
2008-04-01 02:40张坤奇
中学生英语高效课堂探究 2008年3期


The weather may be cold and wet, but in the rich worlds financial markets it is beginning to feel like August all over again. Credit spreads have widened and shares are pitching from gloom to elation as investors look to the Federal Reserve for solace. The anxiety is unmistakable. But this time the scare is about more than bad mortgage loans and their baleful effect on the credit markets. America may be falling into recession. And a new fear now stalks the markets: that the dollars slide could spin out of control.

A full-blown dollar crisis on top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening. It would send financial markets reeling and tie the hands of the Fed, perhaps forcing it to raise interest rates even as recession looms. The sky-high euro would soar further, choking off Europes growth. Political tensions would also rise. Already Airbus has called the dollars decline “life-threatening” and Frances president, Nicolas Sarkozy, has given warning of “economic war”.

At worst, the shadows could darken further. For half a century the dollar has been the hegemonic currency. A large slice of global trade is counted in dollars. Central banks hold most of their foreign-exchange reserves in dollars, a boon for America that has allowed it to issue debt more cheaply. That dominance has survived dollar slides before, as in the late 1970s and mid-1980s. But now, with the euro as an alternative, the fear is of a sudden shift in the global monetary system, with investors switching quickly from one currency to the other.

So far, this remains only a fear. Although the dollar has been falling at quite a lick,it has seen no chaotic slump, but a slide interspersed, as this week, with brief rallies. Americans expectations of future inflation have not yet risen much. Yields on government bonds have fallen: clearly, investors do not yet expect higher premiums for safe American assets. Whether disaster strikes depends on what exactly is driving the dollar down and on how policymakers react.



最糟糕的是阴影将进一步扩大。半个世纪以来,美元在货币中一直处于霸主地位。全球很大一部分贸易是以美元计价的。各国央行的大部分外汇储备也是美元,这对美国来说是个恩惠,使得它能够以更低的代价来发行债券。这种统治地位在过去曾经使美元摆脱了下滑,如20世纪70年代后期和20世纪80年代中期。 但是,现在有了欧元可供选择,人们担心会出现全球货币体系的突然变动,投资者会从一种货币迅速转向另一种货币。

