any food __9__ water with him.

Every day Dr. Bombard drank just a little sea water. He also caught fish and they had water __10__ them. He drank this water. He could not cook the fish, so he ate them __11__ they were. He took small plants from the sea, __12__ gave him more food.

Dr. Bombard became __13__, tired and quite ill, but after 65 days at sea, he was still alive. He traveled 2,750 miles from one side of the Atlantic ocean to the other, and on 24 December 1953, he reached Barbados.

He __14__ 20 kilos, but he showed that people could live __15__ sea water and the animals and plants in the sea.

1. A. sinks B. goes down C. sink D. lost

2. A. ill B. die C. dead D. sick

3. A. do B. does C. have D. will do

4. A. because B. as C. for D. because of

5. A. could B. can C. will D. had

6. A. drink B. have C. drinking D. getting

7. A. eating B. to eat C. getting D. cooking

8. A. across B. crossing C. cross D. through

9. A. and B. but C. just D. or

10. A. on B. in C. around D. under

11. A. with B. when C. as D. for

12. A. that B. which C. those D. what

13. A. cold B. warm C. cool D. hot

14. A. got B. made C. lost D. had

15. A. by B. about C. on D. in


Thirty-four miners (矿工) were __1__ in a gas explosion (煤气爆炸) in the early __2__ of yesterday at a state-owned(国有的) coal mine in Hebi, a city in central Chinas Henan Province.

The accident occurred (发生) at 4:45 am when 53 miners were __3__ underground at the No. 38 pit of Mine 2 of the Hebi Coal Industry (Group) Corporation Ltd.

The 34 miners were __4__ dead after the gas was ignited, while __5__ 19 scrambled (攀爬) to safety. “Considering the damage of a gas explosion, the possibility of any survivors(生存者) underground is slim,” said a local official, __6__ only gave his surname, Xiao.

The cause (原因) of the accident remains under investigation (调查).__7__ the largest state-owned coal mine in Hebei, the company consists of(由组成) eight production mines and generates(生产) an output of more than 7 __8__ tons(吨) a year. Mine 2 has 3,800 employees(员工). The accident renewed __9__ over the __10__ of coal production in Henan Province. On October 20, 2004, a gas explosion in the Daping Coal Mine of Pingmo County in the city of Xinmi __11__ 148 people and injured 32.

__12__ August 31, 17 people __13__ been killed this year in 13 __14__ in state-owned collieries(煤矿及其建筑物) and small mines in Henan.

The __15__ tragedy(悲剧) came amidst(在……当中) a nation-wide crackdown (严惩) on corruption(腐败) to prevent(阻止) rampant(频繁的) coal mine accidents.

1. A. died B. killed C. hurted D. dying

2. A. hours B. days C. minute D. week

3. A. playing B. sitting C. working D. watching

4. A. finding B. saw C. found D. found out

5. A. other B. others C. the others D. another

6. A. that B. which C. whose D. who

7. A. For B. As C. Be D. To be

8. A. hundred B. thousand C. million D. millions

9. A. questions B. question C. problem D. difficulty

10. A. dangerous B. danger C. safety D. safeties

11. A. killing B. killed C. hurt D. wounded

12. A. In B. By C. On D. To

13. A. has B. have C. had D. would

14. A. accidents B. accident C. mine D. place

15. A. newest B. latest C. earliest D. fastest


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