The Smart Parrot
Scientists have taught a parrot English. So what? This time, it seems, the bird not only says the words but also understands them. Alex, an African grey parrot residing atAmerica'sPurdue University inIndiana, hasavocabulary of about 40 words with which it identifies, requests andsometimes refusesmore than 50toys. It seemstomanipulatewordsasabstractsymbols - in other words, to use a primitive form of language.
In many birds, communication takes the form of simple, stereotypedsignals. Somebirds, likeparrots, are capableoflearninghugerepertoriesofphrasesby mimicking each other or other species. But, until now, there has been no evidence that any bird could make the big leap to associating one sound exclusively with one object or quality.
Alex can. Dr. Irene Pepperberg, his trainer, exploited the natural curiosity of the parrot to teach him to use the names of different toys. She did this with a technique known as model rival training. The trainer and an assistant play with the toys and ask each other questions about them. To join in, the parrot has to compete for the trainer's attention. The results were spectacular. Alex rapidly learnt to ask for certain objects, identifying them by wordsfor shape, colorandmaterial. Itwas askedto repeat words until it got them right and was then rewarded by being given the object to play with.
Invisible to Microwaves
Scientists can't yet make an invisibility cloak like the one that Harry Potter uses. But, for the first time, they've constructed a simple cloaking (1) d___that makes itself and something placed inside it invisible to microwaves.
Like (A) v___light, microwaves are a form of radiant energy. They are part of the electromagnetic (2) s___, which also includes radio waves, infrared light, ultraviolet rays, X rays, and gamma rays. The wavelengths of microwavesare (B) s___than those of radio waves, but longer than those of visible light.
The scientists'new "invisibility device" is the size of a drink coaster and shaped like a ring. The ring is made of a special (C) m___with unusual ability. When microwaves strike the ring, very few bounce off it. Instead, they pass through the ring, which bends the waves all the way around until they reach the opposite side. The waves then return to their original paths.
To a detector set up to receive microwaves on the other side of the ring, it looks asif thewavesnever changedtheir paths - asif therewereno (3)o___in the way! So, the ring is effectively invisible.
When the researchers put a small copper loop inside the ring, it, too, is nearly invisible. However, the cloaking device and anything inside it do cast a pale shadow. And the device worksonlyfor(D) m___, notfor visible light or any kind of electromagnetic (E) r___. So, Harry Potter's invisibility cloak doesn't have any real competition yet.(A,B,C,D,E FOR CROSS, 1,2,3 FOR DOWN. The first letters of the absents were given)
Funny Conjecture
The name, not necessarily respectively, of the brakeman, fireman, and engineer of a certain train are Smith, Jones and Robinson. The three passengers on the train who happen to have the same names - Smith, Jones, and Robinson - will be referred to hereafter as Mr. Smith, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Robinson to distinguish them from the employees.
We are informed that: 1. Mr. Robinson lives in Detroit. 2. Thebrakemanliveshalfway between Chicago and Detroit. 3. Mr. Jonesearnsexactly $20000ayear. 4.Smith beat the fireman at billiards. 5. The brakeman's next-door neighbor, one of the passengers, earns exactly three times as much as the brakeman. 6. The passenger who lives in Chicago has the same name as the brakeman.
1.we can conclude that the brakeman's next-door neighbor is ().
A. Mr. RobinsonB. Mr. Jones
C. the firemanD. Mr. Smith
2. The engineer's name is ().
3. Some of the original conditions must have been used in arriving at the above result. They are ().
A. 3,5 B. 1,2,5,6
C. 2,4,6D. All six of the conditions
1. A 2. C3. D
4. B 5. C
A. facesB. screens
C. differenceD. understand
E. subtract 1. monitor
2. animals3. either